This is…… System?

After Luo Xing was stunned, he was overjoyed in his heart.

Three years, three years, the system finally awakened!

He never expected that the opening conditions of the system would actually stay in this world for three years.

If he was unfortunately killed in these three years, wouldn’t he never be able to turn on the system?

Luo Xing couldn’t help but feel lucky.

Fortunately, he has been very low-key in the past three years, secretly cultivating with Yamato, and has never been a good bird.

Luo Xing temporarily put Yamato’s medical services behind and devoted himself to studying the newly awakened system.

The voice of the system just said that he received moderate damage and had +10 defense, could it be that this is a system with added defense?

And the value of the added defense power is related to the degree of damage he receives?

Luo Xing asked this question with his mind and was affirmed by the system.

“Yes host, increase the corresponding defense value according to the damage level.”

“There are four levels of damage, which are minor, moderate, serious and fatal.”

“Minor damage plus defense points are within 5, moderate damage is 10 to 15, severe damage is 50 to 100, and fatal damage is 1000.”

Add 1000 directly, how fierce the defense should be!

But seeing that it was a death injury, Luo Xing’s heart suddenly cooled.

This is all dead, why do you need defense?

Is this system sick?

The system’s voice continued:

“It should be noted that the death injury does not require the death of the host, but the degree of damage has reached an inestimable magnitude, which may cause the host to be on the verge of death.”

Luo Xing was speechless for a while.

What is the difference between near-death and death, even if you add more defense points to such damage, he definitely does not want it.

“The defense obtained by the host is an all-round defense, that is, not only the epidermis, but also the body.”

“Except for limb fracture and direct death, any other injuries of the host can be quickly recovered by simply supplementing enough food energy.”

[Note: The damage received needs to come from external forces, self-harm is not counted]

Luo Xing’s eyes are getting brighter and brighter, and the function of the system is too against the sky!

The added defense actually includes both inside and outside the body!

You know, there is no shortage of strong people with high defense in the pirate world, typical is his current boss Hundred Beast Kaido, with unimaginable defensive power.

But Kaido also has weaknesses, and that is internal.

As long as you learn the advanced use of armed color domineering, or have an attack that directly targets the body like the surgical fruit, then you can hurt Kaido.

The defense added by the system includes inside and outside, which means that Luo Xing is a real defense without dead ends.

As long as you add enough defense points, no one can hurt him!

In addition, the second function of the system is to recover from injuries by eating.

This made Luo Xing can’t help but think, as long as he is constantly injured and injured in the future, and then eat, sooner or later, his defense power will reach a terrifying level, and even surpassing Kaido may not be!

Hehe, by then, Luo Xing will be truly safe and worry-free in this pirate world.

After figuring out the system function, Luo Xing found the system panel again and opened it.

Extremely simple, only a few lines.

[Host: Luo Xing] [

Age: 20]

[Defense; 20]

Luo Xing’s mind turned.

His current defense is 20, and he has just added 10 points, indicating that his original defense is 10.

Luo Xing did not have a special physique, nor did he eat the Devil Fruit.

But in the past three years of cultivation, his physique has also increased a lot.

That is to say, the defense power of the average normal person will be below 10 or even below 5.

In fact, even if it is a very strong person, the physical defense may be very low, after all, the strong people in the pirate world are accustomed to using armed colors, and there are not many people who can physically resist the sword.

Except for those with Devil Fruit abilities or people with special physiques.

And what is their defense?

Luo Xing was very curious.

Soon he discovered that the system had the ability to check the value of other people’s defenses.

Luo Xing didn’t say a word, and immediately looked at Yamato.

Yamato was crouching and bandaging his chest.

In Luo Xing’s eyes, Yamato’s defense value is displayed as: 20,000.

Luo Xing was shocked on the spot and smacked his tongue.

Twenty thousand, a thousand times more than his.

Sure enough, he deserved to inherit Kaido’s physique, and at the same time ate the demon fruit of the phantom beast species, this defense power can be called perverted, and it is the top batch of sea defense.

Of course, Yamato’s defense refers more to the comprehensive ability to bear injuries, unlike Luo Xing, which is pure epidermal and visceral hardness, and all parts are equivalent.

