Klee never expected him to be so upside down.

I thought that I had captured a mission, but when I was about to arrive at my destination, I ran into the ship of the Hundred Beast Pirates.

And the man standing on the ship was the thunder disaster Luoxing who left a deep psychological shadow on the Klee frame in the battle for the metal mine island, and then became more and more famous!

The pirate ship of the Aunt Group is far opposite the pirate ship of the Hundred Beasts.

Luo Xing was also a little surprised, and coincidentally bumped into the Aunt Pirates.

But think about it is reasonable, after all, the Aunt Group is going to marry Jerma, and it is normal to start this behavior at this time.

Seeing that the person who came was a Kli frame, Luo Xing couldn’t help but smile.

This is his first perfect tool to increase his defense, Luo Xingyue calls it Treasure Boy.

But unfortunately, now his internal and external defense power is close to 40,000, which is not far from Teacher Kai’s 50,000.

Although the strength of the Keli frame is very strong, and the strength of the armed color domineering is also good, if you want to cause Luo Xing several serious injuries like the battle for the mining island, I am afraid that it is impossible to do it.

The value of Treasure Boy has been greatly reduced.

However, Luo Xing saw the Klee frame again, and he was in a good mood, and waved his hand from afar.

Aunt Pirates on board.

Seeing this, the corners of Kriji’s mouth twitched, and his body trembled slightly.

Although he hated Luo Xing extremely in his heart, he was almost deprived of his life by his mother because of the failure of the mine island last time.

He also often resented in his heart, but after really seeing this man, Klee Frame couldn’t raise the courage to take revenge at all.

The shadow of the last mental breakdown has swept through again.

With his biscuit fruit ability, in the face of this trickster man who can recover from serious injuries in an instant by eating, he can’t fight at all!

It’s really not that he’s timid, but there’s really no way to fight.

Let alone.

This man’s bounty has now reached 1.5 billion Bailey, and his strength must be even more terrifying than the last time.

Next to it, a cadre of the Aunt Group said in a trembling voice:

“It turned out to be the famous thunder disaster of the Hundred Beast Pirates, this guy is a complete madman, even the Draco dares to kill, and he dares to act recklessly in the situation of the war!”

“What is he doing here?”

“Could it be that Jerma is at both ends of the snake and mouse, and while talking to us about marriage, he is also secretly colluding with the Hundred Beast Pirates?”

“Lord Kriji, what should we do?”

The members of the Aunt Group all panicked.

After all, Luo Xing’s current fame is too great, and his appearance is too unexpected.

They also couldn’t guarantee whether Jerma had betrayed their Aunt Group and turned to the arms of the Hundred Beasts.

In short, the situation became extremely serious.

“What else can I do, let’s go!”

Klee almost roared.

He was terrified.

But there was nothing to do, fighting with Luo Xing, who restrained him, was completely self-defeating, and Kelijian no longer wanted to feel the deep sense of collapse last time.

“Lord Krijia…” said his subordinate weakly, “but when you came, you promised your mother that you would definitely complete the mission…”

Klee was immediately dumbfounded, and swallowed his spit in fear.

yes, almost forgot, he made a promise.

If he makes his mother dissatisfied again this time, his mother will definitely not let him go!

His forehead was covered with cold sweat and dripping down.

He definitely didn’t want to face his mother’s horror.

What to do?

Cradle, Klee came up with an idea.

Just put all the blame on Jerma!

Klee Frame looked sharply at the several cadres beside him, and said grimly:

“Jerma doesn’t want to marry us sincerely at all, they have already defected to the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and deliberately teased us, right?”

The eyes of several cadres widened, and they immediately understood the meaning of the Klee frame.

Although this is just a suspicion and there is not the slightest evidence, in order not to be punished by the mother’s anger, even if it is fake, it must be true.

Everyone immediately nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

“It’s just, Jerma is too bastard, they are traitors!”

“Jerma colluded with the Hundred Beasts and wanted to ambush us, but fortunately Lord Kelijia detected it quickly, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable!”

“Start the boat, hurry back to the new world!”

Immediately, the Aunt Pirate Ship drove its maximum horsepower and fled with a puff of smoke.

The heralds of Jerma on the shore were stunned.

The herald reported the matter to Lord Kaji, but Kaji did not believe it.

With Reijiu, Iji, Neji, and Yuji rushed to the coast.

Then they saw a scene that they will never forget.


A tall figure covered in thunder rushed into the sky, stepping on the void, wrapped in deep dark clouds and coercing towards the fleeing Auntie Regiment ship.

The thundergod-like figure laughed:

“Kriji, I haven’t seen you for a long time, why am I in such a hurry to leave, I miss you very much.”

Klee looked at the man in the sky in horror.

The power of that thunder made an endless chill surge in his heart.

He was sure and sure that this man would never be able to use such a terrifying ability last time.

Although he guessed that Luo Xing must have become stronger, it was still much beyond his imagination that he was so strong.

Kriji’s face turned pale, and he gritted his teeth and roared:

“Thunder Calamity Luoxing, what do you want to do, do you want to provoke a war between our two families?”


