Since the fall of the Black Carbon Great Serpent and the ascension of a woman named Yamato to the position of general of the country of Wa, the life of the Toushan Bandits Group has been getting better day by day.

The reason why they lived so dashing in the past was that Kaido attached importance to the strength of the Jiutian Pill, and unless the Hundred Beast Group ran into it, they generally did not go out of their way to capture the Toushan Thief Group.

The second is that the black carbon snake is too wasteful, and it is not in the country of governance at all, and it is very chaotic everywhere, giving the thieves’ group a lot of opportunities to take advantage of.

Coupled with the support of a three-calamity-level powerhouse like Jiu Tianmaru, over the past ten years, the thief group has often looted everywhere without scruples, robbing treasures and food.

The people of Wano Country lived very hard and did not have enough to eat, but the members of the Toushan Bandit Group were all oily and never starved.

In the final analysis, Jiu Tianmaru, also known as the Asura boy, is himself a gangster from a gangster.

Even though he became a retainer of Mitsuki Ota and learned the so-called courtier etiquette for a few years, he was just loyal to Mitsuki Ota, and his essence did not change much.

What’s more, in his early years, didn’t Mitsuki Ota often do things like fights and robberies of people’s women?

There was even the absurd thing of building a harem in a temple.

It can only be said that the Asura boy submitted to Mitsuki Onda back then, although his strength was inferior, but it may not be without the same smell.

But after Yamato came to power, everything changed.

In addition to the rabbit bowl for Kaido as a weapons base, the security of the remaining five areas has been greatly improved, and the people’s lives have gradually stabilized.

The people were able to obtain fixed food rations from Taoyuan Farm every day, and under the leadership of famous people in various places, they gradually reclaimed the land to restore fertility and grow food.

Life is thriving, and the days are getting more and more hopeful.

Compared with the time of the black charcoal snake, today’s life is simply paradise.

The people were extremely grateful to Yamato for his benevolence, and even gave Yamato the nickname “General Shotoku”.

In this case, the opportunities for the Toushan bandits to exploit loopholes naturally decreased, and later, they had to take great risks to rob.

Even if you take risks, you will be treated coldly by the people of the country of peace, and even insulted.

The thieves of the Toushan Bandit Group were furious, thinking that the people of the country of Wano were too shameful, but they had just gained a little benefit from the current general, and they forgot the previous Mitsuki clan?

The Mitsuki clan is the king of the country of Wa, the orthodoxy of the country of Wa, bastards!

“What shit General Shengde, these stupid people are all traitors, there is not a single good thing!”

“Exactly. I used to see them pitiful, and deliberately avoided them when I robbed, but I didn’t expect that they were all a bunch of white-eyed wolves, and in a blink of an eye, they turned to the new master! ”

“When the Guangyue family returns to ruling, we must clean them up!”

“Hmph, there are only two years left, and Madame Shi’s prophecy will definitely come true!”

A dozen thieves sat around a table, drinking and cursing.

Of course, the wine and meat on the table are also robbed, but the wine is not as fragrant as before, and the meat is not as fat as before.

A big man suddenly slammed the table and roared: “I really can’t live with my mother this day, the wine and meat are tasteless, tell the boss of Jiu Tianmaru, let’s go and do the big ticket, just rob that Boluo Town!” ”

The thieves around him echoed.

Why choose Boluo Town, because Boluo Town is Luo Xing’s territory, and they already know that Brother Wamon was killed by Luo Xing.

As the second-in-command of the Toushan Bandit Group, Wamon’s relationship with this group of thieves is very good.

“I heard that Luo Xing, who killed Brother Wamon, has been promoted to the flying sextuplets of the Hundred Beast Pirates.”

“What is flying sextuplets, even if it is Drought Jack, it is not the opponent of our Jiutianmaru boss!”

“Haha, that’s right, don’t you think that Hundred Beast Kaido also attaches great importance to the strength of our boss?”

“If that Luo Xing is here, Lao Tzu will cut off his head as a wine jug to avenge Big Brother Wamon!”

The cowhide is blowing to the sky, and the atmosphere of the wine table has just reached its peak.

A voice interrupted them.

“Oh, you’re going to cut off my head, that’s great, I’m right here, come quickly.”

The sound appeared so abruptly that all the thieves were startled, stood up in a panic, picked up their knives and looked at the source of the sound.

I saw a tall young man who appeared less than five meters away at some point.

The young man stood with his hands in his hands, and the corners of his mouth seemed to be smiling.

The thieves’ pupils shook, their faces changed greatly, and they recognized the young man, who was Luo Xing, who they had just discussed, killing Brother Wamon!

This man really has the guts to come here!

“What are you waiting for, it’s Wamon’s good brother, come and cut me.”

Hearing this sneering provocation, the thieves immediately blushed, and the big man in shape couldn’t help it first, and he moved forward with a big knife and let out a wild roar:

“Is it true that we are all vegetarians, since you are looking for death, then die!” Go below and kowtow to Big Brother Vamon to make amends! ”

The big knife is powerful and powerful, and it is obvious that he can become an elite thief of the Toushan Thief Group, and he still has some strength.

However, such a fierce big knife not only failed to cut off Luo Xing’s head, but shook the mouth of the big man, and even the knife was about to break.


The big man was shocked on the spot, and he couldn’t believe his eyes.

Luo Xing looked at him and shook his head: “It seems that you can’t avenge Wamon.” ”

Then he looked at the other thieves.

“Is there anyone else going up, go ahead, I’ll just stand here and let you cut.”

The remaining dozen or so thieves all stared blankly.

They knew the strength of the big man, ranking first among them, but his big knife didn’t even cut Luo Xing’s skin, how could this be!

Fake it!

Even the boss of Jiu Tianmaru would never have been able to do this!

“Sorry, I have already given you a chance, since no one has made a move, then it is my turn.”

Luo Xing slowly took out a coin from his pocket, tossed it, and sandwiched it between his index finger and thumb, covering it with a trace of electricity.

The big man who was closest to Luo Xing was shocked, and roared with all his strength: “Run, run, go find the boss of Jiu Tianmaru, this guy is a monster!” ”

“It’s late.”

Luo Xing opened his mouth lightly, and then ejected the coin.

“Thunder Light Cannon!”

A high-intensity electric current rubs against the coin, creating high-intensity heat, leaving a fiery thunder beam in the air.

The thunder beam instantly engulfed the big man, turning the latter into flying ash.

Then the residual power continued unabated, continuing to move forward, and in the terrified eyes of more than a dozen thieves, they also devoured them.

“Ahh, it’s thunder, it’s thunder!”

“And the high temperature, it’s so hot, I’m going to melt!”

“How so, Lao Tzu is unwilling…”

In the miserable scream, more than a dozen thieves all turned into flying ash like a big man, and there were no bones left.

Luo Xing nodded, this is modeled on the small skill developed by a certain artillery sister, and the power is quite good.

“Are you satisfied with such an appetizer?”

Luo Xing then glanced at Jiu Tianmaru, who was awakened by the scream.

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