After that, he turned around and prepared to go to the coast. Weibul was excited and took out the long-lost naginata from the tree hole and followed his pace with big strides...

The jungle was not big, and it took only a few moves to reach the coast.

Weibul followed closely behind him, came to the coast and looked around. When he saw that there was no boat, he looked puzzled...

At this time, Ina closed her eyes, and under her stunned eyes, the flames covered Ina!

In an instant, the flames behind her rose, and the wings rose again! The flames covered Ina's body, and the transformation was completed in an instant!

Due to Weeble's huge body, he did not take the form of an orc, but turned into a beast!

When the beast form appeared, Ina was overjoyed. She suddenly discovered that the Garuda fruit had one more ability than the ordinary fantasy beast species, which could control the size of the beast form! This was really an unexpected surprise.

The flames gradually dissipated, but some of the flames remained, and Ina's beast form gradually appeared in front of Weeble!

The whole body was wrapped in golden auspicious clouds, and the flames were retracted in it at some point, turning into flowing clouds and spreading in front of him!

The feathers around his body were shining with golden light under the sunlight, but when it came to his tail feathers, there was a change, and the azure feathers were extremely conspicuous!

But Weeble obviously didn't care so much, his eyes were full of light, and the desire in his eyes was revealed in his face. This time, he could finally get close to Ina openly! !

"Come here!"

Ina's voice reached Weevil's ears, and Weevil walked forward very obediently. As soon as she approached, Ina's face changed instantly!

Raising her wings to cover the tip of her nose, she showed disgust, controlled her body to step back several steps in succession, and stared at the big fool in front of her in disbelief!

"How long have you not taken a shower?!"

Weevil was stunned when he heard this, "Take a shower... What is a shower...?"

Ina's expression froze, raised her wings and patted her forehead, the flames flowed again, turned into a human form, and stared at Weevil with a dark face.

"Follow me!"

Weevil followed Ina obediently and disappeared into the jungle...

After a while, Ina raised her eyes and stared at Weevil, who was wet all over, and nodded solemnly, so be it!

Resigned to his fate, he closed his eyes, and the flames rose again, transforming into the same body as before...

"Come up!"

Immediately, Weeble smiled and jumped up!

When Yu Ina was completely unprepared, Weeble's 6.8-meter-tall body crashed down on her back!


A loud bang and a muffled groan followed, and Ina fell to the ground with a bang! !

Ina's head was full of black lines, and flames rose around her. She took a deep breath and suppressed her anger! Don't bother with this three-year-old child...

The wings supported the ground, and she stood up with difficulty, flapped her wings! Transformed into a stream of red light! Disappeared into the horizon!

Because Ina was carrying Weeble on her back, her speed was a little slower than before, but it was still not slow. It didn't take long for her to reach the Red Earth Continent!

Ina had foresight, and in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, she took the lead in flying to an altitude of 10,000 meters!

In a cloud of mist, Ina passed through the Red Earth Continent silently and appeared in the new world!

Ina lowered her eyes, staring at the navigation pointer hanging on her chest first, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, slowly descended, and appeared on the sea again!

Gradually, a white whale ship appeared in front of her... Ina was full of confusion, is it such a coincidence...?

Weevil seemed to have noticed the stiffness of Ina's body, and couldn't help but look puzzled, and asked naively: "What's wrong, Ina?"

Ina pondered for a moment, "Don't call me by my name first, just call me sister for now!"

Weevil's expression also changed with Ina's words, and he looked excited, "Okay, sister!" After all, for Weevil, nothing is more exciting than Ina admitting that she is her sister!

Ina stared at the Moby Dick sailing on the sea, and there was a long-lost excitement in her eyes, and her body dropped again and again!

At this time, everyone on the Moby Dick also noticed the golden-winged roc flying in the sky!

With a vigilant look on his face, Marco jumped up, and with the burning of blue flames, he turned into a blue phoenix in the air and rushed straight towards Ina!

Ina smiled at the corner of her mouth, raised her wings and flapped them violently, and a storm suddenly arose, mixed with red-gold flames all over the sky, attacking Marco who was confused!

Marco didn't pay attention to Ina's actions anymore, his eyes widened, and his body instinctively told him that the danger in the storm was beyond his imagination!

The wings seemed to be broken when flapping. In the face of all kinds of dangers, he was not swept into the storm and passed by it!

Marco gasped and waved his wings in the air, his face solemn, but he could do nothing.

The storm just now can only be offset by corresponding attacks. There are only a handful of people who can withstand this storm in this sea!

And in terms of ability, it seems that the sky restrains him. After all, his ability tends to be auxiliary...

"Marco, come back!"

On the Moby Dick below, Whitebeard also saw the corresponding disadvantages of Marco and asked him to come down.

Then he turned his eyes to the big roc facing Marco.

In terms of the power just now, except for himself, no one on this ship can resist this strange big bird!

Frowning slightly, "Who are you? Did Kaido send you?"

Ina ignored him, but turned around and followed Marco to the deck. Under his surprised eyes, he gradually turned into an orc!

"Little boy, you are so brave!!" Whitebeard smiled. Judging from his life perception, the age of this birdman is not very old, and he has not even reached his peak yet!

For a moment, he ignored the Weeble on his body and stared at the birdman in front of him with admiration. After a moment, he laughed out loud, "Gulala, go back and tell Kaido that kid, I will help my son get back his place and leave!!"

Ina did not say anything. At the same time, a huge pirate ship appeared on the sea in the distance!

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