“That is… The man who killed Dover! ”

“Such an overlord color is far more than Dover!”

“The power of God?”

On the top of the mountain.

Virgo looked at Luo Xingshi’s overlord-colored winding sword technique, and almost solved the former Admiral Zefa in a crushing posture.

He was deeply shocked.

It was even more shocking than when he saw Doflamingo awaken the overlord color when he was a child.

Law glanced at Virgo and grinned:

“A man who can command me, of course, has this degree. So, what do you want to do next, Mr. Virgo, to avenge Doflamingo? ”

It took a long time for Virgo to recover from his shock.

Cold sweat slipped down his forehead.

He was speaking.


A flash of thunder flashed.

Luo Xing’s figure, who was still on the other side of the island just now, suddenly appeared here.

Virgo’s pupils vibrate, and his heart is horrified.

And the man’s majestic gaze swept towards him.

A single look made Virgo feel a mountain of pressure.

Virgo has no doubt that as long as the man in front of him thinks, he can completely wipe him out with just a little finger!

The strength of both sides is not at all on the same level.

Even Dover is far from being comparable to this man!

Virgo swallowed.

The next moment.

He made the decision to change his fate, just as he had done when he submitted to Doflamingo, he knelt on one knee and kowtowed to Luo Xing:

“I, Virgo, submit to Lord Luo Xing!”

Virgo actually gave in to the choice of crisp and neat, without dragging mud and water.

This was a bit unexpected for Luo Xing and even Trafalgar Rowe.

I thought Virgo would somehow read a little bit of the murdered Doflamingo.

However, it makes sense to think about it.

After all, Virgo’s allegiance to Doflamingo was only because he was intimidated by the latter’s overlord domineering.

Now that Luo Xing’s overlord spirit is still above Doflamingo, and the latter is dead, there is no need for a person like Virgo who is sober-minded and aware of current affairs to do something beyond his strength for a dead person.

It was better to defect, but he gained a stronger backer than Doflamingo.

Luo Xing looked at Virgo who bowed his head towards him with interest.

This year, the reason why he did not solve the last remaining remnants of the Don Quixote family.

It’s not because he forgot, but people at the level of Virgo are no longer qualified to let Luo Xing deliberately target.

At present, the other party’s wise choice to join is a surprise.

Being able to implant a spy within the Navy would undoubtedly be useful for grasping the movements of the Navy in the future.

“Get up, Virgo.”

Luo Xing’s tone became gentle.

Virgo was a keen person, and from the change in tone, he could detect that Lord Luo Xing was willing to accept his surrender, and he couldn’t help but be overjoyed.

“Yes, Lord Luo Xing!”

“The person who knows the time is Junjie, Virgo, you are a smart person, your strength is not weak, and your status is not low. However, just the base leader of the G5 branch is still too small for me. So, Virgo, I need you to be promoted to Navy Headquarters in the future. ”

This is a direct dispatch mission, and Virgo is even more surprised.

The next task is equivalent to Lord Luo Xing’s attention to him, and he does not treat him as a dispensable person.

“The subordinates understand, and they promise to do it!”


Luo Xing praised, and then took out a devil fruit, and the corners of his mouth showed a little playfulness.

“This is the stone fruit copied from the bloodline factor of Pika, the highest cadre of the Don Quixote family with you, eat it.”

Virgo was stunned, and immediately ate it without hesitation.

Luo Xing nodded in satisfaction.

The Stone Fruit is a superhuman demon fruit close to nature, and Luo Xing believes that it surpasses Doflamingo’s thread fruit in potential.

If Virgo can cultivate it to the level of awakening, maybe he can fuse the entire island, and the power can be imagined.

And even if it can’t be done, the stone fruit alone can escape underground, whether it is to escape or pass through the wall to obtain important information, it is extremely convenient, and it is the most suitable devil fruit for Virgo’s spy identity.

“Come on, Ontake Virgo, if there is any situation, feel free to contact me.”

Luo Xing patted Virgo’s shoulder and gave the other party a phone bug before leaving with Luo.

Virgo was excited, and carefully put the phone worm away.

He was glad that he had a stronger backer and a way forward, so he didn’t have to be confused.

“I’m sorry, Dover.”

