Doflamingo believed in the law of the jungle, and the people of Dressrosa were just toys in his hands, slaves who produced the fruit of smile for him.

In this respect, he is very similar to Kaido.

In Kaido’s view, Wano Country should also become a huge weapons factory, and all people should live a life of living and dying for him.

The rule of the brutal world government, the chaotic pirate era, and the unhappy childhood have created many such people who go to extremes.

In contrast, Kaido is more domineering and pure, and wants to create a complete pirate world, which means that sooner or later he will go to war with the world government and Draco.

Unlike Doflamingo, on the surface, it seems that he is not afraid of the sky and is arrogant, but in fact, he only dares to swing the butcher knife at the weaker.

For the Draco who caused his tragedy, he is not ashamed, but proud.

If there is a chance to return to Mary Joa, he will definitely die happy, what shit pirate dream, is there a dragon noble on the day?

For such a guy, Luo Xing’s heart only had disdain.

He lowered the sanction of God, and a huge pillar of thunder light slammed into Doflamingo, who was immediately electrified.

However, Doflamingo’s ability to bear injuries is very strong, plus he is a line, and he is somewhat insulated from the physique of thunder, and the trauma caused by thunder to him is not serious.

“Foot shaving!”

The sharp silk thread followed the toes and kicked Luo Xing’s flank at the same time.

Doflamingo’s silk thread was extremely sharp and could easily cut through steel and even meteorites, but when it was cut on Luo Xing’s skin, it left only a few shallow blood marks.


He was flabbergasted and couldn’t believe it.

This madman didn’t use armed colors, and his defense power was as high as this?

Doflamingo had learned from Guladius before that Luo Xing’s defense was strong, and he was not afraid of the power of ordinary explosions, but it was far beyond his expectations to this extent.

Luo Xing didn’t care about Doflamingo’s surprise, seeing that the thunder released outside had little effect, he directly acted on the cells in the body, enhanced the activity, and punched out.

This battle needs to be resolved quickly, before Kaido and the World Government react.

The fierce fist carried a pitch-black flame.

Doflamingo felt the ultimate danger, hurriedly hooked the distant building with a line, and flew backwards with the force.

“Too slow.”

Luo Xing’s voice was indifferent, and with a flash of thunder under his feet, he teleported to Doflamingo, and his fist was still punched.

“So fast!”

Doflamingo really changed color and fought with Luo Xingshi, he knew how terrifying this man’s strength was, no wonder he was not killed in the top war.

Seeing that he could not dodge, Doflamingo had to cover both arms with armed color domineering and block them in front of his chest.


Although he successfully blocked Luo Xing’s fist, he was knocked out by the huge force attached to his fist.

Bang bang!

Doflamingo’s body was like a kite with a broken line, knocking down more than a dozen buildings before stopping.

“The strength is so strong, and that black flame, even the armed color can’t be completely defended!”

Doflamingo spilled blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked down at his arm, which showed signs of burns.

“You don’t have time to be surprised, otherwise your head will be cut off by me in the next second.”

Luo Xing was like a humanoid ferocious beast, not giving Doflamingo time to react at all, bursting out with the extreme speed of thunder, flashing forward, and launching another onslaught.

The fist of the burning demon flame struck violently like a storm.

“Spider’s nest!”

Doflamingo makes spider web-like threads for multiple defenses.

Unfortunately, although the wire has a certain lightning protection and insulation, it is ineffective for the flame, and his thread is contaminated with the magic flame, burning wildly, and cannot play a defensive role at all.

Knock knock knock!

Like a heavy muffled sound like a giant hammer hitting a piece of iron, Doflamingo was crushed by Luo Xing in all directions and was unilaterally beaten.

After all, whether it is speed, strength, defense or even attack, all attributes Luo Xing are above Doflamingo.

“How so, Lord Young Lord…”

The members of the Don Quixote family around were stunned.

Although they had heard of Luo Xing’s great name for a long time, they never expected that it was so strong that even the young lord was not an opponent at all.

“No, I’ll have to help Dover.”

Diamanti was secretly frightened and decided to help Doflamingo.

At the moment, the top officials of the family, Torrepol and Pika, have been chosen as opponents, and only he is free.

