“Why didn’t Lord Luo Xing rescue that poor mother and daughter?”

Speed ran over with four horses’ hooves.

After all, she is a woman, and she is relatively kind compared to the people in the Hundred Beast Group.

Luo Xing’s face was expressionless, and he responded coldly: “Rescue? Why should I come to the rescue, do you think I am some kind of good person?

Speed shook his body, lowered his head, and did not dare to look at Luo Xing again, but his eyes were full of confusion.

Since Lord Luo Xing didn’t want to save the mother and daughter, why did he stop the man just now with his eyes, and even sat and watched Billy kill the man?

Speed couldn’t figure it out, only felt that Lord Luo Xing was unfathomable, far from what she was qualified to figure out.

Luo Xing had no intention of explaining to anyone that the tragedy in this world could not be solved by saving one or two people.

In the era of sea thieves, there were countless scenes like that.

Luo Xing is not a saint, nor does Yamato want to be Joey Boi like Yamato.

He just wants to become stronger, first ensure his own safety, and then gradually realize his ambitions.

The purpose of promoting the generals of Yamato and reforming the status quo of the country of peace is to ensure the stability of the basic plate.

Otherwise, if someone attacks the country of Wano from the outside, coupled with internal instability and turmoil in the country of Wa, or even cooperation with the outside world, then the situation will easily get out of control.

Just like the connection between the Chixiao Nine Heroes and the Straw Hat gang in the original work, it immediately set off a spark in Hezhi Country, destroying the efforts of the Hundred Beasts Regiment for decades.

Luo Xing would never allow such a thing to happen.

Moreover, if you manage the territory of Wano Country well, you can recruit troops from here in the future and increase the number of subordinates and troops.

Wano Country has a samurai tradition, and there are many potential talents among the civilians, and it will be a very good combat power to cultivate.

You need to know that the current strength of more than 30,000 troops of the Hundred Beasts Regiment is far from enough compared to the navy, let alone compared with the world government.

In this regard, Luo Xing believes that Teacher Kai is too far-sighted, just making weapons but not enough troops, in the end it is still useless.

All in all, it is necessary to improve the situation in the country of Wano.

With his heart planning, as soon as he entered the Flower Capital Realm, a group of heavily armed and imposing guards rushed up.

Luo Xing collected his thoughts and sat on the back of the mighty lion swaggeringly, without meaning to go down.

The chief of the guard was a fierce-looking man wearing a katana with slender eyes and a large gray-green bun on his head.

His expression was proud, seeing that Luo Xing did not come down, he did not jump off the horse, and only said to Luo Xing slightly:

“This is the new Lord Luo Xing, the deputy chief of Jiuli, the captain of the guard of the Great Snake General.”

Mad Death?

Luo Xing sneered in his heart, and his person was clearly Mitsuki Oda’s retainer and Denjiro, one of the Nine Heroes of Chixiao.

In a state of extreme grief and indignation due to the death of Ota, he actually changed his appearance and became what he is now.

Luo Xing said quietly, “I brought all the food, please accept it.”

Denjiro went to look at the convoy, glanced at it a few times, and his face suddenly changed suddenly: “How can there be only these, it seems to be only half of the past?”

Luo Xing said slowly, “The other half was snatched by the Jiutian Pill of the Toushan Thieves’ Group.

Denjiro, who had planned to pursue it to the end, immediately closed his mouth when he heard this.

Jiu Tianmaru, who is the former partner of the Chixiao Nine Heroes with him. Since it was

Jiutenmaru who robbed it, how could he Denjiro pursue it, it was too late to be happy.

Denjiro pretended to be angry and said, “Abominable thieves, General Snake will not let them go!”

The convoy was taken over by the guards led by Denjiro, and Luo Xing led his subordinates into the capital of flowers.

As the most central and prosperous capital of Wano Country, the people living here are basically rich and powerful aristocrats.

The people on the streets were not as ragged as in other areas, nor were they hungry and thin. Of course, there are

beggars, but there are not many of them, in short, the living conditions are a hundred times better than in other places.

There are also various entertainment venues such as fun fields, casinos, mixed baths, and especially geisha, which is unique to Wano Country.

Luo Xing came all the way to the General’s Mansion.

The black charcoal big snake is a fool who does not know the height of the sky, thinking that he can be on an equal footing with Kaido, of course, he will not come out to meet Luo Xing, this little flying sextine.

He was waiting for Luo Xing in the palatial hall.

When Luo Xing entered the hall, the black charcoal snake grinned and laughed: “Hehehe, you

are finally here, but General Ben has been waiting for you for a long time!” Come on, hurry up and start the banquet!

Luo Xing glanced at the black charcoal big snake, this guy has a big head and a small body, his nose and eyes are squeezed together, and his mouth is extraordinarily large, it is really difficult to see the extreme.

This is not important, the key is that the person ate a precious snake snake fruit, phantom beast species, Yagi big snake form, but the strength is still weak and pitiful, it is really a waste that can’t support the wall.

Luo Xing was really too lazy to talk to this waste that was going to die in the near future.

The big snake also didn’t notice Luo Xing’s disdain for him at all, but instead looked excited, and shouted at the top of his throat:

“Put all the food and wine on display!” Call Xiaozi again they hurry in and dance, he

Speaking of the name Xiaozi, the big snake’s saliva was about to flow down.

Food and wine were quickly served.

Not long after, an intoxicating fragrance floated into the hall, covering up the aroma of food.

“Xiaozi, it’s Xiaozi!”

The big snake had a monkey anxious expression, and he couldn’t wait to rush out immediately.

As the fragrance got closer and closer, a beautiful silhouette appeared at the door.

She first saluted the serpent: “Lord General.”

Then he bent slightly to Luo Xing: “Lord Luo Xing.” Then he stepped slowly into

a pair of jasper-like little feet.

Luo Xing raised his eyes and looked at this flower kui Xiaozi, who was known as the first beauty in the country of peace, and Mitsuki Hikazu, the daughter of Mitsuki Ota.

Hikazuki Mitsuki is dressed in a red kimono embellished with pale yellow cherry blossoms, and her walking posture is delicate, which sets off her incomparably rounded and moving figure.

Her lips are not dotted and red, like cherries, even in the dark, they will glow brightly.

Her skin is snow-white and delicate, her hair is raised high, and it is filled with gold jade beads, highlighting a special nobility and magnificence.

Her eyelashes are extremely long, and the beautiful eyes hidden in the gaps between her eyelashes are always habitually tinged with a sense of timidity, and with her noble dress and beautiful face, it shows a hooking meaning. Such a beautiful

beauty, even if she is a butcher who only knows how to kill pigs, I am afraid that she will fall under her pomegranate skirt.

No wonder she can become the flower leader of the country of Wa, no wonder the black charcoal snake is so obsessed with her.

Mitsuki Ota was able to give birth to such a beautiful daughter, and I think it was all due to the Tianyue who traveled from more than eight hundred years ago.

When he thought of Tianyue, Luo Xing couldn’t help but think of the magical fruit of time, which was really surprising that it could control the power of time.

And after the death of Tianyueshi, this fruit did not know where to run.

If you have a chance, you can look for one or two.

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