The old man was very angry.

"In three days at most, Crocodile will be finished. You can consider joining us!"

Robin's eyes widened instantly, and her heart was like a heavy bomb thrown into it, and it was turbulent.

She was about to ask more, but was suddenly interrupted.

A small minion from the Baroque Studio rushed in, holding a piece of information in his hand:

"Miss. All Sunday! Received an urgent information!"

Nicole Robin took the information, but did not open it immediately, but looked at Limru with a treat in his eyes.

Limru understood, but did not leave. He chuckled and said, "No need to avoid me. This should be the 'praying for rain' information sent from Rapeseed Port."

Robin opened the information half-believingly and half-doubtingly, and scanned it at a glance. Her heartbeat accelerated. The content of the information was almost the same as what Limru said.

She took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in her heart, and stared at Limru:

"How did you know about this?"

Limru smiled,

"I said I just came from Rapeseed Port, do you believe it?"

Robin looked at Limru, without saying a word, but his eyes were full of disbelief.

Limru did not explain too much, but looked at Robin seriously:

"Miss Robin, you should really consider my proposal. Crocodile cannot protect you for life, but I can!"

After a pause, he continued:

"Under my protection, you can freely choose the lifestyle you want."

The little minion on the side swallowed his saliva involuntarily and asked tentatively:

"Um, can I pretend that I didn't hear anything?"

Limru turned his head to look at him, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

He responded softly:

"Okay. You go out, and then, forget everything that happened here."

Before he finished speaking, the little minion's eyes became empty, nodded mechanically, and turned away.

Robin witnessed all this, and knew in her heart that this was Limru showing her his ability.

She pondered for a moment and finally spoke:

"I have been looking for the historical text. Can you give me such freedom?"

Limru smiled and nodded, "The historical text, I can go with you to find it."

He continued: "I know there are two pieces hidden in Alabasta. Do you want to go and see?"

Robin's eyes lit up immediately. This was the goal she had been pursuing for twenty years.

She couldn't wait to ask:


"Of course it's true!" Limru walked to her side and gently put his arm around her shoulder.

The next moment, they appeared in a cave ruin full of ancient atmosphere.

This is the ancient ruins that Luffy accidentally discovered in the desert in the original book.

In the center of the ruins, a huge historical text stone tablet was inserted diagonally into the sand, and mysterious patterns were engraved on the surface of the tablet.

As soon as Robin's eyes came into contact with those words, she seemed to be deeply attracted.

She walked forward lightly, and her fingers gently touched and stroked those precious words.

After a moment of silence,

Robin began to calmly interpret the words on the stone tablet:

"In the 239th year of Tianshi, Kashira conquered Alabasta..."

"In the 260th year of Tianshi, Peter was killed by Dima..."

"In the 306th year..."

As Robin's voice echoed in the empty ruins, Limuru secretly complained in his heart,

It seems that Robin has memorized the script in advance, and these contents are exactly the same as what she told Crocodile in the original book.

Is this treating herself as a person like Crocodile?

He coughed twice and interrupted Robin's interpretation.

"Miss Robin, you don't have to recite it to me. I am not very interested in what is recorded here!"

Robin paused slightly after hearing this, and then continued to interpret, but did not read out the content again.

Soon, Robin turned around and faced Limru, with expectation and inquiry in his eyes:

"Thank you for bringing me here, then, what about the other historical text?"

Limru shook his head and refused:

"The other historical text belongs to the royal family, and Princess Vivi is my partner. I can't take you to see it before you get her consent."

"How can I get her consent?" Robin asked.

Limru touched his nose and responded:

"If you become our companion, she should agree!

After all, the predecessors left these records in the hope that future generations can understand history."


The night fell,

Dark clouds rolled in the sky, thick

Thick clouds blocked the moonlight.

Under the dark clouds,

a ship was suspended in the air, moving slowly forward.

Behind the ship,

a huge crowd of people held torches, like winding fire dragons,

they silently prayed, hoping for the rain to come.


with a "whoosh",

a blue slime got into the ship.

Limru glanced at Nami who was resting with her eyes closed, and then turned his gaze to Princess Vivi:

"Did anything special happen today?"

Princess Vivi met his gaze and shook her head slightly,

"No, everything is normal!"

Limru nodded slightly, and said solemnly,

"Crocodile will definitely come to interfere tomorrow, I have to help you improve your strength first."

Limru communicated with the Great Sage in his heart:

"Great Sage, how much wish power did you collect today!"

[Answer: 400,000 wish power. 】

"It increased so much in one day?"

[This also includes the impact of "defeating Hawkeye"! 】

"Oh, it seems that the enthusiasm for defeating Hawkeye has not dissipated yet!"

Limuru pondered for a moment and decided to pass all the 400,000 wishes to Abis.

Adding the previous 100,000 wishes, Abis's whisper fruit has reached an astonishing 500,000 wishes!

After chatting for a few more words, Limuru gently kissed the women around him, and his figure flashed and disappeared into the night.


At the same time, Crocodile also received the news and hurried back to the rain banquet.

He asked Nico Robin:

"Where did this damn 'Rain Master' come from? Have we found out her identity?"

Robin shook her head, "At present, we only know that she was brought back by Princess Vivi."

She looked at Crocodile and thought to herself,

Although she and Crocodile were only mutually beneficial, she no longer needed to obtain the historical text through him,

But he did protect her for three years.

She decided to do the last job well!

In the past twenty years, although Robin was full of betrayal, she had never betrayed her companions!

Crocodile's face became more and more gloomy, and he was obviously extremely dissatisfied with this sudden change:

"This woman, if she can really control the rain, it will be a huge threat to our plan. She can't stay!"

Damn, if this woman really makes it rain, how can the plan be carried out!

At this moment, Crocodile scanned another piece of information, the cute king travel group arrived in Alabasta!

Except for Nami and her group, the rest of the Cute King Tour Group did not hide their identities and appeared everywhere in broad daylight.

A feeling of impending storm weighed on his heart.

He took a deep breath, turned to Robin, and ordered in an unquestionable tone:

"Robin, summon the chief commander immediately!"


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