Red Earth Continent, Holy Land Mary Joa.

The world’s highest authority, the magnificent hall, the atmosphere is solemn and solemn.

“Unexpectedly, that kid from the Don Quixote clan was killed by a woman.”

“Although that kid was removed from the Draco status, he was finally a Qiwu Sea, and he was killed like this, we can’t sit idly by.”

“Do you want to do something to Dressrosa? I’m afraid not, this country is a member of the world government, and that woman is a royal princess of the former Liku family, with the legitimacy to return to power, we have no reason to interfere. ”

The information sent to the five old stars is that Doflamingo was killed by Viola, and it also comes with Viola’s details.

[Viola, the fallen princess of the Riku family, lurks in the Don Quixote family, always looking for an opportunity to take revenge on Doflamingo. 】

On the surface, this appears to be a revenge drama for the power of King Dressrosa.

There was a full motive and it was very reasonable, so the five old stars did not suspect that there was anything else hidden inside.

But Doflamingo is a powerful Qiwu Sea after all, is it too easy to die?

“I still can’t believe it.” The bald old man with the sword said, “A woman who has to submit to her enemies can do such a thing.” ”

“Don’t underestimate the power of hatred.” Satan said.

The blond five old stars said: “If Doflamingo dies, the secret of the national treasure will not be leaked.” ”

Doflamingo threatened several times to tell the secret of Mary Joa’s national treasure, so that the five old stars compromised with him and made various non-point demands.

“That’s true, too.” The old man with a two-handed beard said, “Lord Im should be happy.” ”

As soon as they heard Lord Im’s name, the five old stars who were the supreme powerhouses all showed extremely reverent expressions on their faces.

As if they were just the servants of the adult.

“That lord is so angry at the death of Charros last time, we must erase the murderer!”

“The navy is really a bunch of waste, the murderers have all gone up to Marin Fandor, and they haven’t killed them yet!”

“After all, it was during the war, there was a threat from Whitebeard, the situation was chaotic, and you can’t take Thunder Calamity Luoxing lightly, and there are hundred beasts Kaido behind him!”

“After the special training of Rob Luqi and others in CP9 is completed, after entering CP0, let them assassinate Thunder Calamity Luoxing.”

“This arrangement is no better, Rob Luqi is a natural beast, known as the strongest genius in CP9 for eight hundred years, although he lost to Straw Hat Luffy, but it aroused his potential even more!”

The five old stars decided in a few words, and after the strength of the members of the original CP9 was higher, they would be sent to assassinate Luo Xing.

You can only choose assassination, because even the five old stars dare not directly send troops to attack the country of Wano and ask Kaido for someone.

The discussion of the five old stars gradually came to an end.

The bald old man finally said: “The situation in Dressrosa still cannot be ignored, there is likely to be another force, and someone must be sent to investigate.” ”

Satan Dao:

“Then let Stussy of CP0 go, she happens to be in the New World, and with the identity of the Queen of Happy Street, it is easier to find out the situation.”

“The right person.”

The rest of the five old stars all nodded in agreement.


The news of Doflamingo’s death made considerable waves in this sea.

Especially in the underworld, those countries where war is taking place.

“What, Joker is dead? Damn, our deposit has been paid, so who will provide us with weapons! ”

“Without weapons, the war with the enemy country will be lost!”

“Bastard, how could something like this happen!”

Just when the kings of the underground world were angry.

They were then surprised to find that the weapons they had ordered had been delivered to them on time.

“Hey, what’s going on, where did this weapon come from, isn’t Joker dead?”

“Hahaha, maybe it’s just a scam, how could that bastard die so easily!”

However, the person who sent them the weapon only replied coldly.

“Stop fantasizing, Doflamingo is indeed dead, but Joker is not dead, and now Joker is our captain!”

The kings of the underground world widened their eyes, incredulous, and asked in shock:

“Who is your captain, and he is the real killer of Joker?”

