The two of them were very close.

"Nami, I can help you kill the dragon!"

Limru's voice was firm, pointing directly to the core of the problem.

Once the dragon dies, all problems will be solved!

Nami's heart was shocked, she raised her eyes and looked at Limru deeply. A trace of surprise flashed in those clear eyes, and was quickly suppressed.

"Limru, thank you, I appreciate your kindness."

She said softly, with a bit of helplessness in her tone, "Although you are very strong, the natural advantages of fishmen are not something that humans can overcome."

Nami's words were full of deep fear of the dragon. She didn't want this young man she just met to be involved in this unprovoked dispute.

Moreover, Nami was about to earn enough money to meet the agreement with the dragon, so naturally she didn't want any accidents to happen.

Limru smiled slightly, and his smile revealed an indescribable confidence.

"Nami, you should know the strength of the dragon better than me." He said softly, his voice full of confidence and determination, "But please believe me, no matter how powerful it is, I will help you solve it."

Seeing Limru's determination to kill the dragon, Nami's eyes showed a touch of emotion, but the more so, the more Nami didn't want her savior to die.

"Ordinary fishmen are born with a stronger physique than humans, and they can breathe in water and swim fast. The dragon is the best among the fishmen..."

Nami slowly told Limru about her understanding of the fishmen, including several major cadres under the dragon and ordinary fishmen, in order to dispel his benefactor's idea.

Limru listened quietly, and he always kept a smile on his face.

After Nami finished speaking, Limru slowly said: "It sounds like this dragon is really powerful."

"But I am invincible." There was no fear in his tone.

Limru did not think of belittling the dragon. The more powerful the dragon was in Nami's heart, the more powerful Limru would be after Limru easily defeated the dragon, and the more beneficial it would be for Limru.

Limru did not want Nami to become the "weak trio" in the original work, who would retreat as soon as they heard that the other boss was very strong.

To change this, it is necessary to form the belief in Nami that "our boss is invincible". Once the inherent concept is formed, it will not change easily.

Even if Nami realizes the weakness of the dragon in the future.

As for why Limru is so confident that he can kill the dragon?

Limru looked at the panel, which showed a devil fruit development rate of up to 9%.

Limru has not been idle these days. In addition to finding a few sunken ships and obtaining some treasures, all the large sea beasts that passed by have gone into Limru's stomach.

Although the sea beasts are weak and do not provide many powerful skills, they still give Limru a lot of magic after digestion.

With the promotion of magic, the development of devil fruits in the early stage is still very fast.

This is the source of Limru's confidence!

Host name: Limru

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Partners: None

Talent: SSS-level

Devil Fruit: Deification - Slime Fruit - Devil God - Void God Form (Development: 9%)


Unique skills: Great Sage, Predator

Inherent abilities: Absorption, Self-regeneration, Dissolution

General skills: Magic perception, Water flow manipulation, Primary Observation Haki, Primary Armament Haki, Primary Overlord Haki, Poison Breath, Heat Source Perception, Body Armor, Paralysis Breath, Sticky Wire·Wire, Blood Sucking·Ultrasound, Underwater Breathing, Swimming, Bubble Blowing...

Resistance: Heat Change Resistance, Stab Resistance, Physical Attack Resistance, Pain Invalidity, Electric Current Resistance, Paralysis Resistance

Existence Value: 160,000

160,000 existence value, a solid vice admiral level.

Relying on skills, the admiral of the navy is not impossible to beat.

Nothing else to say.

Observation Haki can detect the breath of surrounding creatures, read the position and number of enemies outside the line of sight, and predict the actions that the opponent will take in the next moment.

If you practice it to the extreme, you can even see the future. Although this future is not the real future, it is essentially a prediction of the future.

Although Limru's Observation Haki is only at the elementary level.

If the speed is not enough, time will make up for it!

With the help of the Great Sage's thousand-fold perception and powerful information processing ability, it is easy to foresee the future after 5S.

