Collier put her consciousness under the grave in front of her, constantly sensing the soul under the grave.

The soul is definitely a very mysterious thing, and there are very few people who can manipulate the soul in the world of One Piece.

And the puppet fruit is one of them.

And Collier’s purpose is also very clear at this time, it is the giant hero who once defeated Honglian.

As the race with the highest per capita combat power in the world of One Piece, the giants have extraordinary power.

According to Honglian, the giant who suppressed her in the mountain at that time was not weaker than her, but it was not so easy to suppress her.

In the end, the other party used the secret method at the cost of his life, forcibly increased his combat power and imprisoned her with chains.

It was this reason that caused the other party to die after the war, and what Collier had to do was to awaken the existence sleeping under the grave.

Make this legendary giant hero into his puppet, and not a simple puppet, but a natal puppet.

The natal puppet refers to the soul of the other party, which can only be done with the consent of the other party’s soul.

This is the case with Collier’s father, Lasor, and this kind of puppet can also grow. The stronger the puppet is, the stronger the combat power of Collier will be in the future.

With Collier’s continuous efforts, the soul body sleeping under the earth also fluctuated slightly.

Collier’s consciousness was connected to this soul body. At this time, a middle-aged man with a height of more than 20 meters and a strong body appeared in front of Collier.

The giant looked at the little guy in front of him with a hint of interest in his eyes.

“Are you the one who woke me up? The ability user of the puppet fruit.”

The huge giant’s mouth uttered a voice like a bell with a strong sense of oppression.

“Since you know that I am the ability user of the puppet fruit, you should be able to guess the purpose of my coming this time.”

The giant nodded to show that he knew.

“Then I don’t know if you are willing to return to this land, Mr. Giant?”

A trace of confusion appeared in the giant’s eyes.

“The Giant Kingdom, is it destroyed?”

The giant suddenly asked this question, and Keril nodded and gave the other party an answer. Looking at Keril’s answer, the giant exhaled deeply.

“Did we lose?”

The giant in front of him definitely knew some very secret things. Since the other party was the hero nominated by Joy Boy himself, it proved that the other party’s status was not low, and he had a certain relationship with Joy Boy.

“The last question is, what is the so-called Twenty Kings Alliance like now?”

Twenty Kings Alliance?

Keril tilted her head, and a big question mark appeared in her mind, and then she remembered something.

Gurewa once told him that the current world government was established by 20 kings, and their descendants are the current Celestial Dragons.

“They are now the rulers of the world, called Celestial Dragons.”

“Celestial Dragons.”

There was a hint of sarcasm in the giant’s eyes.

“I promised you. I hope you can restore my strength to my previous life as soon as possible. But I promised you, and I hope I can take revenge on the World Government in the future.”

Claire nodded without hesitation and agreed to the other party.

She could still agree to this request, after all, they were now the party against the World Government.

Seeing that the little girl in front of him agreed to his request, the giant also let go of his mind and took the initiative to connect with Claire’s spirit.

After accepting the giant’s soul body, Claire’s puppet fruit actually had a sign of a breakthrough.

At this time, Caesar was sitting on the grass in front of the tombstone, counting the grass on the ground boredly.

Suddenly, Claire, who was sitting on his shoulder, opened her eyes, and then the whole cemetery began to tremble violently.

Caesar understood that Claire succeeded this time.

The ground in front of him kept shaking, and cracks began to appear on the ground. First, a huge arm stretched out from the grave.

Then a giant with a body size of more than 20 meters crawled out of the grave and stood on this world again.

The giant in front of him is taller than Kobitoli and Broki, about 25 meters. Although he has been around for nearly a thousand years, his body is still intact.

This is because the giant’s physique is too strong, and even time cannot easily destroy it.

The giant in front of him wears bronze armor on his lower body, and his upper body is naked, revealing his strong muscles.

His eyes are replaced by green flames, and he holds a huge sword in his hand.

The quality of the sword looks very high, flashing black lightIt was a black knife.

This giant is very powerful.

Kerriel opened her eyes tiredly and looked at the giant in front of her with a satisfied look on her face.

Although she could not use this puppet to its full potential, the opponent’s current strength was enough to defeat Dongli and Broki.

However, it was a bit troublesome to bring such a big giant on board.

Alas, I may need to find a suitable devil fruit user to help me store these things in the future.

The future Jiancheng Fruit is very good, and the Menmen Fruit is even more suitable, but these devil fruits with storage ability are still very rare.

Caesar plans to ask the black market after going to the next island to see if there are any suitable devil fruits to buy at a high price.

Caesar is really not short of money at the moment, and the gold and silver treasures on his ship have long been out of space.

Kerriel controlled the giant and Caesar to return to the Devil together.

Honglian, who was resting on the Devil at this time, saw the familiar giant with a vigilant look on his face.

“How is it possible? How is this guy still alive?”

Honglian was relieved after Caesar explained it to her.

Honglian felt the most deeply about this giant legend. She was almost killed in the battle that year. Although the other party died in the end, his power made Honglian very afraid.

As for how to arrange this body? Dongli and Broki took care of it.

They still respected the heroes of their family very much, and immediately made a huge coffin for their predecessors so that they would not be exposed.

Caesar looked at the increasingly crowded Demon, with a distressed look on his face. Caesar felt that it was time for him to build a fleet.

“Then we have to leave this dead sea area next. I wonder if the Five Elders are already impatient to wait.”

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