Kaido’s battle with the redhead, it is impossible to distinguish the winner and the loser in a short time, and it is normal to fight for several days and nights.

But how could the redhead, who was worried about the war situation, really fight with Kaido to that extent?

What’s more, even if he fights, he will most likely not be able to win Kaido.

Because although he has the world’s strongest overlord color, the overlord color entanglement can cause a lot of damage to Kaido, but Kaido’s health and resilience are far above him.

If Kaido’s blood volume is 10,000, then the relatively average red hair that can be bitten off the arm by the King of the Near Sea is probably only a fraction of Kaido’s blood volume.

And Kaido still recovers while shedding blood, how can the redhead of a person who is not a fruit ability have such a perverted physique?

Therefore, it is impossible to fight for consumption, that is too stupid, and it will definitely fail.

Then use a full blow to see if you can kill Kaido with one blow, so that Kaido has no room to recover at all?

This is the only way that the redhead can think of to single out Kaido, but unfortunately, the person in this world who can kill Kaido in a second does not exist at all, and he is not arrogant to that extent.

Therefore, after fighting for a while, when he found that he really didn’t take his face seriously and really wanted to fight with his life, the redhead decisively decided to retreat.

What he cared most about in his heart was the top, although he didn’t want to see Kaido devour Whitebeard’s territory and grow his power, but now he had nothing to do.

Especially when the redhead heard that Luffy had also gone to save Ace, he had to hurry there.

The new era he gambled on with one arm could not go wrong!

The redhead that had decided in his heart instantly urged the momentum to the climax, and the high-intensity overlord color and armed color were all wrapped around Griffin, making Griffin look like two black and red ribbons wrapped around it.

Then the redhead shouted: “God avoid! ”


Black lightning streaked across the sky, and a sword radiance that condensed infinite power shot out.

Kaido laughed.

“Hmm, is this Roger’s move, this is just a little bit of a look!”

Kaido became more and more excited the more he fought, and his blood was boiling.

The mace in his hand was also wrapped around the overlord color and the armed color, and a stick was pulled out.

“Roaring Thunder Gossip!”


The clouds in the sky were torn apart, and the ground was destroyed.

The terrifying aura spread out in circles, spreading throughout the island, affecting the battles of the others.

“Beckman, stop here, go to Marin Fandor.”

Beckman, who was fighting Yamato, heard the redhead’s voice and nodded slightly, he also agreed with this judgment, and there was no benefit in continuing to fight.

Before leaving, he took a deep look at Yamato, this strange woman had extraordinary strength, and he didn’t take advantage of anything in Fang Cai’s battle.

And this woman actually called herself Joey Boi.

Beckman took a puff of cigarette and said: “You are indeed very strong, but it is still too naïve to want to become Joey Boi, your fruit is a phantom beast species and a large mouth true god form, which dooms you not to become Joey Boi’s fate.” ”

Yamato Willow frowned.

Fate fate, how people in the outside world also like to say fate, just like that smelly old man.

If Yamato is the one who is willing to accept her fate, then she is still Oni Hime, still imprisoned on Oni Island, and will not come here, let alone become a general of Wano Country.

Yamato held his head high, his white hair flowing, his eyes shining, and he said boldly:

“Is your theory of fate really boring, ordinary people can’t become strong on their own, and people who aspire to liberate the world can’t become Joeyboy just because the fruits are different?”

“And the so-called Joey Boy is not something you can define, it’s just a spirit, a symbol, not to be exactly the same person.”

“I don’t even understand this truth, the people outside really disappoint me, and it’s no different from the smelly old man.”

Such words made Beckman’s body shake and fell into a moment of silence.

Joey Boie was a warrior more than eight hundred years ago, why do people now have to become him and have that fruit ability if they want to change the world?

Does Joey have to be reborn to save the world?

Beckman was speechless and left in silence.

Although some destinies have long been preordained, there are still people in this world who can break the shackles of fate.

Otherwise, how did Joey Boy appear in the first place?

Beckman kept Yamato’s figure firmly in his mind, and he felt that there was little hope that this woman could break the shackles of fate.

Although Yamato’s strength is strong, it is not enough, far from enough.

But this woman did not have the slightest expression of frustration, her face was full of determination and determination, such an awareness, such a courage shocked Beckman.

When the members of the Red Regiment broke away from their opponents one after another, they rushed to Marin Fandor.

Beckman was still thinking about Yamato’s words.

“What’s wrong, Beckman, have you been hit because of your opponent this time?” Shanks sat down next to Beckman and said jokingly.

Beckman glanced at the redhead, who was bandaged on his shoulders and abdomen, apparently not lightly injured.

“You have been hit harder, the first time you have encountered such a setback since becoming the Four Emperors.”


A hint of embarrassment appeared on the redhead’s face, and then he sighed:

“It’s really a little underestimated the power of the strongest creatures in the sea, land and air, and even Captain Roger may not be comparable to him in terms of endurance.” Let’s talk about your opponent, Beckman, but I saw that the woman mastered the overlord color winding. ”

Beckman spat out a smoke ring and looked thoughtfully.

“Compared to her strength, I care more about what she says.”


