I have to say that Yamato has stayed with Luo Xing for a long time, and has already learned a little bit of Luo Xing’s true biography.

In front of Teacher Kai, he ordered Drought Jack and Fat to beat Pepper Wan, who flew sextuplets, and no one had any resistance, and he really had a faction of the young master of the Hundred Beast Regiment.

It made Teacher Kai a little depressed.

If Yamato is really his good daughter, of course he has no opinion, but Yamato’s little padded jacket is not only leaking, but also thorny.

Kaido shouted to the Three Tribulations and Fei Sexters in the hall:

“You are all subordinates valued by Lao Tzu, don’t be so obedient to a yellow-haired girl!”

Everyone was slightly embarrassed.

Black Maria, who seemed to be Kaido’s lover, stepped forward and covered her mouth and smiled:

“Mr. Kaido, people think that Young Master Yamato is very good, in addition to being a little disrespectful to you, his strength and courage are very perfect in all aspects, he really deserves to be your child!”

Except for the huffy Run, everyone else agreed.

Kaido was even more depressed, so he had to purr a large jug of wine.


“Finally able to leave the island of ghosts, the outside world, I’m coming!”

Standing on the port of Oni Island to the mainland of Wano Country, Yamato took a deep breath of the cool breeze blowing from the sea, and only felt refreshed and relaxed than ever.

“Sail the boat and take me to Jiuli.”

Yamato ordered.

The minions of the surrounding hundred beasts immediately went to the boat.

The battle between Yamato and Kaido the day before yesterday left an extremely deep impression on all the members of the Hundred Beast Regiment.

Now Boss Kaido seems to no longer bind Young Master Yamato, so the entire Hundred Beast Group naturally treats Yamato as a young master.

No one listened to her words.

Directly opposite Oni Island is the Rabbit Bowl area, where the prisoner quarry is located.

There are basically weapons factories everywhere, and the environment has been completely destroyed, except for the pirates of the Hundred Beasts and those prisoners, there are almost no ordinary people.

That’s why Luo Xing asked Yamato to give the Rabbit Bowl area to Kaido.

On the one hand, there is room for Kaido not to close all weapons factories in Wano Country.

On the other hand, the rabbit bowl area is so polluted that it is impossible to recover it in a short time unless the green cow of Sensen fruit is tied up.

Seeing the miserable state of the rabbit bowl, Yamato clenched his fists and said angrily:

“Kaido that bastard, sooner or later he will beat him up!” The

hundred beasts behind them hurriedly covered their ears, but they didn’t hear it.

Yamato walked very slowly, observing the grass and trees of the country of Wano.

She hadn’t walked freely like this in almost twenty years since she was handcuffed.

Half a day later, she came to the Jiuli General Mansion.

Jiuli, who had received the news earlier, gathered all the pirates of the Nine Mile Hundred Beast Regiment, led by the deputy chief steward Lord Luo Xing, and waited outside the door.

As soon as Yamato arrived, everyone shouted together,

“See Young Master Yamato!”

Of course, only Luo Xing, who was standing at the front, did not shout.

Luo Xing looked at Yamato, and Yamato blinked mischievously.

She would have said that she would mobilize Jack’s subordinates in order to naturally act with Luo Xing.

The relationship between the two cannot be exposed for the time being, otherwise Teacher Kai will definitely be able to guess that Yamato’s change is because of Luo Xing.

At that time, what kind of reaction Teacher Kai would make, Luo Xing could not predict.

Luo Xing estimated that at least he had to wait until he could take a thunderous gossip from Teacher Kai without fainting, before he could expose his relationship with Yamato.

Yamato said to the hundreds of people present: “All of you, follow me to the capital of flowers.”

“Yes, Yamato Young Master!”

Yamato stretched out another green jade finger and pointed at Luo Xing:

“You, go and bring me a horse.”

Luo Xing was stunned, and immediately lost a smile in his heart.