“What are you looking at?”

Yamato asked suddenly.

Following Luo Xing’s gaze and looking down, he found that his neckline was very large.

Yamato quickly tightened his clothes, and said with a hint of annoyance in his tone:

“It’s hurt like this, and there are thoughts on the side!”

Luo Xing felt slightly embarrassed, and immediately played with the taste:

“Yamato, didn’t you say that you are a man, what is there to avoid between men?”


Yamato Apricot glared angrily.

She does think that she is a man, Mitsuki Ota, but after staying with Luo Xing for a long time, her concept has changed a little.

At least from Luo Xing’s gaze, she could already vaguely perceive that it was men’s liking for women.

Looking at Yamato’s annoyed look, Luo Xing smiled.

“No kidding, Yamato.”

Luo Xing pressed his hands to the ground, supported his body, and stood up.

Yamato exclaimed, “Don’t move, I haven’t bandaged it yet.”

Luo Xing shook his head: “No need to bandage, this little injury is not enough.”

It really doesn’t matter, Luo Xing’s cultivation in the past three years is not covered, and when he is often injured, he has long been used to it.

“Come on, let’s keep talking.”

Yamato had a skeptical look in his eyes: “Can you really?”

Luo Xing smiled slightly: “How can a man say no?”

Yamato didn’t talk nonsense, lifted the mace, and attacked Luo Xing again. However, the

power of the big control this time is very small, obviously afraid of hurting Luo Xing again.

But Luo Xing was quite dissatisfied with this.

How can he add some defense without injury?

“Yamato, haven’t you eaten enough, how is your strength getting smaller and smaller!”

Luo Xing deliberately stimulated.

Sure enough, Yamato was provoked, increased his strength, and swung his mace.

Luo Xing deliberately did not block it, and the mace hit his right arm.

Hiss, it hurts~

[The host is slightly damaged, defense +3]

Ha, it’s so cool!

Luo Xing licked his lips, and his heart was full of excitement.

If it had been before, Yamato’s mace, his injury would have been moderate, but now it was only minor.

The effect of increased defense is obvious.

This kind of immediate result was something that Luo Xing could not catch up with after half a year of cultivation, which made Luo Xing unable to stop for a while.

“Yamato, come again, hit me!”

Yamato was blinded, and his beautiful eyes were wide open.

“You… Are you crazy?

Yamato really wondered if Luo Xing’s brain was confused by her.

“I’m sober, very sober!”

Luo Xing’s expression was unprecedentedly serious, and he said almost word by word:

“Yamato, you also know that the weak in this world have no right to speak! I want to be strong, I have to be strong! Both for myself and for you!

Yamato was stunned.

In order to…… I?

Two red clouds can’t help but appear on his pretty face, what nonsense is this guy talking about!

Yamato Shell bit his lower lip lightly and said,

“Since you are so conscious, then I will not be polite next.”


A powerful momentum burst out of arrogance and body.

Her mace turned even darker, which was the cover of armed domineering!

Yamato’s feet slammed on the ground, his figure was like a female leopard, extremely fast, and rushed towards Luo Xing.

The knife in Luo Xing’s hand also turned black.

After cultivating with Yamato for three years, of course, he had already mastered the color of armament and the color of sight.

In fact, his strength is not only the squad leader, but he just doesn’t want to be the first bird so he doesn’t go further.

There are too many examples in the pirate world that show that the physical skin defense is not linked to strength, most of the strong are far more offensive than defense, Luo Xing is like this, in terms of strength, he is at least a supernova level two years ago.

Luo Xing and Yamato Blink fought together. The

voice of the brain system did not stop.

[Host takes moderate damage, defense +15.] 】

[The host takes minor damage, and the defense is +5.]

【Host takes moderate damage, defense +12.] 】


After a big battle, Luo Xing’s defense power value directly soared to one hundred and fifty!

Correspondingly, his body can be said to be covered in scaly wounds.

Yamato looked a little distressed, and at the same time secretly shocked in his heart.

Because she found that every time Luo Xing was injured, the next time she wanted to be injured again, she would have to use stronger strength.

It’s just incredible!

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