Looking at Luo Xing’s back as he left, Virgo said to himself in his heart:

“It is no longer possible for you to become a king, but I may still accompany this adult to enjoy the glory of becoming a king!”


“Virgo base grown, you are back, you are not injured!”

When Virgo returned to the G5 warship, he had regained his composure, his expression as always, and he could not see anything unusual.

“I’m fine, let’s go back to base.”

Virgo ordered lightly.

The warship returned to the port of the G5 base, and the warship led by Smog arrived soon after.

Virgo walked straight to his office.

Lord Luo Xing wanted him to be promoted to the Navy Headquarters, and he had to find a way to obtain military merits in order to attract the attention and promotion of the Headquarters.

“Hey, Virgo!”

A voice with no respect stopped him.

Virgo paused and looked back expressionlessly.

“Smogg, is something wrong?”

It was Smog who stopped Virgo.

“You went to that island too.” Smog took his cigar and had undisguised doubt in his eyes, “Why didn’t Lao Tzu see you, what the hell did you do?” ”

Questioned so suspiciously, Virgo did not panic in the slightest, still expressionless.

“I’m your sir, remember that, Smogg, there’s no need for me to report my whereabouts to you.”

The suspicion in Smogg’s eyes grew stronger.

“To tell you the truth, Virgo, Lao Tzu has long seen that something is wrong with you, and the smell of pirates on your body, Lao Tzu will definitely not smell wrong. Virgo, who exactly are you doing things for! ”

The reason why Smog has a bad relationship with Virgo is because he has an intuition that Virgo’s surface is disguised, perhaps a pirate spy lurking in the navy.

It’s just that he has no evidence and can’t be sure.

Virgo’s eyes narrowed.

Unexpectedly, Smogg, who he had never put in his eyes, had such insight, a little underestimated.

However, as long as he is not caught with conclusive evidence, with Smogg, he can’t help him Virgo!

“Smogg, such unfounded words cannot be said nonsense. According to the rules of G5, if you frame your boss for no reason, you will be sentenced to death! ”

“You made such rules, right?”

“Huh, so what?”

Virgo sneered.

In the G5 branch, he is the sky, he is the rule.

It’s time for the unscrupulous Smog to recognize this!

“Ghost Bamboo!”

Virgo slammed into Smogg.

His weapon is a bamboo stick, which is harder than steel after covering the armed color domineering.

Although Smog picked up ten hands in time to resist, he was swept out by a huge force.


Smog spewed out a mouthful of blood.


Just cursed, before he could stand up, there was a sense of extreme danger behind him.

Smogg changed color in shock, glancing back incredulously.

Virgo was standing behind him at some point.

What’s going on?

Smog was puzzled.

He didn’t know that Virgo had escaped from the underground to his back through the Stone Fruit ability he had just obtained.

“Strength, speed, domineering, ability, all attributes I am above you, Smogg, this is the gap between you and me!”

Virgo’s toes were covered in armed color, and he kicked Smogg’s back mercilessly.

Smogg was kicked far away, his bones were about to break, his back ached sharply, and he didn’t get up for half a day.

Virgo patted the dust on his trouser legs, he still had to carry out the task assigned by Lord Luo Xing, and he was not in the mood to waste time with Smogg.

He came up with an idea that would clear up the suspicion that Smog had aroused by others and possibly him, while also getting a steady stream of military merit.


It was seen that in the following January, the G5 branch changed its previous style of not learning and no skills, and began to take the initiative to surround and suppress the pirates of the New World.

The base commander Virgo showed superhuman strength, and some pirates who were famous in the New World and bountied hundreds of millions were defeated by him.

Virgo’s style is even more fierce, as long as he shoots, he will be killed.

So much so that the pirates in the surrounding seas, when they heard the reputation of Ghost Bamboo Virgo, their faces changed greatly and they were afraid.

The news reached the ears of Marshal Akainu.

The red dog, who was depressed because of the return of the yellow ape feathers, was immediately overjoyed, and gave a thumbs up to Virgo’s decisive killing.

“This is absolute justice!”

The red dog immediately ordered to transfer Virgo to the headquarters and serve as a vice admiral of the navy headquarters, how can such a good seedling inheriting his style not focus on cultivation?

It should be known that the red dog, who has only recently become a marshal, is very lacking in the navy.

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