At this time on Cake Island.

Big Mom was happily eating cake and singing in the Cake Island Castle.

Today was the day when Caesar came to marry her daughter. When her daughter successfully married Caesar, Caesar would become her son-in-law.

With such a close relationship between them, it was equivalent to the two pirate groups forming a complete alliance.

At that time, even Roger, Golden Lion, and Whitebeard, the three legendary pirates, would not be able to defeat the two of them.

At that time, she was expected to become the same as Rocks.

However, Big Mom’s idea was probably going to fail. Caesar would never be able to make a real play with Big Mom.

How could Big Mom, who wasted her talent and went astray, be compared with Rocks?

Although Rocks failed to use interests to form a bond between crew members, it was more reliable than Big Mom’s attempt to use blood ties to form a bond. She didn’t even think about what kind of person he was.

In another room of the Cake Island Castle, Katakuri smiled at his three sisters. Although the torn corners of his mouth made him look a little hideous, many brothers and sisters looked at him with respect.

In the room where Katakuri was, almost all the brothers and sisters of the Charlotte family were here, more than 50 members.

Unlike the ferocious image in the eyes of ordinary people, the brothers and sisters in the Charlotte family are still very loving.

This time, it was a big deal for them that their three relatives were married together.

Fortunately, with Katakuri’s guarantee, many brothers and sisters were relieved.

As the most authoritative person in the Charlotte family, Katakuri is deeply loved by his brothers and sisters. This love does not come from strength but from his behavior of protecting his brothers and sisters.

For such a big brother who loves them deeply, how can they not respect him?

“Brother, if my sister can really be happy in the hands of Caesar, it will be a relief for them.”

Many brothers and sisters nodded and agreed with Cracker’s statement.

Even though they openly called Auntie “Mom”, they never really recognized each other as their mother.

Compared to a mother, she is more like a queen, and her children are like her subjects. They are like a monarch and a subject. Auntie can even be called a tyrant.

“If Caesar dares to abuse you, you can tell us with Den Den Mushi, and then we must bring all our brothers and sisters to support you.”

Although they all know that they are not much different from ants in front of Caesar, they do have such determination, even if they pay the price of their lives for it.

The three newlywed sisters are all wearing neat wedding dresses, but the wedding dresses have a different flavor on them.

The 17-year-old Castard has a curvy figure. The violet shawl long hair wears a white wedding dress, like a graceful princess with a bit of dignified taste.

Although Smoothie, who is only seven years old now, is taller than her sister, she still looks very immature.

But the delicate face already has a face of future beauty and the long legs add a lot of points to it, and it looks no different from an ordinary girl.

As for the last Garrett, she was wearing a white wedding dress, but it looked a little abrupt, after all, she was only four years old.

But there was no way, because she was one of the few people in the Charlotte family that Caesar thought looked good.

For other people, Caesar was not very interested.

Although this marriage was just a transaction, Caesar didn’t want his wife to be ugly and make him a face dog.

Just when the lights were lit on Cake Island, ready to welcome Caesar to come and pick up the bride.

At this time, a battle was about to hit Caesar in the Totland Sea nearly a hundred miles away.

At this time, Caesar stood on the bow with his eyes closed, and was using the color of observation to perceive the abnormal situation nearby.

Suddenly, a subtle color of observation was captured by him, and its source was… the sky! Yes, it was the sky!

Caesar confirmed that it was not his perception that was wrong. Now his observation Haki has improved a lot compared to before. Just now, he did have a feeling of being spied on.

After checking, the observation Haki also sensed that very hidden observation Haki, which means that he has been targeted now.

And this observation Haki is definitely not Katakuri’s observation Haki.

“Be alert and prepare for battle.”

With Caesar’s order, everyone waiting on the ship also stood up and moved.

For this battle, Caesar had already explained the situation to everyone.The situation was that Caesar had expected a big battle.

This time, their Caesar Pirates brought most of the strong men in their pirate group.

They were not inferior to anyone in this battle. Caesar and his team were dozens of miles away. As the canvas disappeared, a large number of navy and world government warships appeared. There were dozens of them.

But the strange thing was that these warships were divided into two groups, one heading towards Caesar and his team, and the other heading towards the Totland Sea.

The lookout on Caesar’s ship also discovered the situation at this time and told him the strange scene he saw.

Caesar was not surprised by this. He just didn’t expect that the World Government and the Navy would shed so much blood and wanted to attack two big pirates at the same time.

Caesar was not in a hurry to engage in a boarding battle with the other side, but picked up a Den Den Mushi and called.

As the call was connected, a big face with cream on his face appeared on the Den Den Mushi in front of Caesar. It was the aunt who was happily eating cake in the Cake Island Castle at this time.

“Hey, isn’t this my good son-in-law? What’s wrong? Caesar, what do you want to talk to me about at this time? Can’t wait to talk to your wives?”

Ignoring the teasing tone of the aunt, Caesar spoke.

“Auntie, there is bad news. The World Government and the Navy have taken action. Dozens of warships are heading towards you now.”

“I also have to deal with dozens of warships here. This time you can only rely on yourself.”

Before the aunt said anything else, Caesar hung up the Den Den Mushi.

At this time, the Den Den Mushi in the aunt’s hand fell to the ground with a click.

Looking at the cake on the table in front of her, which was like a small mountain, the aunt pushed it down angrily.

“Damn Navy and World Government, you dare to disturb my elegance!”


Katakuri, who was tidying up the clothes for his sisters at this time, heard the call of the aunt and hurriedly left the room and came to the aunt.

“What’s wrong? What happened to mom?”

Katakuri looked at the cake that was pushed to the ground by Big Mom with a look of shock on his face.

What happened to make his mother so angry that she destroyed her cake in anger?

This was the first time he saw his mother so angry.

“Katakuri, go and gather the troops for me quickly. The World Government and the Navy have launched an attack on our Wan Guo. They don’t want to see us marry Caesar and his men.”

“Gather the troops for me. I want to keep them here forever.”

Big Mom had a grim smile on her face. This time she wanted to let the navy see her anger.

“Yes, mom, I’ll go right away.”

Katakuri was also shocked when he heard the news. He didn’t expect the World Government and the Navy to act together at this time.

He thought that the Navy might interfere with the marriage, but he didn’t expect that the other party would be so determined to destroy their two pirate groups together.

However, he had no time to be shocked by the other party’s thoughts. Now he had to quickly gather the members of the pirate group to resist the joint efforts of the World Government and the Navy.

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