“Ayu, brother take you to the outside world to see it, okay?”

“Wow, really, okay, okay!”

The little girl clapped her hands excitedly.

Since Luo Xing brought Ayu to the Flower Capital, the little girl has played every day and made a few friends.

However, since she was born, she has never been out of Wano Country.

Of course, I couldn’t help myself when I heard that I could go to the outside world.

However, after the little girl was excited for a moment, she suddenly hesitated a little.

“However, my sister has just returned, and people can’t bear my sister…”

Yamato’s relationship with Ayu is already like a sister, and Yamato poses as a general in front of his subordinates, but in private he often plays children’s games with Ayu, which is really childlike.

Luo Xing touched the little girl’s little head and said with a smile:

“There will be time in the future, and you can play the whole world together in the future.”

One sentence made Ayu smile.

He took Ayu’s hand and prepared to leave Wano Country again.

When passing through Jiuli, Ayu suddenly lowered her head and whispered: “Brother, I want to go and see the master…”

Luo Xing paused in his steps.

Ayu’s master, Mitsuki Sukiyaki, would have been sent to hell by Luo Xing if he hadn’t cared about Ayu’s feelings.

Ayu is a pure and flawless little girl, and Luo Xing doesn’t want her to see the cruel side of this world.

“Then go check it out.”

Luo Xing didn’t take Mitsuki Suki seriously at all, even if he stood still and let the latter kill, the latter couldn’t hurt him a single hair.

Cross the nine miles and enter the village of Orikasa.

Today’s village is a world away from the past.

The villagers are no longer the kind of skinny bones, about to starve to death, although not to the extent of round belly, but at least not green eyes.

There are still people who keep laughing, the poor guy who accidentally eats the crumbs of the smile fruit.

But their laughter, unlike usual, sounded particularly sad, with a bit of sincerity.

Luo Xing looked at these funny people, the reason why they only had the expression of “laughing” was that they were most likely changed by the blood factor in their bodies by smile.

Luo Xing also had the “Introduction to Blood Factors” written by Vegapunk in his pocket, and he had already read it in the spare time.

It is indeed very profound, and it is impossible for ordinary people to understand it.

Fortunately, Luo Xing has the theoretical knowledge base of his previous life, and it is easier to understand the content inside than others, but it involves the operational level, and he has never experimented.

“I can try it if I have the opportunity, maybe I have the talent to be a scientist.”

If it really succeeds, then Luo Xing is equivalent to unlocking a new ability, which can be called a true all-rounder.

Luo Xing shook his head and smiled.

Asking Ayu to go to Mitsuki Sukiyaki, he took out “Introduction to Blood Factors” and studied it a second time from scratch.

Compared to the first time, this time he obviously understood more and deeper.

It’s just that in some places, I still can’t figure it out.

Luo Xing couldn’t help but be aroused by the desire to win or lose, and he didn’t believe that he couldn’t even understand a book written by Vegapunk.

Subconsciously urge brain cells to think with high load.

Sting, prick, prick~~

The electrical current inside the cells is excited and flows on the cerebral cortex, so that the activity of all brain cells reaches its peak.

The human brain is actually very complex and has infinite potential, and the average person’s brain use is even less than one percent.

Like Vegapunk, it is estimated that the brain has long been developed to the extreme, and its people are still brain fruit ability, and the brain capacity is not an order of magnitude with others.

Luo Xing’s number of brain cells is certainly not as good as that of Vegapunk, but under the stimulation of electric current, all brain cells are mobilized, so that the brain’s degree of computation reaches 100%.

In a flash.

Luo Xing seemed to see a brand new world, a world full of infinite possibilities for the future.

He suddenly understood the problem that Fang Cai couldn’t figure out.

“So it is, no wonder scientists who have been called brains for more than five hundred years in the world have already thought about this level, interesting, Vegapunk.”

Luo Xing couldn’t help but be curious about Vegapunk.

Compared to the scum and waste of Caesar Courant, Vegapunk is undoubtedly more useful to Luo Xing, and is most likely to produce the Blazing Angel Whitebeard.

But Luo Xing does not know where Vegapunk is now, and his people should rebuild a future island in the New World after leaving Punk Hassad.

The exact location of the future island, no one knows.

And the protection of Vegapunk by the world government is certainly of the highest rank.

Especially after the top war, the prestige of the government and the navy has been severely hit, and they need the powerful weapons made by Vegapunk.

Ten thousand steps back, even if he finds Vegapunk, he will most likely not betray the world government.

In the original book, Vegapunk had to join the Straw Hats, because the five old stars first killed him and sent cp0 to assassinate him.

Vegapunk’s research requires massive amounts of money, and only world governments have the financial power, and no other power can compare.

In a word.

Luo Xing wants Vegapunk to help him do things, and at present, it seems that there is basically no possibility, and he can only see if there is a chance in the future.

“Brother, let’s go.”

Just thinking about it, Ayu came back, her little face was tense, and she looked very unhappy.

Luo Xing didn’t ask why, took Ayu up to the ship parked in the port of Wano Country, and headed for Zowu.

Ayu himself couldn’t hold back, and said to Luo Xing indignantly:

“The master is so hateful that he even said that the food distributed by the general’s sister to the villagers is poisonous, and that the policies promulgated are even more contrary and violate the traditions of the country of Wano, hum, old stubborn! People don’t pay attention to him anymore! ”

Luo Xing pinched Ayu’s little face: “Okay, don’t be angry, let’s play a game.” You come to pick the balls, I’ll count and see how many you can pull. ”


Without doubting it, Ayu began to pull out the dango from his cute face.

One, two, three…

Pulling dangotes also requires physical strength, and Luo Xing asked people to bring a large bucket of red bean soup for Ayu to drink while pulling.

To later.

Ayu was really tired and lay on Luo Xing’s lap.

“Brother, brother, how many have I grabbed?”

“Well, there are thousands of them, Ayu is really powerful.”

“Hey, hey… Whew. ”

The little girl laughed and fell asleep.

Luo Xing carried Ayu into the cabin bedroom and covered it with a quilt.

By the time we arrived in Zowu, it was already dark.

Sitting on the back of the Elephant Lord, Zou is a moving nation.

The elephant lord has lived for more than a thousand years, is 35,000 meters tall, and has a body length of more than 20,000 meters, making him the largest giant in the pirate world, and the super-large sea king class is not ranked in front of it.

The Elephant Lord has human-like wisdom, made mistakes in ancient times, was ordered to keep walking, and has some kind of relationship with Joeyboy.

It seems that the only one who can command the Lord is Momonosuke, except for Joey Boi.

“In that case, then your only value is to become my food.”

Looking at the towering elephant lord, Luo Xing’s eyes were cold.

“Lord Luo Xing.”

Orochimaru, Lao Cai, and Trafalgar Rowe, who had been waiting here, pulled the submarine over.

Luo Xing only planned to take the three of them up to the back of the elephant lord.

After all, the elephant lord is too tall, and ordinary people can’t climb up at all.

Before going up, Trafalgar Roche reminded:

“It’s better to wait until tomorrow daylight, tonight is the full moon.”

Beibo of the Heart Pirates is a fur tribe, so Luo knows that the most powerful thing about the fur tribe is that it can transform into a moon lion when the moon is full.

Luo Xing smiled disapprovingly: “Wouldn’t that be better?” This kind of thing is not easy to see in other places. ”

The words fell, and a thunder exploded.

Luo Xing turned into a shining ray of thunder and shot towards the back of the Elephant Lord at an extremely fast speed.

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