After thinking for a while, Limru looked at the skill panel.

Host name: Limru

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Partners: Nami, Nokiko, Makino, Lixiang, Lilixiang, Kaya, Carmen

Talent: SSS-level

Devil Fruit: Deification-Slime Fruit-Demon God-Void God Form (Development: 31%)

Inherent Abilities: Absorption, Dissolution, Self-Regeneration

Unique Skills: Great Sage, Predator, Tempter, Degenerate

Normal Skills: Magic Perception, Water Manipulation, Observation Haki (Intermediate), Armament Haki (Intermediate), Overlord Haki Haki (primary), space movement, black flame, super-speed regeneration, multiple barriers, poison breath, sound wave perception, heat source perception, rigidity, body armor, paralysis breath, sticky wire·steel wire, blood sucking·ultrasound, super sense of smell, black thunder, fire control, flame explosion prison array, clone, shadow movement, underwater breathing, swimming, blowing bubbles...

Resistance: heat change resistance, piercing resistance, physical attack resistance, pain nullification, electric current resistance, paralysis resistance

Existence value: 320,000

Strength is steadily improving, and the development degree has reached 31%!

When the development degree exceeded 30%, he synchronized the new skill-space movement, and his strength was further improved.

Limru fell into deep thought. Now he has determined that his strength is at the level of the general emperor, and he is determined to take the path of overthrowing the world government in the future.

And now, there are already several female companions around him, but it is impossible for just a few people to conquer the world in the future. He can develop peripheral forces.

A cockscomb flashed in his mind, Bartolomeo.

He was a bohemian, yet extremely loyal man, exactly the ideal younger brother in his mind.

"It's a little late now, let's go find him tomorrow!" Limru made a plan for tomorrow.


"Great Sage, do you want to tell me something?"

[Nothing. ]

At night

In an inn in Rogue Town.

The members of the tour group sat together, the atmosphere was warm and harmonious.

Limru stood up and walked to the middle of the crowd with a new-looking woman.

He smiled and introduced the new partner to the women:

"This is Carmen, from today on, she is also one of us. Let's get along well!"

After Limru introduced Carmen to everyone, he introduced several women to Carmen in turn.

Makino stared at Carmen for a while, as if confirming something.

"Carmen, your outfit... Could it be that you are the 'flame' Carmen?"

"Makino, do you know her?" Limru turned his head and looked at Makino.

The girls also cast curious glances.

Makino nodded, confirming his guess.

"Well, last year, she defeated the number one chef in the Kingdom of Goa, and I was lucky enough to witness that duel."

Limru smiled when he heard this, "Then you can exchange cooking skills more often."

"By the way, Limru, the 'important matter' you mentioned this morning, is it to find new sisters for us?" Nami looked at Limru with some jealousy.

Limru's forehead was sweating, but he still said shamelessly:

"Of course, I am also sharing the pressure for you! I have also reserved a cute swordsman, and will continue to recruit companions in the future."

Principled issues cannot be compromised!

Nami heard this, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, as if she accepted Limru's explanation.

"In that case, I also want to introduce someone to everyone."

Nami clapped her hands.

A man with green hair and cockscomb rushed in.

"Hello, big sister, hello, seniors! My name is Bartolomeo, and I am Nami's younger brother."

Bartolomeo bowed deeply as soon as he entered the door, and then bowed to each person in turn.

The women looked at Nami with questions in their eyes.

Nami smiled slightly and began to slowly tell the story of her encounter with Bartolomeo.

It turned out that after watching the execution platform, Nami took Xiao Lixiang into a weapon store.

Xiao Lixiang chose a pair of exquisite daggers, and Nami chose a stick as her weapon.

A few days ago,

Nami saw Limru practicing swordsmanship, and she also wanted to practice a weapon.

After thinking it over again and again, she decided to choose a stick as her weapon.

"This stick is called 'Weather', it is 1.75 meters long and weighs 800 kilograms!" Nami took out the weather stick from the package and showed it to her companions.

The stick is of moderate thickness, and the entire stick is a deep sky blue.

Nami waved it a few times

Stick, a whistling sound was heard in the air.

Then, Nami continued to recall: "Just when I got the weather stick, I was itching to get it, Bartolomeo rushed in with a few brothers..."

In the morning,

Bartolomeo rushed into the weapon shop angrily.

"Grandma, give me some weapons quickly."

Nami held the weather stick tightly, thinking that it was someone who was causing trouble.

The old lady looked at him with a hint of pampering in her eyes.

"Xiao Ao, are you going to fight again?"

"It's not a fight, it's a gang fight." Bartolomeo explained,

"Damn it, the Tianzha Gang in the next town actually looked down on our Barto Club and said we were a bunch of hooligans. How can we tolerate this?"

The younger brothers echoed:

"It can't be tolerated, absolutely can't be tolerated!"

"They are standing on our heads and peeing."

"We must teach them a lesson!"

Bartolomeo held the old lady's hand, with a coquettish look on his face,

"Grandma, just sponsor us a few weapons! 40 will be enough!"

The old lady said helplessly, "Okay, okay, you little brat, you use this trick again. Go, pick some handy ones, and remember to return them after use!"


Hearing this, Bartolomeo smiled.

After Bartolomeo left, Nami asked about the price of the weather stick.

The old lady held up five fingers: "5 million berries."

Nami's eyes widened,

"So expensive! Old lady, can you give me a discount? How about 500,000 berries?"

The old lady shook her head firmly, "The price can't be less!"

After several rounds of bargaining, Nami lost.

Looking at her dejected look, the old lady couldn't help but laugh:

"You should be very strong! If you can bring Xiao Ao and the others back safely, I can give it to you for free."

Hearing this, Nami's eyes lit up, "Really? Then it's settled!"

Then things went smoothly.

Nami and Xiao Lixiang followed Bartolomeo to the next town.

But they found that the so-called Sky-blasting Gang was just a group of gangsters fighting over trivial matters.

So, Nami beat up everyone on both sides.

Everyone else was beaten with a stick, but Bartolomeo used a barrier to block her attack.

This made Nami very excited, so she used all her strength, and countless stick shadows fell on the barrier.

Finally, she wrapped the Conqueror's Haki around the Weather Stick, and the whole stick exuded a heart-pounding pressure, and red lightning lingered on the Weather Stick like smoke.

Nami chopped the barrier with all her strength.

The barrier did not move at all.

Bartolomeo was frightened by Nami's courage and sat on the ground.

Now he had just eaten the Barrier Fruit not long ago, and he did not understand the nature of the barrier, and could not cover himself completely.

If Nami wanted to win, she would have won long ago. She was just practicing stick skills!

After knowing that Nami was sent by the old woman, Bartolomeo recognized her as his elder sister on the spot and vowed to follow her for the rest of his life.

Nami could not get rid of him no matter how hard she tried, and was very enthusiastic.

Finally, Nami had no choice but to throw the problem to Limru.

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