【Host: Luo Xing】



Successively against strong people such as Foil Bista, Inu Arashi and Cat Viper, the defense power has only increased by more than five hundred points, compared to the top of the thousand, the efficiency can be described as turtle speed.

This is also a matter of no way, with Luo Xing’s defense power of more than 30,000 points inside and outside now, even if he does not use the armor of thunder and the armed color bonus, standing still and letting people fight, no one below the top powerhouse can kill him.

At most, it will cause him serious injury.

And as the defense continues to increase, even serious damage has to be greatly reduced.

This means that Luo Xing must challenge the group of people standing at the top of this world pyramid.

And the first one is probably Kai-sensei, I hope Kai-sensei sees that he and Yamato have progressed to that extent, and don’t get too angry because of his self-made claims.

But I can’t say for sure, after all, Mr. Kai’s personality is moody.

Luo Xing can’t expect Kaido to release water, he has to feel the power of Xialong in advance.

“Rebecca, go, I promised you, help you develop your fruit ability.”

Get along well with the villains and make a pact to take out the Don Quixote family.

Viola, Trafalgar Ro, and Leo, the commander of the Little Terrans, first go to Dressrosa to inquire about enemy intelligence.

Taking advantage of this time, Ghost Pill and Lao Cai, who awakened their new strength, as well as the fur warriors who were injured in the previous battle, recuperated, and Luo Xing took Rebecca to the depths of the forest.

“How far can you go?” Luo Xing asked.

Rebecca bowed her head in shame.

“I can still only switch between dragon form and human form, barely creating some flame clouds.”

Luo Xing smiled slightly and encouraged: “This is already quite good, you have only eaten the fruit for a few days.” ”

“But it’s still weak.” Rebecca tugged her fingers, “Can’t help my brother.” ”

A large warm hand rested on the girl’s weak shoulder.

“Believe in yourself, you have survived such difficult days before.”

Rebecca looked up at the man in front of her, water mist surged in her pink pupils, and then she pursed her mouth hard, and a firm voice came out from her nose: “Hmm! ”

“Very good, change into a dragon and I’ll take a look.”

Rebecca immediately urged the power in her body.

Next second.


Smoke appears out of thin air.

In the smoke, a pink dragon poked its head out.

The huge dragon head rubbed Luo Xing’s chest, Luo Xing reached out and touched the same pink onyx-like dragon horn, and couldn’t help but think of the horn on Yamato’s forehead, the color was more bright red than Rebecca’s.

Luo Xing then looked at the pink dragon’s four dragon claws, and a bright yellow flame cloud was born, and it was by this flame cloud that the dragon could soar freely in the air.

Although Luo Xing can also walk in the air, but mainly with the kinetic energy of thunder and moon steps, it requires a certain amount of physical strength, which is far less light than dragons.

“Afraid of heights?”

The pink dragon’s long dragon whiskers shook gently, and the girl’s voice spat out:

“There is… A little, but that’s okay. ”

Luo Xing smiled and said, “Then rush into the sky.” ”

The Pink Dragon’s dragon claws immediately exerted force, continuously creating bright yellow flame clouds in the air, forming a staircase to the endless firmament.

Rebecca’s heart was pounding, and she subconsciously wanted to close her eyes, she had never reached such a high place.

“No, I can’t let my brother down, a little height is nothing!”

The girl’s stubborn character made her grit her teeth, but her eyes widened even more, and even overcame her inner fear and took the initiative to look down.


It’s like a hammer hitting the heart.

A pair of dragon eyes trembled.

It was not fear, but joy, but the shock of seeing the view.


Rebecca has risen thousands of meters into the air, overlooking the entire sea and Dressrosa in the distance.

It’s beautiful, the sea.

It’s beautiful, Dressrosa.

Rebecca saw the sunflower field that she loved to play with her mother the most when she was a child, and the sunflower flowers there were still so brilliant that she hadn’t seen it in years.

Rebecca was a little confused for a moment.

“Why, remembering the past?”

A voice suddenly entered his ears, and at the same time, a figure full of thunder appeared in front of his eyes.

Rebecca quickly collected her thoughts.

“Thinking of my mother, I must become stronger and avenge my mother!”

Rebecca’s mother, Scarlet, was killed by Diamanti, who was also the manager of the arena, and it is difficult to imagine what kind of mood the girl used to be in when she entered the arena.

And now Rebecca wants to defeat Diamandy, in fact, she has been able to do it, and the strength and scale defense of the pink dragon’s body alone are enough to crush Diamandy.

The premise is that Rebecca must be able to master her dragon body.

Luo Xing stood in front of Rebecca and said, “Come, attack me with your body.” ”


Rebecca was very well-behaved and obedient, knowing that Brother Luo Xing was going to accompany her to cultivate.

She controlled the dragon body and rushed towards Luo Xing.

“The speed is too slow, the speed of the dragon is not only that!”

Luo Xing’s tone suddenly became stern.

Rebecca’s heart trembled, she didn’t want her brother to disappoint her no matter what, and she used all her strength to increase her speed.


The pink dragon collides with Luo Xing.

Luo Xing is not a big deal, but the pink dragon himself is a little dizzy.

“Speed and strength are still not enough, continue.”

Rebecca flicked the dragon’s head, drove away the vertigo in her head, and controlled the dragon’s body to rotate around Luo Xing, constantly charging and attacking.

This kind of training finally made her speed and strength greatly improved.

The last collision directly knocked Luo Xing out more than ten meters away, and his body also felt pain.

“In this way, it is normal that this artificial green dragon fruit has such power.”

“But why don’t you use your teeth and claws?”

Rebecca was stunned, and Ai Ai said: “Teeth, how can it work, I… I’m afraid that I accidentally ate Brother Luo Xing… If you have a claw, don’t you have to step on the flame cloud, otherwise you will fall. ”

When Luo Xing heard this, he couldn’t help but smile, and immediately said with a straight face:

“This is a fight, don’t hold on to a child’s mentality! With your teeth and claws, remember to wrap the flame cloud around your limbs and it won’t fall! ”

Rebecca was trained by Luo Xing, flattened her mouth, had to pluck up the courage to open her mouth, and bit towards Luo Xing.

In the original work, Momonosuke’s bite even made Kaido feel pain, which is enough to prove the sharpness of the dragon’s teeth.


The dragon tooth made contact with Luo Xing’s copper skin and iron bone, and the two sides rubbed for a while, and soon the dragon tooth pierced the epidermis, penetrated it, and saw blood.

[Host takes minor damage, defense +5]

Luo Xing was about to encourage Rebecca to continue, with a little force, it was best to bite off the bones inside, but unexpectedly Rebecca felt the smell of blood on her teeth, and was directly scared to cry, and rushed out of the distance, crying:

“Yes… I’m sorry, Brother Luo Xing, I didn’t mean it. ”

Luo Xing was helpless.

“This little injury is nothing to me.”

But Rebecca said that she was not willing to bite with her teeth anymore, and Luo Xing had to let her use her claws again.

“Flame clouds can wrap around not only your limbs, but also other things, and even lift an island.”

In the original work, Kaido uses the flame cloud to carry the island of ghosts and Straw Hat Luffy and others to fight.

“Try it in this direction, Rebecca.”

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