The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Ben Beckman appeared behind Ina at some point, and after seeing that he was talking happily with Shanks, he stepped forward.

He took out his lighter with a smile and lit a cigarette.

"Ina, long time no see!"

Ina looked back, with a smile on her face, and said softly, "Long time no see, Brother Beckman!"

As soon as these words came out, Shanks' face changed.

With a frown on his face, he said, "Ina, is it really okay for you to treat me differently like this?!"

When Beckman saw his captain in such an embarrassing state, he laughed, "Haha, Shanks, you have come to this day too!"

At the same time, at the top of Onigashima in Wano Country

Kaido felt the power in his body was much stronger than before, gritted his teeth, and held the mace to show his might against the pile of stones!

There was a movement behind him, which made him look back. It was the art disaster (epidemic disaster) Quinn!

When Quinn saw Kaido turn his head, he said, "Lord Kaido, the scapegoat you ordered to chase has appeared in the Whitebeard Sea! Shall we go and chase him?"


Kaido lowered his head, and the devastating blow of the birdman appeared in his mind again! His body couldn't help but tremble!

When Quinn saw Kaido's appearance, his body froze.

Then he quickly moved backwards. Although his body was huge, his speed was not slow, and he did not make any sound. He was really a flexible fat man!

Because his attention was completely on Kaido, he did not notice that there was a figure behind him...


The two huge bodies collided here, and the sound made Kaido wake up, looking back at his two fools...

Quinn was almost scared and rode on Jack on the spot...

That's right, the person who came was Jack, one of the three disasters of the Beast Pirates!

Jack looked surprised and glanced at Quinn. He didn't know why he was like this, but he didn't care. After all, he came here for an important matter!

"Lord Kaido, the person you are waiting for has arrived!"

Kaido stopped and slowly put the mace behind his back, "Okay, I got it!"

Looking back again, he looked at Quinn who had not escaped Kaido's sight, and said softly: "Ignore him for now!"

After that, he set off for the reception room...

It didn't take long for Kaido to arrive at his destination alone!

Looking up at the conference room, there were three figures, with different clothes, but the only feature was that the main color was white!

"Why are you looking for me?"

Kaido spoke first, his eyes fixed on the three figures, his expression flickering slightly, wondering why they were looking for him...

The person sitting in the center wore a white fox mask with a distinctive red pattern on the top of the mask...

The person on the left, judging from her height and body shape, should be a girl, wearing a half-covered pure white cat face mask...

And on the right, the person is very tall, wearing a dog-like mask, with three whiskers on the mouth...

Kaido was very disdainful of this, they were all a group of guys who hid their heads and showed their tails!

And the act of wearing a mask reminded him of the only birdman who had hurt him since Oden!

Although he was disgusted, he did not get angry, after all, he did not provoke him, and many future cooperations in Wano Country would still require their participation!

Among them, the fox mask sitting in the center looked up at Kaido's chest, and there was indeed a very deep and brightly colored bloodstain on it...

If this injury was on someone else, Ina would have just been injured not long ago, but if it was on Kaido, it was somewhat beyond common sense...

But... this matter is known to everyone on the sea. Thinking of this, the fox mask sighed, staring at Kaido's figure with a slightly inquiring look in his eyes...

There is no doubt that this is doubting Kaido's reliability...

Kaido also understood the meaning, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the wild aura followed his eyes up and down, oppressing these three On people...

"What does your look mean?!"

The three of them seemed to have heard nothing, and nodded slightly to change the subject, "Have you heard of Red-Haired Shanks? The guy who has recently become famous in the New World?!"

Kaido frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and slowly loosened his fist and said, "I heard that there was a kid on Roger's ship..."

Then he paused for a moment, and his words were full of sarcasm, "Why, the dogs of the Celestial Dragons are also starting to interfere in the New World?!"

The cat-faced girl beside him was obviously provoked by him. She pursed her lips and her voice contained a difficult

With suppressed anger, "What did you say?!"

Although before this, the fox mask had warned her to restrain her temper!

But for her, the CP that she had just entered with great difficulty must not be easily ridiculed!

Kaido chuckled, and mockery appeared on his face, "Little devil! Do you think you are that birdman?! How dare you talk to me like that!"

After saying that, the domineering color came down with a bang, accompanied by the oppressive dark red lightning, and hit the girl!

The fox mask chuckled, slowly raised his arm, and gently stroked the space. The domineering color quietly dissipated, which made Kaido stunned for a moment.

He slowly dispersed his aura, snorted coldly, and waited for his next words...

"No, you just need to know that the World Government wants to wipe him out!"

"After all, you don't want the entire New World to be snatched away by an unknown newcomer!"

Kaido's eyes flickered, and he snorted softly, and he refused without thinking...

At this time, the man's next words came again!

"In exchange, we will not interfere with your affairs with Tian Yasha, and we will also purchase ten years of seastone at one time!"

The fox mask raised a determined smile at the corner of his mouth, "Wano Country should need this money to save it now!"

Kaido's face changed quietly, holding the mace tightly, accompanied by a raging anger, resisting the urge to go and kill Orochi...

Then he snorted coldly, thinking in his heart: If Yamato was not young, would I let that waste be a general?

"Besides, you should need something like this to re-establish your reputation at this moment!"


At the same time, a voice suddenly came, causing the fox mask to pause for a moment...

Everyone looked sideways, and a voice came from outside the door...


"Report! Lord Kaido, BIG·MOM called!"

As soon as these words came out, the people in front of him were stunned for a moment...

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