Yamato this nizi is taking the opportunity to take revenge on Luo Xing’s strong kiss last night, it’s good, I kissed for five minutes last night, and I want to kiss for ten minutes next time.


Luo Xing coughed and said, “Back to Young Master

Dahe, there is no horse here, only a mighty lion, I wonder if Young Master Dahe dares to ride?”

Yamato raised his chin and said, “What don’t you dare to do, go and bring that lion.”

Luo Xing went to lead his mount.

This lion is carefully selected by Luo Xing, and it looks very powerful, especially the mane around its neck is very luxuriant, and it looks imposing.

However, when the lion sensed Yamato’s natural overlord-colored domineering, he immediately surrendered and knelt down.

Yamato glanced at Luo Xing proudly, turned over the lion, heroic and sassy, and charming.

However, before she could gallop the lion, she only listened to Luo Xing’s voice:

“Since there is only one mount like this, I have to ride a lion with Young Master Yamato.”

As he spoke, he jumped on the lion’s back and slapped the lion’s butt hard.


The lion let out a pain-eating roar, and then ran wildly out, kicking up a field of smoke.

The hundreds of members of the Hundred Beast Group behind were stunned, and then they all gave a thumbs up.

“Lord Luo Xing is really bold, he dares to ride on the same mount with the dark Yamato Young Master who fought with Boss Kaido!”

“What is this, Lord Luo Xing even dares to face the world’s strongest man, Whitebeard!”

“Don’t talk nonsense, hurry up and follow!”

Billy shouted, and everyone hurriedly got on their horses and set off. But Luo Xing

had already thrown them out for hundreds of meters, and with the obstruction of smoke and dust, they could not see the specific movements of Luo Xing and Yamato on the back of the lion.

Luo Xing had already taken Yamato into his arms.

Yamato’s face turned red, and he said in shame: “Stay away from me, your knife handle has reached me!”

Luo Xing not only didn’t listen, but moved his butt a little closer, and said against Yamato’s crystal red earlobe:

“Nizi, you dared to order me just now, it’s not a small dare!”

Say it, take the earlobe in one mouthful.

Yamato instantly lost all strength, leaning limply on Luo Xing’s chest, his red lips panting.

Seeing that Luo Xing was getting more and more excessive, especially with hundreds of people following behind, she gathered the last bit of strength and said:

“Bad… Scoundrel, if you do this again, I will beat you up with a thunderous gossip wrapped around the overlord next time!

When Luo Xing heard this, he let go of his mouth.

He knew Yamato would do what he said.

However, it was not until he was close to the capital of flowers that Luo Xing was really separated from Yamato.

Yamato turned around and glared at Luo Xing hatefully, his earlobes were wet and red.

Luo Xing said seriously:

“Yamato, there will be a bloody killing soon, you have to be mentally prepared.”

Yamato calmed down and said firmly:

“Since the moment he decided to become the general of Wano Country, he has long been ready that changing the world can not be achieved by simply shouting two slogans, and some thunder means are also necessary.”

Luo Xing smiled.

“Gee, repeat what I said.”

Yamato snorted, “How, can’t it?”

While the two were talking, the subordinates finally caught up breathlessly.

Luo Xing regained his solemnity, jumped off the lion, held the knife handle, and scanned hundreds of subordinates with awe.

These are the elites of the Hundred Beasts Regiment, including thirty people with the ability to create Devil Fruit Animal Lines.

They were swept away by Luo Xing’s gaze, and immediately stood up straight, looking like they were obedient at any time.

Luo Xing said coldly: “After entering the city, no matter what order you receive, you only need to carry it out meticulously, don’t ask more, understand?”

“Understood, Lord Luo Xing!”

Hundreds of people shouted in unison, the momentum was amazing, even Fang Cai responded to Yamato was not so loud.

Yamato couldn’t help but glance at Luo Xing, and pouted a little unconvinced.

Luo Xing immediately looked at the Flower Capital not far away.

This bustling city, which has experienced countless winds and waves, will soon experience another bloody storm, and then will welcome its new owner.

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