Luo Xing quickly stepped on the ground again.

This method is actually a bit like the use of shaving, except that the shaving is to produce an impact, and this is to bump the flame.

The right foot soon burst into flames again.

Just by looking at the color of the flame, you can know that the temperature of this flame must be very high, after all, friction will also produce high-intensity heat energy.

After the flames were generated, Luo Xing covered the armed color domineering to his right foot.

Domineering and flame gradually blended, and the color of the flame gradually changed to black.

Luo Xing stared at the black flame on his right foot, and his face finally showed a hint of satisfaction.

“This is just like something, let’s call it Demon Flame, and develop my physical technique flow based on this Demon Flame!”


Luo Xing looked at Runtian on the opposite side, and the corners of his mouth hooked lightly:

“Are you ready, I’m going to go.”

Runtian’s face changed slightly, obviously startled by the sudden appearance of black flames.

But she is a proud and irritable nature, and the more Luo Xing looks like she has everything under her control, the more annoyed she becomes.

“Come and come, do you think the old lady will be afraid of you!”

Not to be outdone, Runnian shouted.

Luo Xing stopped talking nonsense, using the moon steps to walk in the air, and the black flames on his feet looked particularly strange in this late night.

“Demon Flame Flying Kick!”

This is a powerful kick from top to bottom!

Although Runtian has a hot temper, she is not an idiot, and she can see that this kick is extraordinary.

Gambling, she was unwilling to dodge, gathered all the armed color domineering on the hardest forehead, and went up without showing weakness.

“Super Runhead Gun!”


Waves of air and flames swept away.

When Runtian smashed to the ground, she smashed a large pit several meters deep.

“It hurts, my head, you bastard, why are your feet so hard.”

Runtian slowly crawled out of the pit, and this time it took her more than a minute to chase away the vertigo in her mind.

But she didn’t learn the slightest lesson, and as soon as she recovered, she launched an attack on Luo Xing.

“Don’t think that you can win the old lady with physical skills alone, and the old lady’s body is not paper paste!”

Indeed, Runtian’s ability to bear injuries is very amazing, even if it is a unique move that the four emperors use the combination of the three major Homiz, she did not put her down at the first time.

In terms of the results in the original work, Runtian is actually ranked first among the flying sextets.

This female tyrannosaurus went crazy, and actually gave up the human-animal form and transformed into a more violent swollen-headed dragon form. The

heavy body of the swollen-headed dragon will smash the tiles of the ground with every step, and the sharp dragon claws accompanied by a low beast roar are really good.

Luo Xing’s blood was also mobilized, it is only interesting to fight with such violence.

He took off his shirt, the muscles in his abdomen were distinct, the huge pectorals were particularly eye-catching, and the muscles of his two arms were knotted together, full of explosive power.

Luo Xing asked Peggy Wan to exercise, in fact, it is not a simple flicker, exercise is certainly useful, he himself often lifts several tons of barbells to increase strength.

“Friction produces flames not only the feet can do, the fists can still do, no, to be precise, my whole body, because every part of my body is equally hard!”

Luo Xing’s eyes flashed with extreme excitement, and his figure instantly rushed out, fighting fiercely with the swollen-headed dragon transformed by Runtian.

Compared with using a knife, such a fist-to-head hand-to-hand combat made him feel more refreshed.

Even, he completely gave up all defenses and directly adopted the method of exchanging injuries for injuries, just in time to add defense points, which was really extremely suitable for Luo Xing.

“Demon Flame Rush Fist!”

Luo Xing can gradually be able to rub the air with his fist to produce flames, as long as the speed is fast enough.

He is like a humanoid ferocious beast, fearless to fight huge dinosaurs.

The fist wrapped around the black flame smashed heavily on the thick neck of the swollen dragon.

Run’s sharp dragon claws also grasped Luo Xing’s chest mercilessly.

[Host receives moderate damage, defense +15]

Luo Xing licked his lips, not looking at the deep blood stains on his chest, and his tone became more and more excited.

“Come again!”

Runtian’s eyes widened.

Her neck was very sore, her head was dizzy, and it was obvious that Fang Cai Luo Xing’s heavy punch made her very uncomfortable even in beast form.

“This guy… What a madman, even crazier than the old lady!

The fight with Luo Xing had lasted at least an hour, and Runtian was getting more and more frightened the more she fought.

Not only Luo Xing’s crazy fighting style of exchanging injuries for injuries, but most importantly, she found that in the process of fighting with her, Luo Xing’s attack power became stronger and stronger, and even his body seemed to be getting harder and harder!

This guy is clearly getting stronger and stronger!

Such a conclusion made Runtian feel extremely strange.

She had obviously caused many injuries to Luo Xing, but it didn’t seem to affect the state of the man in front of her at all, but it made the other party more and more excited and full of energy.

It was a battle that Rundy had never experienced before.

“Aaaa What the hell is weird about your body, abominable!

Runmei yelled, maddened by anger.

Luo Xing responded with a smile: “This is the physique that has been exercised, it can’t kill me, it will only make me stronger.”

“Do you think the old lady is Xiaopei’s stupid person, exercise can have such a physique, who to fool!”

Runtian was furious, and roared:

“The old lady is an ancient animal breed ability, it is impossible to lose to you in hand-to-hand combat!”

The fierce fighting continued.

Another five hours passed by this dozen.

It’s almost dawn.

When the first rays of the sun shine down.

“Run-head gun!”

“Demon Flame Iron Head!”

Luo Xing actually took his head and Runtian’s head to clash hard.

After this touch, the sky really turned, and it was impossible to distinguish between southeast, south, and north.

Run’s swollen head was crooked, its steps were floating, shaking around, and finally plopping down and falling to the ground.

Luo Xing was also uncomfortable.

After all, the forehead of the swollen head dragon is the hardest, the defense power is more than four thousand points, and it is boosted by Runtian with armed color domineering, and the defense and attack are quite strong.

Luo Xing rubbed his temples while thinking in his heart:

“In this night’s battle, I can be regarded as having initially developed a physical technique suitable for myself, and the next step is continuous practice.”

He then looked up and said to Runtian:

“It seems that you can’t beat me, I still have something to do during the day, so let’s end this battle.”

He’s going to get dressed.

Don’t want to.

Runtian actually stood up with her body propped up again, although she was panting and obviously exhausted, her tone was not softened at the beginning compared to the beginning.

“Station… Stop, the old lady has not admitted defeat, continue to fight, come on!

Luo Xing paused and couldn’t help but smile.

It seems that if she does not teach this female tyrannosaurus a lesson, she will not be convinced. Since that’s

the case, then don’t blame Luo Xing for making that move.

His muscles tensed, and he took a deep breath and put on a posture to accumulate strength.

Seeing this, Runmei was quickly on guard.

I only listened to Luo Xing’s confident voice:

“Runtian, seeing that you are so unconvinced, then let you see it, my physical skills flow mysteries!”

What is the meaning of physical flow?

Runtian’s heart jumped violently.

Since it can be called mysterious, it must be much more powerful than any previous demon flame punch.

She stared at Luo Xing deadly.

Luo Xing began to run towards her.

The distance is getting closer.

Just when Runtian was thinking about whether to preemptively strike, Luo Xing suddenly accelerated, and a roll actually went around Runtian’s back and came to the middle of the two hind thighs of the swollen head dragon.

Immediately, Luo Xing’s shout:

“Physical Skill Flow Aoyi Millennium Kill!”

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