After a while, the two of them went to school.

Kuina did not wait in the dojo, but came to the warship early...

A few minutes later, Garp widened his eyes and stared at the girl in front of him who was only a few years older than Ina, and slowly shifted his gaze to Ina...

At the same time, he sighed in his heart: When will Luffy and Ace have this ability, and they can take a girl back every time they go out...

Ina was embarrassed by Garp's teasing eyes, and she stroked her hair with her fingers, pretending to be calm, and hooked her palm, indicating that he should lean over and listen.

Seeing this, Karp squatted down carelessly, and Ina raised her feet and whispered in his ear: "Grandpa, this is my genius!"

Guina was attracted by the pink roundness on Ina's head and was stunned for a moment. When she came to her senses, she found that the two people were looking at her, and she bowed and said: "Hello!"

The words were so powerful that Karp couldn't help but look at him a few more times, and then nodded with satisfaction, his eyebrows and eyes were unusually kind, "Just follow Ina and call me grandpa!"


Obviously, Kuina had never called grandpa before, and her voice was a little stiff, but this did not affect Karp's impression in his heart...

Karp smiled when he heard the words, nodded with satisfaction again, turned his head and turned his eyes to Bogart who was stunned, his eyes quietly changed, "Go to..."

At this point, Karp's words seemed to be stuck in his throat, because he just thought of , I don't even know his name yet...

When Ina saw Garp in a daze, she understood what the silly old man meant. She turned her eyes to Kuina, and after obtaining her consent, she said, "Let Kuina live with me first!"

"Ah...ah...Okay, haha!" Garp scratched his head and laughed. The lively atmosphere on the boat made him forget the loneliness of being away from home for a while...

The voice stopped abruptly, and the space seemed to be still. Ina pursed her lips, and Garp also stopped talking in time...

Kuina, who was facing the shore, was stunned when she saw the expressions of the two people. At the same time, she had some guesses in her heart. Sadness came to her heart again, and tears were already rolling in her eyes.

Slowly looking back, many figures on the shore came into view, and in an instant, tears could not stop gushing out!

I saw the familiar faces on the shore, all smiling, and none of them were absent, wanting to leave the most beautiful impression of themselves in Kuina's mind!

Koshiro stood out behind them, his expression unchanged, still smiling, and he didn't say anything. His coming here alone explained everything!

When everyone saw Kuina turning around, they were even more excited, and they shouted one after another, with voices coming one after another!

"Senior sister! Come on!"

"Kuina! Come on!"


At the same time, the green-haired kid squeezed in from behind them. It was Zoro, with tears in his eyes, biting his lips tightly, trying not to let the tears fall!

His actions attracted everyone's attention. He held two wooden sticks tightly in his hands, with a white flag flying in the wind.

He inserted the wooden stick into the gap, pulled the other stick to slowly unfold the flag...

This flag was rushed and crudely made, and the writing on it was not dry yet, and the writing made everyone on the warship laugh!

"The world's greatest sword X must be mine!!"

The font size was sometimes large and sometimes small, and it was crooked. As for the X, it was obvious that he didn't know how to write it. He erased and erased it again and again...

When there were only three words left, he found that the previous corrections were too casual and he couldn't write anymore... He had to shrink "It's mine" to a very small size and write it at the bottom of the flag!

I can only say that Zoro is worthy of this. He made this farewell happy with his own strength...

Koshiro, who was behind everyone, walked forward slowly. Seeing this, everyone hurriedly made way.

Koshiro's eyes were wet. For Kuina, she left the home where she had been since she was born, but for Koshiro, how easy was it?

He took it from her arms, his face was gloomy, but his smile warmed Koshiro's life...

When he was learning to speak, he taught him to read and write, and his ears seemed to still echo with his father's intermittent words...

When he was learning to walk...

Little by little, step by step, as time passed... Then he sighed lightly, without any touching words...

He just made one move and raised the Wado Ichimonji in his hand high! Just like that, he threw it across the sea!

The Wado Ichimonji drew a beautiful arc in the air, and Kuina jumped high and took it in front of everyone. Holding the Wado Ichimonji tightly in her hand

, and finally couldn't help crying out loud!

Koshiro witnessed Kuina taking it, and the smile on his face became more genuine. Without any hesitation, he turned and left.

As for what the purpose of Koshiro's action was, it was unknown...

Time will not stand still, it will only show that it will sneak away in various forms, just like the ship at this time gradually disappearing in the eyes of everyone...

Zoro couldn't help crying after all, and Koshiro's voice sounded not far away, "Parting is for a better meeting!!"

Zoro sobbed and clenched the flag in his hand, staring at the line between the horizon and the sea...

In the eyes of Yu and Ina, the figures of the people were also gradually moving away...

Kuina squatted on the ground and cried loudly, feeling moved and sad... Ina raised her hand Putting her hands on her shoulders, she gently patted them, giving her a tiny bit of comfort...


Ina looked around the small room in front of her, lowered her eyes to look at the tight bandage on the back of her hand, and a trace of nostalgia flashed in her eyes...

Guina's eyes were red and swollen, and it was obvious that she had not completely recovered. She looked up and found that Ina's face was changing continuously, but she did not interrupt...

Instead, she slowly left the room, took a deep breath, put her hands on the railing, looked at the orderly navy soldiers on the splint, and a look of confusion flashed across her face...

Kapu appeared behind Kuina, intending to come to find Ina, but saw that she looked worried. Glancing at Wado Ichimonji who was on his back, he grinned, "What's wrong? Are you worried?"

Kuina was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, and suddenly realized something. She quickly came back to her senses, turned sideways and bowed, "Grandpa Garp..."

Garp waved his hand and didn't care. When he was about to speak, he was interrupted by Ina who came out of the house, "What's wrong, old man..."

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