The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two were in a state of panic.

Amidst the laughter and joy, Crocus and Lab also learned that Brook was the only one left in the Rumba Pirates.

Lab looked up to the sky, and his long roar was full of pain and unwillingness.

"Woo woo woo woo..." This cry echoed in the empty sea, like a sad elegy.

Brook walked quickly towards Lab, stroking its huge body with both hands.

"It's okay, Lab, you still have me!"

However, Lab suddenly turned back and then slammed into the Red Earth Continent.

It tried to break the Red Earth Continent and tried to go back to the West Sea to find its companions!

Its heart was full of trust in Brook, and because of this, it was even more painful.

It couldn't accept that the companions who had laughed and laughed with it were no longer there.

Abis was shocked when she saw this,

"Labo, don't do this..."

Just as she was about to forcefully stop Labo from hurting himself,

a chorus of music sounded,

"Yohoho, Yohohoho..."

The music sounded from a shell. This was the last song of the Rumba Pirates and their farewell song.

Labo heard this familiar melody, and his movements gradually slowed down, and finally stopped hitting.

It stayed there quietly, listening to the songs left by its companions.

The song gradually came to an end, the voices of the companions became fewer and fewer, and the sounds of falling to the ground became more and more.

Finally, only Brook's solo was left echoing in the empty sea.

Labo looked up to the sky and howled,

"Woo woo woo woo..."

The sea water slid down its cheeks.

It understood that those lost companions would never come back again.


A flash of light from a teleportation array passed by, and the group of the cute king travel group reappeared on the terrifying three-trick sailboat.

As soon as they landed, they heard a noisy clamor.

Hogbaq tightly hugged Moria's legs, his expression was excited, and his voice was crying:

"Master, I beg you, don't take Sindoli away from me!"

Moria looked embarrassed and sighed,

"Hogbaq, I can't do anything, the new leader has ordered that all shadows must be released."

Seeing Limru return, Moria quickly winked at Hogbaq, indicating that he should ask Limru for help.

Although Moria received the order to release all shadows, he did not immediately execute the order and remove the shadows from Sindoli's body because of the importance of Sindoli to Hogbaq.

After all, Moria still cares about his subordinates.

Hogbag understood and immediately turned to Limru, hugging his thigh tightly as well:

"Chief, Xinduoli is too important to me, I can't lose her!"

Limru glanced at Xinduoli standing next to him. She was holding the plate expressionlessly, her body was covered with stitches, and her skin showed the paleness of a dead person.

He took a deep breath:

"Xin Duoli is no longer alive. Letting her rest in peace is the best respect for her."

Hearing this, Hogbak became even more emotional:

"No, although she is dead, I have resurrected her in my own way!"

Limru frowned and said sternly:

"Enough, this is not resurrection! She is now just a soldier who obeys orders, a puppet.

Your love for her has long been distorted, and now you are just possessive!"

Hogbak was unwilling to accept it. He pointed at Xin Duoli:

"Impossible, look at her, she is still moving, this is resurrection!"

Limru shouted,

"Then why don't you put a shadow into Absalom's body and resurrect him?"

Hogbak's expression froze. Could he say that he wanted to resurrect Absalom? After all, his physical strength is stronger than that of ordinary zombies.

But he didn't dare to mention this in front of Moria!

Sensing what Hogbak was thinking, Limru couldn't help but sigh again.

It seems that he really thinks this is a kind of "resurrection".

Has this person's mind been twisted to this extent?

After thinking for a while, Limuru made a decision,

"Let's do this! This matter is decided by Xinduoli!"

Everyone cast doubtful eyes, not understanding Limuru's intention.

After all, how can a dead person make a choice?

Looking at everyone's puzzled expressions, Limuru began to explain:

"Xinduoli's body still retains her will before she died!"

As soon as these words came out, whispers suddenly sounded all around.

Nami was surprised:

"How is this possible? Xinduoli has been dead for several years, how could she still retain her will before she died?


Limru just smiled mysteriously and said nothing more.

He stretched out a hand to Xinduoli,


After speaking, Xinduoli was instantly wrapped in black mist and swallowed.

"Great Sage, find Xinduoli's will and use thoughts to communicate and establish a connection!"


[Information: Connection has been successful!]

Limru smiled lightly and released Xinduoli from the Glutton.

He looked around and slowly said:

"Now, I will take you into Xinduoli's thinking space."

Everyone felt that their eyes were bright, and they were already in an unfamiliar space.

Xinduoli stood in front of them and smiled at them.

This smile shocked everyone. This expression was not something a puppet could make.

Hogbak was the first to react. He hurried to Xinduoli, his face full of excitement:

"Xinduoli, is this the real you? Do you still remember me? I did it for you--"

"Pa!" Xin Duoli gave him a big slap without hesitation.

Hogbak was stunned. He covered his cheek and looked at Xin Duoli in disbelief.

"Xin Duoli you--"

"Pa!" Another big slap was thrown on Hogbak's face.

Obviously, she had no good feelings for the man who desecrated her corpse, and she didn't even want to say a word to him.

Limru walked up and looked into Xin Duoli's eyes:

"Although the situation seems clear, I still have one more question, Xin Duoli, are you willing to continue to be controlled by Hogbak?"

Xin Duoli shook her head firmly:

"I don't want to, I don't love him!"

Limru nodded:

"In that case, we will cremate you after we get out. "

Hearing this promise, Xin Duoli showed a bright smile that she would only have in her lifetime.

And Hogbag stood there in a daze,

Why did she have to be cremated?

He begged Limru not to take back the shadow in Xin Duoli's body, just because he didn't want her to die again.

He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something else.

But Limru kicked him out of his mind space directly.

After the disgusting man disappeared, Xin Duoli raised the corners of her lips and showed a sweet smile,

"Thank you for letting me break free, I will dance for you!"

Limru nodded, "Then I'll wait and see!"

He glanced at Moria next to him and removed him from his mind space as well.

Then, the scene changed instantly, and a magnificent stage unfolded in front of everyone.

The audience was filled with people transformed by Xin Duoli's memory, and they were eagerly waiting for the performance to begin.


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