The corners of Yina's mouth curled up, and she glanced at Ace, staring at his expression with interest, and laughed softly when she saw his surprised eyes.

The laughter brought him back to his senses, and his eyes dodged and happened to meet Yina's eyes. The teasing in Yina's eyes was completely reflected in Ace's eyes, making his face slightly red...

Yina turned her eyes to the wooden box, coughed lightly, straightened her expression, stopped teasing Ace, walked to the table, picked up the wooden box, bent down and gently placed it on the ground.

Then he straightened up and wanted to take the rag in the corner, but Ace stopped him with a look, took out the handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to him.

Ina looked surprised and glanced at Ace, wondering why Ace was so smart all of a sudden.

Ace felt a little uncomfortable with this look, and turned his eyes to the side with a pout, "It's for Luffy, he cries often..."

Ina nodded and raised her arm to take the handkerchief. After folding it repeatedly in the air, she gently wiped the wooden box that had been covered with dust for a long time. Because Ina's movements were gentle, there was no dust flying everywhere...

After a while, the wooden box was wiped clean...

Ace stared at the wooden box, his eyes green, as if he was a hungry wolf seeing meat. For Ace, this wooden box seemed to have become his inner demon. Whenever he saw it, there would always be a kitten scratching in his heart, prompting him to open it...

But this feeling disappeared after Ina left. At the same time, there was a red line in Ace's heart that could not be touched. Despite this, his curiosity did not diminish with the passage of time, but became more and more intense!

"Crack..." sounded, and the ordinary sound on weekdays exploded in Ace's ears at this time, and his eyes seemed to be filled with expectation...

Ina did not disappoint him. She raised her fingers to hold the upper end of the wooden box. In Ace's extremely nervous expression, the wooden box slowly opened...


Instantly, the items in it appeared in front of Ace, making him stunned for a moment, his body stiffened like petrified, cracks appeared on it, and the contrast filled Ace's heart!

Before the wooden box was opened, Ace had imagined countless times what was inside the wooden box, including treasures, hidden weapons, and even Ina's... But he had never thought that the items inside were so simple...

The photo album was lying quietly on one side of the box as before. Ina picked it up gently, and her delicate fingers gently turned it over along the edge. The smile on her lips changed quietly without her knowing when, and tenderness was revealed in it.

Gently opening the first page, Ace glanced over, and with just one glance, his eyes were fixed on it. His brows furrowed, and he couldn't help but think in his heart: Who is this...?

In the photo, a tall figure that didn't look like a human held Ina in his palm. The smile on his lips was the same arc as his crescent beard, which made his expression more kind...

And Ina was looking at him with curved eyebrows. At this moment, she looked like a real child!

His eyes did not stop, still scanning downwards. Suddenly, his expression froze for a moment... a flash of disbelief flashed across his brows... This is! ... A wretched pineapple...? !


The album was not thick, but the contents in it really opened Ace's eyes. When Ina closed the album, Ace's expression did not change, and his soul seemed to be still immersed in it.

After a moment, Ace came back to his senses and turned his eyes to Ina...

"What is this...?"

"Nothing, you will see them later!"

After saying that, he put the album aside. This action made the badges at the bottom of the wooden box appear. Ina glanced at Ace and whispered to him: "Before you go out to sea, you can choose one from these and take it away!"

After a slight pause, he added again: "But... I'm just lending it to you! I'll take it back later!"

Ace frowned slightly when he heard this, not knowing why Ina was so stingy. Of course, at this time, he did not know the meaning of these badges, nor did he know what they contained. How huge is the energy...

After nodding slightly, he turned his eyes to the window again, took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, feeling particularly relaxed, and his body seemed to be much lighter because of it. After that, there was no conversation all night...

The next morning

Luffy, who was still asleep, touched something tentatively with his little hand. When he noticed something, his body suddenly froze, his eyes opened instantly, and he hurriedly raised his head to look around the room...

After not seeing the figure he missed, tears were brewing in his eyes again. Ace, who was still standing in front of the window, noticed Luffy's emotional changes, walked up quickly, handed over the note in his hand, and spoke first, "Ina said that she went to give Sabo a

I am angry..."

Luffy was stunned for a moment, raised his hand to take the note, and carefully read the handwriting on it with tearful eyes. When he breathed a sigh of relief, tears fell down. Different from the tears just brewing, these tears were tears of joy...

At this time in the Goa Palace

Ina raised her eyes and scanned the luxurious entrance of the palace. The mountain-like garbage at the waste terminal emerged in her mind. A hint of sarcasm rose at the corner of her mouth, and she snorted lightly and walked forward...

Ina had obviously been here for a long time. The guards on both sides had noticed her figure long ago. When they saw Ina walking forward, they looked around and saw that there was no one around, so they left their posts and squatted in front of Ina, persuading her in a soft voice, "Little girl, go back quickly, this is not the place you should come to! "

The words were not harsh, just the persuasion of kind-hearted people. After all, they have been guards for a long time and have heard of the unique habits of nobles...

Ina heard the words, and surprise flashed in her eyes. She thought that this country was already full of sick people, but she didn't expect that there were normal people... She raised her eyes slightly, stared at the guard with a smile on his mouth, sighed lightly, and did not hurt the two of them. The figure disappeared in an instant. Not long after, a humming sound came from the corner...

Ina stood in front of the entrance again. No one stopped her at this time. She walked through the corridor and headed straight to the center of the palace.

There were also many figures in the corridor. Seeing Ina's eyes flashed with surprise. Ina was dressed simply without any decorations. She didn't look like a noble.

But they had been in the palace for a long time, so they could tell that the material of Ina's clothes was very good, so they didn't dare to stop her...

After a while, Ina appeared at the entrance of the meeting hall. As luck would have it, a meeting was going on there. Then, Ina raised her feet under the horrified eyes of others...

A maid behind her saw Ina's action and looked panicked. She glanced at Ina with worry and ran forward to grab Ina, but... it was too late!

"Boom! ! "

The heavy wooden door disappeared with smoke and dust, turning into sawdust flying all over the sky, showing the beauty of the moment, and the girl who wanted to grab Ina just now was blown away by the sky wave, and was not hurt, but just fainted in the corridor...

Such a loud noise made many ministers in the meeting hall shudder, and they quickly raised their eyes and glanced at the entrance. Under the confused eyes of everyone, a thin figure stood at the wooden door just now, and was walking forward...

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