Limru is not incapable of foreseeing a longer time. The difficulty of foreseeing the length of time is exponentially increased.

And prediction

The result will also change with the change of Limru's actions. Therefore, it is not cost-effective to foresee too long.

This is also the confidence of Limru and the general in fighting, although he does not know whether he can win.

Nami did not believe Limru's words of "invincibility" easily.

Even though Limru easily killed the pirate worth 8 million Baileys.

"Can you tell me about your grudge with the dragon?" Limru's gentle voice sounded, "Maybe I can help you."

Nami hesitated, and did not want to implicate innocent people, and was about to speak.

"How about this! From the fact that you steal pirates' treasures everywhere, you should be very short of money! As long as you tell me about your grudge with the dragon, this money will be given to you."

Limru took out the harvest of the past few days from his stomach.

Looking at the treasure that suddenly appeared, Nami's eyes lit up.

After a rough calculation, the approximate value has been assessed.

Almost 20 million Baileys!

Adding the 85 million Baileys already stored, it has exceeded 100 million Baileys, so the village can be liberated.

"Are you really going to give it to me just to know my situation?"

"Of course it's more than that! I vaguely feel that you need this money very much."

Nami was very touched, and after a little silence, she said:

"I really need this money very much! Let's put it this way, I will borrow this money from you, and I will return it to you later!"

Nami doesn't think her past experience is worth 20 million Baileys.

Although Nami likes money and is good at cheating and stealing treasures, her targets are limited to pirates.

For the benefactor who helped her, Nami can't "cheat and deceive".

Nami thought in her heart, "My dream is to draw a map of the world. After redeeming the freedom of the village and myself, maybe it would be nice to travel around the world as his companion."

"Eight years ago..."

Nami slowly told Limru the secret suppressed in her heart.

"Damn dragon, you've already got a way to die!"

Limru punched a hole in the boat, and his anger could not be calmed for a long time.

"Dragon, that bastard, you ***"

The sound of the telegram kept ringing.

Although Limru already knew Nami's experience, he still couldn't stay calm when listening to Nami's low voice.

Anime is different from reality after all. Reality is about living people and real things, which can arouse the anger of the listener.

Limru put away his previous contempt. He used to treat Dragon as a small fish that could be easily cooked, which was wrong.

Dragon must be cooked carefully!

"Do you really think that guy will keep his word? I can't trust that kind of person!"

Nami's heart jumped. It's not that she hasn't thought about this in the past 8 years, but it was quickly suppressed by the abyss of despair.

"How could it be?" Nami forced a smile, "I know the dragon very well. He has a unique obsession with money and is a man who will never betray money."

Limru was not only angry with the dragon, but also felt distressed for Nami. He gently hugged Nami's shoulders and touched Nami's head.

"You have worked hard all these years!"

The girl was obviously much closer to the boy after knowing the secret in her heart, and she did not reject this kind of close contact.

"Don't worry, I will go with you! If it abides by the agreement, it's fine. If it dares to make trouble, I will kill it."

Based on his understanding of the dragon in the anime, Limru is very sure that it is not a man who keeps his promises!

The dragon will never give up Nami, an excellent surveyor.

"If it abides by the agreement, I will poop upside down." Limru silently complained in his heart.

"Okay, thank you." Nami has always fought alone, and she is very grateful to Limru for standing up.

He made a decision silently in his heart. If an accident happened, he would save Remuru's life even if he died.

"By the way, what's wrong with these pirates?"

"They were knocked unconscious by my Conqueror's Haki, so they are fed to the fish!" Remuru learned from analyzing the memory of the big glutton that these pirates were committing all kinds of evil, and none of them were innocent.

Remuru kindly stabbed each pirate and threw them into the sea to feed the fish.

After pulling up the anchor, Nami adjusted the course and drove the "glutton" towards Cocoa Village.


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