“Hey, Shanks, why do you say it has to be Luffy, and what if you ate that fruit in the first place?”

“Huh? How do you suddenly assume this kind of question, this is not in your usual style. ”

“It’s just a little confused, nothing.”

The redhead looked at Beckman strangely and shook his head.

The hypothesis of imagination is meaningless, Nika chose Luffy, and he also entrusted Captain Roger’s straw hat to Luffy, these are the real reality.

Luffy will definitely become Joey Boi, and only Luffy can be Joey Boie, no one else.

The ships of the Red Regiment have been rushing at maximum horsepower.

Finally, in the evening, I arrived at Marin Fando.

The sunset is like a rainbow, and the residual sun is like blood.

The sky and earth of Marin Fandor are bright red colors.

The redhead couldn’t help but clench his fists, and he hurried to look for Luffy’s figure, but he didn’t see it.

I didn’t see Whitebeard and Ace either.

The redhead’s face sank.

He stepped on Marin Fandor step by step, and his body surged with a strong overlord-colored domineering.

With each step, many sailors or pirates fall.

“Stop, this war!”

The redhead suddenly released all the overlord-colored domineering, and suddenly countless people fell, including even the vice admiral of the navy headquarters!

“Stop, redhead, what are you going to do!” Sengoku questioned.

“I’m going to stop this war and kill to this extent, more than half of the people died on both sides, isn’t that enough, Sengoku?!”

Sengoku looked grim.

It is true that the casualties of the navy are too great, far exceeding the psychological expectations of the Warring States in advance.

“Marko, you also stop, continue to fight, you will only be completely destroyed.”

The redhead looked at Marco again.

The White Regiment is now without a white beard to sit in, how can it be an opponent of the Navy.

When it came, the White Regiment had a total of 60,000 troops, but now there are less than 20,000 left, and many captains of the pirate regiment and even the captains of the main ship team have died in battle.

The death of his companions made the living members of the White Group even more painful.

Marko burst into tears and said unwillingly: “Daddy’s ashes, Ace’s body, we haven’t taken it back yet!” ”

Is Whitebeard only ashes left?

The redhead swept around, but did not find Ace’s body.

“Ace’s body was taken by that bastard of Tichy!”

At this time, there was no figure of Blackbeard’s group on the battlefield, apparently after grabbing Ace’s body and fleeing.

The redhead’s face became more gloomy.

How could the war develop to such a point, even if he came late, it should not be so tragic.


The redhead learned that there was a man who kept stirring up the war, pushing it to one climax after another, and even half of the Marin Fando was destroyed by his people.

That man is Thunder Calamity Luoxing!

It’s another person from the Hundred Beast Pirates!

The red-haired face is as heavy as water, and the group of hundred beasts and pirates is really a gang of scourges, the cancer of this world.


The redhead also learned that Luffy had been picked up by a storm, and someone saw that it seemed to be the hand of the leader of the revolutionary army, Dragon.

It turned out to be Luffy’s father, and the redhead breathed a sigh of relief.

In the end, the Warring States were concerned about the casualties of the navy and the special status of the redhead, gave the redhead face and stopped the war.

Marko and the other remnants of the White Regiment took back Whitebeard’s ashes and left Marin Fandor.

This battle at the top has finally come to an end.

And who is the winner?

It should be the Navy, after all, Whitebeard and Fire Fist Ace are dead, which is a major achievement for the Navy.

But the surviving naval soldiers were not happy, and the high-ranking naval officials such as the Warring States were not happy.

Because the navy has suffered more than 50,000 casualties, including hundreds of rear admirals, dozens of lieutenant generals, and countless officers below the rank of general!

It can be said that the navy suffered a great loss of vitality after this battle, and its overall strength was lost by half.

In particular, those officers above the rank of general are the backbone of the Navy, and each of them is not easy to cultivate.

The reason why the navy was able to coordinate the four seas and set up branches in all parts of the four seas and the great shipping route relied on these vice admirals, after all, there are only three generals, and they will not be dispatched easily.

But he died so many at once, and when he thought of this, his heart was dripping blood.

And undoubtedly, the culprit who caused the death of officers above the general level was Luo Xing, the hateful man who broke all the deployments of the Warring States and caused the war to become so tragic!

To say who the Warring States hated the most in this war, one is Blackbeard, who released the criminals of the sixth layer of the Advance City in the name of Qiwu Hai, and the other is Luo Xing.

These two people will be one of the biggest threats to the future of the Navy, and they must no longer be ignored!

After the Warring States dealt with the aftermath of the war with a heavy heart, they immediately issued two new bounty orders.

One is Blackbeard Marshall M. D. Tichy, bounty of 2,247.6 million Bailey!

One is Thunder Calamity Luo Xing, with a bounty of 1.5 billion Bailey!

Don’t look at Luo Xing’s bounty is not as good as Blackbeard, but don’t forget that Luo Xing also has two billion bounties from the black market, which adds up to 3.5 billion!

This amount makes many kings of the underground world eager to move, how many slaves do they have to sell and how many dark transactions do they have to make 3.5 billion?

And the world government’s killing intent towards Luo Xing has reached an unprecedented intensity!

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