The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"Hey, woman! Where are the other navy? Has Smoker come?"

Tashigi's eyes were cold, and she held the famous sword Shigure tightly, with a ruthless voice.

"To kill you, I don't even need Colonel Smoker to come out!

I can defeat you!"

When Crick heard that Smoker had not come, his tense nerves relaxed a little, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Eight years ago, Smoker had just taken office as the navy captain of Rogue Town, and Crick witnessed his strength with his own eyes.

At that time, Crick was just an ordinary pirate. He witnessed with his own eyes the helplessness of the invincible captain in his mind in front of Smoker.

Any attack had no effect on Smoker.

That was the first time he felt the horror of the power of nature, which left him with an indelible psychological shadow.

Even though many years later, he thought he was much stronger than the old captain, but deep in his heart, his fear of Smoker was still the same.

Recalling his own cowardice, Crick was angry!

He stared at Dashiki gloomily, holding the war gun tightly in his hand, and his tone was full of disdain:

"You want to kill me?"

Crick stared at Dashiki with a sinister look.

Dashiki had a serious face, holding Shigure tightly with both hands, and his eyes were full of determination.

The battle was about to break out,

Crick took the lead, waving the war gun and smashing it at Dashiki, bringing a gust of wind.

Dashiki reacted quickly, rolled sideways, and dodged the blow,

The war gun hit the ground heavily,

With a loud bang,

an explosion occurred at the point where the war gun touched the ground.

With a grim smile, Crick began to explain his abilities:

"My weapon contains gunpowder. If you don't want to be blown up, run as fast as you can!


Then, Crick waved the war gun wildly, launching round after round of fierce attacks, and each swing was accompanied by the roar of gunpowder explosions.

Tashiki was suppressed and could only jump and dodge.


A pirate minion rushed out from the dark and tried to sneak attack Tashiki.

She took a side step and easily avoided the sudden attack.

However, Crick seized this opportunity and swept the war gun in his hand towards Tashiki.

At this critical moment, Tashiki gritted her teeth and quickly used Shiyu to resist. The sword and the war gun collided violently, and sparks burst out.

There was a loud bang.

Tashiki was blown away as expected!

The pirate minion flew out with her and hit the mast heavily.


Dashiki stood up with a cough. Thanks to the cushion behind her, her injuries were much lessened.

She looked at the ground behind her.

It was the minion who attacked just now!

Foaming at the mouth, it's what he deserves!

With a wicked smile, Klek slowly approached and said sarcastically:

"Hey, this navy lady is quite tenacious!"

Dashiki gritted her teeth and stared at Klek,


"What!" Klek raised his eyebrows.

"Why did you massacre those innocent villagers? Why did you do such a heinous thing?" Dashiki's tone was full of anger.

Klick sneered, "Do you think I'm a murderer? Okay, I'll tell you!"

Klick slowly explained:

"The Grand Line is known as the graveyard of pirates, and countless pirates die there every year!

My brothers, when they face that sea area, they are filled with negative emotions such as fear, panic, depression, and low morale!

So, I held a "village massacre banquet" to eliminate this emotion and boost their morale.

You see, isn't this method very effective?"

In fact, it's not just the pirates, he himself has emotions that need to be vented.

After hearing this, a trace of shock flashed in Dashiqi's eyes,

"Just for these, you do this to them?" Dashiqi muttered to himself.

"Hahaha..." Klick laughed arrogantly,

"Those villagers are just our playthings. They should feel honored to add some fun to our banquet."

Dashiqi's eyes turned red instantly, and she stared at Klick,

"What do you think of life!"

Her angry eyes were like a roaring lion, and a trace of fear flashed through Klick's heart.

However, it was this moment of fear that made Klick very angry.

He picked up the war gun and rushed towards Dashiqi.

The war gun came with a sharp sound of wind, and took Dashiqi's life directly.


Qi tightly grasped the knife in her hand, she knew she had nowhere to hide.

Hide? No, she had lost a lot of physical strength and was seriously injured. Even if she dodged this attack, it would be difficult to deal with the next attack.


The only way is to cut it off!

Dashi Qi recalled that the swordsman could cut through steel,

"If you can't cut it off, you will die!"

"I will cut it off!"

"I will definitely cut it off!"

The war gun was getting closer and closer. At the critical moment of life and death, she suddenly felt that she was integrated with the world around her and could clearly sense the "breathing" of the war gun.


With her roar, the war gun broke with a sound as the figures crossed.

The smooth incision shone with cold light.

"How is it possible!" Klick widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief.

The pirate minions also cried out in surprise:

"She cut off the big gun!"

"That knife can actually cut through steel!"

Crick quickly recovered from his shock. He stared at the knife in Dashiki's hand and smiled greedily:

"Oh, I see, your knife is the legendary supreme knife!"

He thought he was more knowledgeable than the minions!

He is worthy of being the man who regarded Hawkeye as a devil fruit ability user!

"Yes, it's called Shigure, the future supreme knife!" Dashiki looked at him coldly.

Crick took out a steel cloak covered with spikes and wrapped it around his body, saying proudly:

"Woman, can you still hurt me now?"

The double defense of Jianshan Cloak and steel armor made him feel safe.

Dashiki took a deep breath and held the hilt tightly.

"Everything in the world is broken."

After that, she slashed at Crick.

"Kill Shi Yu!"

Blood splattered,

Crick's cloak and armor were like paper under Dashiqi's sword, and he was cut in half from the waist.


Crick fell heavily to the ground, his hands supporting the ground, his face twisted, and a shrill wail came out of his mouth.

He struggled, trying to escape from Dashiqi's pursuit, he didn't want to die.

Dashiqi looked at him coldly, thinking of the tragic situation in Muye Village, and slowly spoke,

"I'm sorry, this is the most vicious punishment I can do for you!

You should repent well during this time before you die completely!"

The tip of her sword was still dripping with blood, but she knew that cutting in half was her limit,

She couldn't do anything more vicious.

Suddenly, a voice of praise came from above:

"You have done very well!"

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