His actions were seen by Trafalgar Ro, and when he was about to block it, the Pink Dragon in the air rushed towards Diamandy one step ahead of him.

Luo was stunned.

Viola walked to the side and explained, “Let Rebecca go, Rebecca’s mother and my sister will die at the hands of that bastard.” ”

Rebecca saw the mother-killer and desperately charged with the huge dragon body, which startled Diamanti.

“Hey, what’s the matter, you dragon who ran out of nowhere pretending to be Kaido!”

Diamanti cursed with an ugly face.

“Don’t you remember me, Diamandy, I’ve never forgotten you in so many years, the night my mother was killed by you!”

The pink dragon let out an angry dragon groan, and the powerful air stream it spewed out made Diamandy have to cover it with his arm.

“This voice is a little familiar…”

Diamanti suddenly remembered something, and his face changed:

“Are you Rebecca?”

Rebecca controlled the dragon’s body and continued to ram at him.

Diamanti jumped to the side, determined that it was Rebecca, and couldn’t help but laugh:

“Jiao, I really can’t believe it, you turned into a dragon, did you eat some special devil fruit, what a waste, being eaten by waste like you!” Even if you have a dragon’s body, it still can’t change the essence that you are a waste, Rebecca! ”

After knowing that it was Rebecca, Diamanti was not worried at all.

It’s just a little girl’s film, what is it.

He pulled out his knife and slashed at the pink dragon.

“Sword Long Sword!”

The knife suddenly lengthened.

Diamanti is a Fruit Flyer, able to turn steel into weapons and even clothes.


The long knife slashed at the dragon scales, sparks appeared, but it did not cut in.

“The skin is quite thick.” Diamanti scoffed.

Rebecca, who harbored the vendetta of killing her mother, opened her dragon’s mouth and bit towards Diamanti.

“Bullfighting cape!”

Diamanti shielded him from his cloak, which was made of steel.

However, the hardness of steel is not comparable to the dragon’s teeth, and the cloak is crushed.

Diamanti was startled and had to dodge backwards.

His movements are very flexible, Rebecca always can’t hit him, but he can’t break the dragon scales.

“Since the skin can’t be broken, let’s destroy the heart of this little girl, hahaha!”

Diamanti had a cruel smile on his face, he loved to do this kind of torturous thing the most.

“Rebecca, you said you never forgot the night your mother was killed by me, really, do you know the details? Well, let me tell you a little more specifically. ”

Diamanti laughed loudly.

“Your mother Scarlet was discovered by our people in order to find you food, oh, how pitiful, obviously a princess of a country, but she looks like a piece of bread treasure like something, really like a beggar!”


The wanton laughter pierced Rebecca’s heart like a knife.

“Don’t say it, don’t say it!” The pink dragon cried and cried out in pain.

“I want to say oh, I killed Scarlet with my own hands, and I also shot her body several times, and the piece of bread was also rubbed by me on the ground…”

While destroying Rebecca’s heart, Diamanti quietly approached and suddenly stabbed the long sword into the pink dragon’s eyes.

“Yellow-haired girl, you are still too tender, you can’t bear this little thing, let Lao Tzu become blind!”

Diamandy laughed triumphantly.

He can’t break the defense of the dragon scales, but the eyes can always be.

Unexpectedly, at the moment when the long sword was about to pierce the eyes of the pink dragon, the pink dragon suddenly closed its eyelids and blocked the sword from the outside.

When the pair of dragon eyes opened again, they had become extremely cold, revealing endless coldness.

Compared with the coldness of his eyes, the pink dragon’s abdomen turned red, as if a fireball was swimming in its abdomen and moving towards its mouth.

“Hot breath!”

Pillars of blazing fire erupted, in Diamandy’s incredulous gaze.

“Impossible! How could you yellow-haired girl make such an attack! ”

Diamandi exclaimed, but the truth was in front of him, and he couldn’t think too much, and hurriedly blocked all the steel on his body as a defense.

The pillar of fire was extremely thick, encompassing Diamanti’s entire person, and the temperature of the flame was so high that even steel could melt, penetrating the surface of this king’s heights.

When the pillar of fire disappears.

Where Diamanti stood, there was only a big red hole left, where was there still half a figure?

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