The princes quickly compared the bounty order in their hands and confirmed that it was this person. So, they jumped off the boat and came to Limru, bowing slightly to show respect. The Great Prince of Shark Star looked solemn. "Lord Dragon Emperor, our father learned of your arrival and specially prepared a reception. Please come. Your companions are also there." They were full of awe. The person in front of them was a big shot in the world with a bounty of 12 billion Baileys. You know, even the red-haired Shanks, who was feared by all, had a bounty of just over 4 billion Baileys. At the beginning, when Jinbei showed Remuru's bounty order, they didn't believe it and counted the zeros several times.

Remuru nodded slightly,

"Can I bring a few friends with me?" He looked at the women beside him with frozen faces.

The Great Prince of Shark Star smiled,

"Of course, the friends of Lord Dragon King are naturally our distinguished guests."

He thought to himself that the more mermaid friends Remuru had, the more secure Fishman Island would be.


Ryugu Castle,

Banquet Hall,

The spacious and tall space was filled with gorgeous decorations, and a shell-shaped stage was placed in the center,

On it, several mermaid girls were playing lightly.

The girls of the Cute King Tour Group were wrapped in a huge bubble and watched quietly.

When Nami and the others entered Fishman Island, they took the normal passage and were then enthusiastically led to Ryugu Castle by the King's Army.

Here, they met Jinbei, the "Sea Knight" who was one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

After the execution of the Celestial Dragons, he hurried back from the New World, fearing that Remuru and his gang would clash with Fishman Island.

Kerla recognized Jinbei and said in surprise: "Boss Jinbei, long time no see, do you still remember me?"

"Who are you?" Jinbei looked at the girl in confusion.

"It's me, Kerla, the little girl back then!" Kerla said with a smile.

Jinbei was startled and looked Kerla up and down.

"Kerla, I haven't seen you for so many years. You have grown up!"

"Boss Jinbei, you are a little fatter than before!"

"Didn't you join the Revolutionary Army with Haku? Why are you here?"

"I just left the Revolutionary Army a while ago and am now a member of the Cute King Travel Group."

"But I didn't see you in their bounty order. Are you... the Thousand-Faced God Slayer in the legend?"

"Guess?" Kerla said mischievously:

"Look, my captain is here."

The three princes slowly arrived at Ryugu Castle with Limru, Uta, and Camie.

Neptune, the king of Fishman Island, "Sea Knight" Jinbei, and the ministers came forward one after another.

Neptune was all smiles.

"Your Excellency Dragon King, we are honored to have you here.

We have prepared a rich meal for you after a long journey. Please take a seat and enjoy."

Limru nodded slightly, and with this action, the banquet officially began.

The fish girls walked out of the dark, holding exquisite food and mellow wine in their hands.

Limru picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and turned his eyes to Neptune.

"King Neptune, it is said that you have a daughter who is extremely beautiful. Why didn't she come today?"

Neptune raised a bitter smile at the corner of his mouth and said:

"Your Excellency Dragon King, you don't know. Eight years ago, my daughter had to hide in the Hard Shell Tower because of the constant harassment of Vander Decken IX."

The right minister took over the conversation calmly, with a flash of anger in his eyes.

"That guy is really hateful. He is the user of the Target Target Fruit..."

He explained the reason in detail.

After hearing this, Nami frowned, with a hint of disdain in her voice:

"This Vander Decken is too perverted! He proposed to a 6-year-old girl, and after being rejected, he threatened her."

Nokigo also echoed:

"This level of pervert is comparable to that of the perverted doctor."

Limru looked at Jinbei curiously,

"Jinbei, even you can't deal with him?"

Jinbei looked embarrassed,

"He hides in the deep sea and moves in secret. Every time I approach, he escapes quickly, and I can't do anything."

After hearing this, Limru turned his eyes to Neptune,

"In that case, I will help you get rid of this harm, just as a thank you for this meal."

Neptune's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise, but then it was covered with worries,

"Thank you, Lord Dragon Emperor, but Daken IX is hiding in the deep sea, how are you going to act?"

Nami interrupted:

"Just go to the deep sea to find him.

For our captain, the water pressure of the ten thousand meter deep sea is nothing. "

Limru nodded and suggested:

"How about letting Princess Shirahoshi attend the banquet? Staying in the Hard Shell Tower for a long time may be detrimental to her psychological growth."

Neptune hesitated, obviously worried.

Limru assured:

"Don't worry, we are here and won't let her get hurt at all."

Neptune sighed and shook his head helplessly,

"Well, okay. ”

The person he is most worried about now is not Vander Decken, but Limru.

I hope he won't have bad intentions towards Shirahoshi!

Soon after,

The right minister led Princess Shirahoshi into the banquet hall.

Her long pink curly hair fluttered in the wind, her aqua blue eyes were like deep-sea pearls, and her appearance was extremely beautiful.

Especially her huge body, which was 11 meters tall, was amazing.

Everyone's attention was instantly attracted.

"Wow, is this the legendary mermaid princess?"


"It's so big."

Princess Shirahoshi seemed to be frightened by the scene. She trotted and hid behind King Neptune, holding his sleeves tightly with her little hands.

Neptune gently patted the back of Shirahoshi's hand to comfort her, and then introduced him.

When Limru was introduced,

Princess Shirahoshi also looked at him curiously,

"Are you the Dragon King? Thank you. If it weren't for you, I don't know when my father would have allowed me to come out. "

Limru responded with a smile,

"You are too polite. Your father did this for your safety."

Princess Shirahoshi nodded, "Yes, I know."

Limru then introduced his companions to Princess Shirahoshi,

"This is Rika, this is Abis..."

Princess Shirahoshi greeted them politely.

At the banquet, Shirahoshi naturally sat at the children's table and soon became friends with the little lolita.

Limru saw this scene and shook his head slightly. Although Princess Shirahoshi is already fourteen years old, her mental age seems to be similar to Rika and the others.

Limru turned to look at Neptune and said, "I don't know how much you know about my ideals? "


The banquet was in full swing, with laughter and joy.

However, at this moment, a long axe suddenly flew from the sky, aiming directly at Princess Shirahoshi.

Princess Shirahoshi's face turned pale instantly. This was not the Hard Shell Tower, there was no protection.


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