Luo Xing smiled slightly.

“Just to thank you for helping me last time, I want to give you a gift in return.”

“In addition, sooner or later I will go to all nations to visit Auntie, which can be regarded as a stepping stone.”

“Put it away, Klee.”


Thunder exploded in the sky.

Then it condensed into a thunderbolt lightning bolt and slammed into the Klee frame at an undodgable speed.

Krirack was in a hurry, urging biscuits and armed colors to defend themselves.

But it didn’t have much effect.

The Kriframe was struck by lightning, and the whole person was electrocuted to convulsions, and the bones inside the body were revealed.

This kind of pain made the Klit, who even felt the pain of the injection, cry directly, and snot and tears flew out together.

The hall put Xingkeli on the frame, but he was beaten into such a miserable state in the face, and there was no way to fight back.

This sight made Gaji and his children all take a deep breath and turn the waves in their hearts.

Of course, they had all heard of Luo Xing’s name, but seeing it with their own eyes, this man seemed to be even more terrifying than rumored.

And why did he come here?

Kaji felt a hint of something bad for no reason.

Luo Xing gave a small gift of the Kriji frame, and did not continue to pursue.

With the friendship relationship between Aunt and Teacher Kai, sooner or later the two will form an alliance, and the Aunt Group is an important help in the fight against the world government.

And Luo Xing will go to visit all nations once before that.

After all, the whole world is made of food, and for him it is simply heaven.

If Luo Xing hadn’t been strong enough before, he would have wanted to go there to challenge Aunt a long time ago.

If his future defense and strength want to continue to become stronger, he must also challenge the strong at this level.

For the development of the forces under his command, let it all be left to science.

Luo Xing’s gaze then looked at Vince Mock Gaji on the coast below.

Kaji’s heart suddenly jumped.

The comer is not good, this is Gaji’s intuition for decades.

“The thunder disaster of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, the old man and you have not intersected, and the fight between you and the Aunt Pirate Group, the old man does not want to participate.”

Kaji said in a deep voice.

Iji, Neji, and Yuji also looked at Luo Xing with hostility.

Luo Xing hugged his arms to his chest, and suddenly the corners of his mouth hooked:

“Djerma, it’s not that you don’t participate if you don’t want to, the weak have no choice, you should know this best.”

“Just like this kingdom of Lubnir that is being conquered by you, they cannot choose not to be invaded by you.”

These words made Gaji’s face change.

Lei Jiu, who was originally curious to look at Luo Xing, flashed a hint of surprise in her eyes.

Luo Xing’s playful voice continued:

“Vince Mock Gaji, your life credo is that the weak should be the strong.”

“So, you still won’t kneel down and submit to me?”

Luo Xing didn’t look like he wanted to reason with Kaji at all, nor did he have any alliances or marriages, and he came up to ask the other party to kneel down and submit.

For a powerocrat like Gaji, it is to fight violence with violence.

Kaji, Iji, Neji, and Yuji were all furious when they heard this.

Only Lei Jiu suddenly felt a trace of sadness and lamentation.

Is it ironic that my father, who has believed in oppression, war, and the supremacy of strength all his life, is now going to be oppressed by a more powerful existence?

Gaji roared angrily:

“You bastard, if you want Lao Tzu to submit, it’s a hundred years earlier! Don’t think that you are a group of pirates of a hundred beasts, Lao Tzu is afraid of you! That plague quinn of yours was just Lao Tzu’s defeated subordinate back then! ”

Quinn, Gaji, Caesar, and Vegapunk were all members of the same scientific organization.

Because of their different ideals and concepts, they turned into enemies and parted ways.

“yes, I don’t think a waste like you can win Quinn.”

As soon as Luo Xing’s words fell, a flash of thunder flashed, and his figure appeared in front of Gaji.

Reaching out with a large hand, he grabbed Kaji’s neck before he could react.

“You really have no awareness of your own strength.”

“In front of me, you don’t have the capital to shout, understand?”

Kaji’s face turned red, and he wanted to resist desperately.

Luo Xing’s palm sharply increased its strength and lifted his whole person up.

“Put… Let go of me…”

Kaji couldn’t breathe well and was extremely uncomfortable.

“Let go of Father-sama!”

Iji, Neji, and Yuji shouted, and they all attacked Luo Xing.

Luo Xing glanced at the three with a sneer.

“The three of you claim to be the highest masterpiece of Jerma’s technology, and I’m also quite curious, what is the difference between Jerma’s technology and Quinn’s and Caesar’s?”

“Well, let me study it.”

Let the three attack hit him.

It didn’t have the slightest effect at all.

“How is it possible, so hard, do you also have an exoskeleton?”

Iji exclaimed in disbelief.

“I don’t need that kind of thing.”

Luo Xing threw Kaji away, and then carried Iji, Neji, and Yuji in his hands like chickens.

Djerma flaunts his might in the North Sea, which makes people feel the wind change.

But in front of Luo Xing, he was like a child who had no power to resist.

“Room Baton!”

Law then disembarked from the ship and transferred Gaji to control.

