The sky was full of clouds, and the sky was full of clouds.

Against the blue sky and white clouds, the seagulls flapped their wings, soared freely in the sky, and made cheerful "oh oh" sounds, as if cheering for the upcoming happy event.

"I have to tell everyone this good news as soon as possible!" Nokigao said excitedly, and then ran quickly towards the village.

On the other side, Nami stood quietly in front of the gate of the Dragon Paradise.

She carried a delicate small handbag in her hand and a heavy package on her back, which was all her hope and chips.

"Come on, Nami!" She silently cheered herself up in her heart, took a deep breath, clenched her fists, and mustered up the courage to push open the gate of the Dragon Paradise.

"This is the last step."

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a group of fishmen of different shapes. Some of them were lying on the ground, enjoying the leisure time in the afternoon, and some were playing in the water, like a group of carefree salted fish.

Years of peaceful life made them forget the hard experience of survival in the Grand Line and their former identity as slaves.

They regarded the blood of fishmen as the noblest bloodline, and at the same time imagined that after mastering all the sea charts, they could establish the Dragon Empire and enslave all ordinary humans.

The dragon was lying comfortably on the recliner. When he saw Nami coming in, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Nami, you're back." The dragon said slowly, "This trip took a long time! How did you get this time?"

"I was lucky. I found a treasure in a sunken ship! I made a lot of money." As she said that, she looked into the dragon's eyes, "Along, you should still remember our agreement, right?"

"Of course I remember, this is an agreement between you and me." The dragon chuckled: "As long as you can come to me with 100 million berries, I will liberate the village and give you freedom."

"Just remember it!" Nami smiled, "I have earned 100 million berries, I want to buy Cocoa West Village!"

"Nami, what did you say?"

The dragon widened his eyes and his expression was stiff.

The fishmen who were still playing around were also quiet all of a sudden.

The originally smiling expression on his face was frozen on his face.

100 million berries?

Nami, collected all by herself?

This was too sudden, and the fish were not prepared at all.

Nami took off the package from her back and gently placed it in front of her.

There was a hissing sound, and the zipper was unzipped, revealing the bloodstained Bailey.

Nami's serious voice sounded, "Here are 100 million Baileys, you count them!"

The surrounding fishmen gathered around and exclaimed at the full bag of Baileys.

"It seems that there are really 100 million Baileys!"

"Why are there so many bloodstains? Is it from the pirates?"

"Is Nami leaving us?"

The dragon looked at the treasure in front of him and was shocked. He thought that it would take Nami some time to collect 100 million Baileys.

Unexpectedly, it was collected all of a sudden.

The dragon suppressed the shock in his heart and quickly thought of a countermeasure: "Kroobi, you come and count them."

A cartilaginous fishman with light blue skin and sword-like fins on the outside of his forearm walked out of the fishmen.

He bent down and carefully counted the Baileys.

After a moment, Kroobi leaned over to the dragon's ear and whispered, "Brother A'long, there are exactly 100 million Baileys."

The dragon pondered for a moment and tried to find fault: "Some of you have gold coins, but gold coins have depreciated recently..."

"Dragon, do you want to regret it?" Without waiting for his answer, Nami threw the small bag in her hand heavily on the ground with her left hand: "There are still 5 million Baileys here, this is enough!"

Suddenly, a tense atmosphere filled the air.

After a long while, the dragon suddenly laughed out loud: "Nami, don't you know what kind of person I am? I am a man who will never break any agreement involving money, even if I die."

The dragon stood up and walked to Nami: "From now on, you and Cocoa Xicun are free."

Nami just breathed a sigh of relief, but heard the dragon change the subject: "So, our genius surveyor Miss Nami, have you considered staying in our dragon pirate group?"

Without waiting for Nami to respond, a gentle smile appeared on the dragon's face. He leaned forward slightly, trying to get closer to Nami.

"As long as you are willing to stay and continue to draw sea charts for us. I will meet all your needs, the most beautiful dress, the most favorite jewelry, no matter what it is, I will buy it for you."

However, Nami refused without hesitation: "I

I don't want to!"

Nami never forgot the death of her stepmother Bell-mère, and she only had deep disgust and hatred for the Dragon Pirates.

"Nami--" The octopus next to her, Hachi, also wanted to ask them to stay, but was stopped by the dragon's eyes.

"If you don't want to, then leave!" The dragon waved his hand with a sullen face, "Hachi, see you off."

"No need!" Nami turned and left.

Nami walked out of the gate of Dragon Paradise quickly, with a smile from the heart on her face:

"Nokigo, Ken, everyone, we are free. No one will be sacrificed anymore!"

Dragon Paradise.

All the fishmen had gloomy faces, and no longer had their previous smiles.

Hachi couldn't help but step forward, his brows full of anxiety: "Brother Along. Are you really going to let Nami go? "

The dragon frowned, his face gloomy like the sky before a storm: "My original plan was to contact the navy to seize Nami's treasure after a while, but I didn't expect Nami to suddenly gather all the treasures. It's a pity."

Kroobi asked nervously: "What should we do now? Nami's sea chart can greatly enhance our strength. We can't give up!"

A trace of cunning and insidiousness flashed in the dragon's eyes. He chuckled a few times: "Who said I gave up! How could I let such an excellent surveyor like Nami jump away?" He looked around and continued, "The village was liberated! But I didn't say that it can't be occupied again!"

The surrounding fishmen breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this, and the tense atmosphere eased a little.

"Will Nami agree?" The kissing fishman frowned and asked a question.

"She has to agree even if she doesn't agree. "The dragon raised one corner of his mouth with contempt, revealing an evil smile, "As long as I use the lives of everyone in Cocoa West Village as a bargaining chip, she will have no choice but to obey."

"You are such an evil man," Chiu sighed, but despite saying so, he couldn't help but smile.

"Shahahahaha," the dragon laughed loudly, "But since Nami is so ungrateful, there is no need to give her the status of a cadre this time. From now on, she will continue to draw sea charts for us as a slave of the Dragon Pirates."



"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi..."



In the Dragon Paradise, demons danced wildly, and the devilish laughter echoed in the air for a long time.

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