The person who sent the weapon sneered: “Our captain’s name is Death Surgeon Trafalgar Luo, remember this name, he is the new dark middleman, and soon he will also become His Majesty the Seven Wuhai!” ”

The underground world is shaken.

The kings looked at each other.

Trafalgar Rowe?

This name, they have all heard of, extremely evil supernova, and is also known as the leader of the new era.

It’s just that these guys have just entered the new world, and they can kill a veteran Qiwu Hai, which is really terrifying.

Not only Trafalgar Rowe, except for Luffy the Straw Hat Kid, who doesn’t know where to go, other supernovae also have their own big moves.

Such as Eustace Kidd, the strange monk Urki, etc., challenged the four emperors and aunts, and also defeated a general, which is really not to be underestimated.

The situation in the world is constantly turbulent.

After the top event, the balance of the three major forces of the Seven Wuhai, the Four Emperors, and the Navy was broken, and a new pattern was gradually born.

The old Seven Wuhai, only Hawkeye, Pirate Female Emperor, and Tyrant Bear have not changed, and I don’t know who will fill the four who are missing.

The situation of the four emperors has changed dramatically, the strongest white-bearded pirate group has been completely destroyed, and the original white regiment territory has been occupied by the hundred beast group.

The Blackbeard Pirates, who originally wanted to seize Whitebeard’s inheritance, failed to do so, but Blackbeard is really not a simple character, but he raided the original Rocks Pirate Group, One Piece, and took Hive Island, the most vicious island in the New World, as his own, and was recognized by the world government as the new sea emperor.

The navy, the largest force in the sea, lost 50,000 or 60,000 elite sailors in the war, which can be described as a serious damage to vitality.

The prestigious Marshal Sengoku resigned, and the generals Red Inu and Blue Pheasant fought for the position of marshal, and earth-shattering conflicts broke out, turning Punk Hassad into an island of ice and fire.

But fortunately, after ten days and ten nights of terrible fighting, the victory and defeat were still divided, and Akainu became the new marshal.

The green pheasant, who was unwilling to be under the red dog, withdrew from the navy, causing the navy to lose a top combat power.

The red dog is a fiery character, as soon as he became a marshal, his ass was not yet hot, and he gave the first marshal order –

The Navy will conduct a world conscription!

In order to strangle the evil pirates, the power of the navy must be strengthened, which is the style of the red dog who upholds the idea of absolute justice.

The world will usher in a new storm.

And Luo Xing, who returned to the country of Hezhi, was about to face the storm of Teacher Kai.

As soon as he arrived in the country of Wa, Ember came to the door with a very bad tone:

“You kid is too wanton, he didn’t obey the call, he participated in the top without permission, and this time he even killed Joker, he is related to the transaction of the Smile Fruit, which is extremely important to Mr. Kaido!”

“Come with me, Mr. Kaido is waiting for you on the Island of Ghosts.”

The moment he learned of Joker’s death, Kaido guessed that it must be Luo Xing’s hand.

Because Joker had just called him not long ago, and it was obvious that he wanted to give Luo Xing eye drops, with Kaido’s mind, it didn’t take long to come back.

At first, Kaido was still wondering why Joker did this, it turned out that the crux was here, and Joker probably detected the crisis in advance.

Bastard, Luo Xing’s bastard kid is really daring enough!

Joker is even more bastard, blame you for being too weak to be easily killed!

Kaido was extremely angry and sent out Embers, about to take Luo Xing back to the Island of Ghosts.

Luo Xing knew that he couldn’t hide this time, and he didn’t want to hide anymore.

Anyway, whether it was to increase his defense, obtain the title of the strongest creature, or make an agreement with Yamato, sooner or later he would have to receive Kai-sensei’s mace education.

Luo Xing even had a vague expectation for this.

I don’t know if he was knocked by Mr. Kai, can he comprehend the long-coveted overlord color entanglement on the spot?

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