The royal family of Djerma, in the blink of an eye, there is only one Lei Jiu left.

Things happened too quickly, even with Lei Jiu’s psychological quality, he didn’t react for a long time.

She didn’t know what to do for a while.

But Kaji, Iji and the others are her father and brothers after all, and she can’t be indifferent and sit idly by.

If you want to be killed, then die together, this evil family should have been destroyed a long time ago.

She was about to move.

A voice rang in her ears:

“If I were you, I would recognize the situation and look at the situation honestly first. Don’t worry, I still need your army of clones in Jerma, and I won’t kill them. ”

Lei Jiu froze and watched in a daze as Luo Xing carried the three of Ji into their Djerma cloning laboratory.

The other side.

Law controlled Gaji and said to her:

“Let’s stop the war first, now only you can order those clones.”

Only then did Lei Jiu notice Luo, the dark middleman of the underworld.

It turns out that Joker is actually that man’s subordinate, the world government must not know, otherwise it will definitely not let him serve as Nanabukai.

Lei Jiu was silent and followed to stop the war.

Unlike Iji, Yuji, and Neji, who have completely lost their human emotions, she still retains a certain amount of emotion, but she can’t oppose the will of her father Kaji.

Djerma’s war of aggression stopped, the kingdom of Lubinir was rescued, and uninformed people thought it was Ro’s credit, and the name of Joker was boosted.

The combined fleet of Djerma’s seas, leaving the kingdom of Lubinir, and even the North Sea, went to the New World.

The clone soldiers who only know that they follow orders do not know that their king has been controlled, and the three princes are being subjected to a new transformation experiment.

A few days later.

Luo Xingcai came out of the laboratory, and the expression on his face was a little strange.

He learned the technology of Jerma through the Ichi trio, and by the way, see if the Iji trio can be transformed into only obeying his orders from now on.

However, Gaji’s science does have a hand, and it is not so easy to change.

An ordinary clone soldier Luo Xing can be transformed and obeyed on his orders instead.

After all, the three of Ji were transformed by Kaji from their mother’s womb, and it was extremely difficult to modify.

However, after some attempts, Luo Xing seemed to succeed, and it seemed that he did not succeed.

In short, it seems to have confused the original procedures of the three of Iji, so that it became… How to say it, uncontrollable? Abominable?

He planned to bring them to Kaji to see the effect.

“Follow me.”

The three of Ji mechanically followed Luo Xing.

Came to the room where Kaji was being held.

Luo and Lei Jiu are both inside.

Lei Jiu’s expression was complicated, and she didn’t know what this man planned to do to their Jerma.

Seeing that the three of Ji were okay, she couldn’t help but quietly sigh with relief.

Kaji sat down on the ground.

Overnight, losing everything is like a dream.

He believed that the law of the jungle was the unchanging law of this sea.

But he forcibly eats others, not others forcibly eats him!

Damn, why did it become like this?

Gaji wept bitterly.

Sensing the movement and looking up to see the culprit come in, Kaji gritted his teeth and roared:

“Bastard! Bastard! Put Lao Tzu, this is a jerma that belongs to Lao Tzu! ”

“Iji, Niji, Yuji, you guys hurry up and kill this guy!”

The three Iji who followed Luo Xing were indifferent.

Kaji opened his mouth wide, and Lei Jiu was also incredulous.

The three of Ji didn’t listen to Kaji’s orders?

“You put three… How’s it going? Kaji yelled.

“It’s not good, just using your technology to clear the settings in their bodies that must obey your orders, it seems that it should be successful, but it still has to be tested.”

Luo Xing suddenly pointed at Gazhi and said to Sanzhi:

“Beat him.”

The three of Ji have chaotic procedures, various emotions in their heads, and instinctively want to obey Luo Xing’s orders, but there seems to be the will to resist.

Iji: “He’s our father, Lord Luo Xing.” ”

Nick: “Can’t my father beat him?” ”

Yuji: “I can definitely beat ah, what the hell is my father!” ”

The three brothers laughed together.

yes, what the hell.


The scene that made Lei Jiu feel terrified and extremely sad happened.

Iji, Neji, and Yuji actually began to beat Kaji violently, laughing while beating back.

Kaji’s nose was blue and his face was swollen, and he doubted life.

“Okay, stop.” Luo Xing ordered that he would not kill Gaji so ruthlessly.

Kaji was in severe pain, and he looked at the three sons who had become extremely strange, his angry body trembled, and these three beasts were still laughing!


Kaji spurted out a mouthful of blood in his heart, and roared with exhaustion:

“Beast! Three beasts! What are you doing, Lao Tzu is your father! ”

Iji, Neji, and Yuji looked at each other, and suddenly held their stomachs and laughed.

“Father, you say we are beasts, then aren’t you an old beast?”

“Hehe, in fact, you are an old beast, and I still remember that our mother was killed alive by you.”

“Alas, sorry, we don’t even feel sad.”

This human tragedy, Lei Jiu’s heart trembled, two lines of tears flowed from the corners of her eyes, and endless sadness permeated from the bottom of her heart.

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