The sun was setting, and the sun was setting.

It was evening.

Tonight, the village of Kokoyasi was very lively.

Villagers from more than 20 villages gathered together, and the open-air banquet was filled with the fragrance of wine and meat, and the singing and laughter intertwined into a picture of freedom.

The fishmen were completely solved, the Dragon Paradise was demolished, and the manatee Moo Moo was also eaten by Limru. They celebrated freedom together.

At the edge of the banquet

At the edge of the banquet, Nojigo leaned against the wall alone, playing with a rum glass in his hand, with a hint of melancholy in his eyes.

At this time, a blue-haired boy walked slowly, his face full of youthful enthusiasm.

He stood beside Nokigo, looking at her with burning eyes.

"Miss Nokigo, do you want to travel together?" The boy invited with expectation, "Now that you are free, it's a good time to travel and relax, isn't it?"

Limru saw that Nokigo was a little moved.

"Do you know the benefits of traveling?"

Nojigo thought for a while, "You can see all kinds of beautiful scenery and relax."

"Not only that!" Limru laughed and said, "You will meet all kinds of strange people and things. Traveling can broaden your horizons and make all kinds of friends."

"If you have enough knowledge, there will be many ways to deal with the dragon."

"How can it be? Knowledge will not increase strength."

"First of all, you will have a correct understanding of the dragon's strength. The dragon is not invincible!"

"Next, you can contact the newspaper and let them publicize the dragon's behavior and thoughts of enslaving humans, attract social attention, and kill the dragon with the help of others."

The dragon's philosophy is intolerable to the navy and the world government.

It's okay that the powerful pirates in the New World can't be controlled, but you, a 20 million fish, dare to occupy the territory?

And in the Grand Line, fishmen have always been in the position of slaves.

The dragon here is against the Tiangang and enslaves humans. It is estimated that many people cannot accept it, especially racists like the dragon.

Once the dragon arouses public anger, bounty hunters and pirates will also be dispatched one after another. Killing the dragon can greatly enhance your reputation.

Jinbei will probably come to the East China Sea to stop the dragon from continuing to be hostile to humans.

"Or you can take the initiative to find a powerful human. For example, the navy hero Garp often returns to the East China Sea, and killing the dragon is just a matter of convenience."

Limru took a sip of rum and moistened his throat. "Although you can't go out, these things can be left to Nami! You can't just wait for the passive rescue of the navy."

"Of course, if you have a powerful friend, things will be simpler."

Limru's words made Nokigo fall into thinking.

Is it really that easy to solve the dragon?

"But I'm so weak that I will hold you back." Nokigo was worried.

"Don't worry, I will protect you!" Limru said, "Besides, everyone starts out weak, and I am no exception. Later, after hard training (eating fruits), I became so powerful."

However, Nokigo still hesitated.

"No, I can't leave. The oranges are about to ripen."

Limru knew that the important thing was not the oranges, but the orange fields.

It was a precious memory left by Bellemere and could not be easily abandoned.

Limru smiled and said, "This is easy to handle! I'll tell you a secret..."

"Is there such a thing? Then, I'll think about it."

Three days later, the banquet was coming to an end, and the villagers from other villages left one after another.

Limru handed a piece of information to Jian.

"Here, take a look at this. This was found in the dragon's room."

"What is this?" Jian took the information casually and his eyes quickly swept across the paper.

His face gradually became solemn, his eyes widened, with an expression of disbelief.

He looked up at Limru, his voice trembling: "Is this... is this true?"

"Whether it is true or not, we will find out today."

The data recorded in detail the various transactions between the dragon and the mouse colonel, which was the evidence of their collusion.

"Damn it! The navy is colluding with pirates!"

Ajian figured out a lot of things. At the beginning, there were navy coming to encircle the dragon, but later no navy was seen.

Ajian thought that the people in the navy headquarters were too busy, or simply gave up on them.

It turned out that the information about the dragon was deliberately concealed by a mouse.

And today is the day when the mouse and the dragon trade.

It was close to noon.

The mouse colonel brought two

A soldier appeared in front of the gate of the Dragon Paradise.

He looked around, frowning,

"Huh? Why is it so broken here? Not good!" Colonel Mouse noticed something was wrong and turned to flee.

However, many villagers with weapons rushed out from all sides.

"What do you want to do? Are you going to rebel? I'm a navy!"

Ajian walked out of the crowd, his eyes like a knife, staring at Colonel Mouse,

"You concealed the information about the dragon and made us enslaved by the dragon for eight years, right?"

Colonel Mouse was sweating coldly,

"You misunderstood, I, I heard that there are pirates here. I'm here to arrest the dragon."

"Still want to quibble? You brought two people to arrest the dragon?" Ajian roared, "Fellow villagers, beat them for me."

"Ah! Don't hit me, don't hit my face!"

After a round of punches and kicks, Colonel Mouse and the two soldiers were beaten black and blue, and I guess they wouldn't recognize them even if their mother came.

The mouse colonel was lying on the ground, still begging for mercy: "Please spare me, I was just blinded by money."

But he was thinking that he would catch them all when he returned.

After the fun, the anger of the villagers gradually subsided.

A villager asked worriedly: "What should we do next? He is a navy after all."

Limru touched his chin, a cold light flashed in his eyes,

"Just kill him, keeping him will only be a disaster."

The mouse colonel jumped up in fear when he heard the words,

"Don't, don't kill me, I really didn't think of taking revenge on you!"

"Did I say you would take revenge on us?" Limru laughed, "It seems that you said what was in your heart!"

"But there will be a reward for killing him." An old lady said weakly.

"I'll do it!"

There are many brave men in the village. A one-eyed villager who was blamed for something stood up and said, "I'll kill him. I'll bear the sins of this village."

However, Ajian made a different suggestion: "Let's hand him over to the navy. We have enough evidence." He still has some trust in the navy. "There are still righteous people like Bellemere in the navy. They will definitely be able to do justice for us."

"Nami, what do you think?"

Nami thought about it, "I also think it should be handed over to the navy!"

Compared to the original work, Nami's hatred for the mouse is much lighter.

However, Nokigo raised a question: "What if we encounter a corrupt navy again?"

Her words resonated with the villagers.

"Yes, we can't hand it over directly!"

"The mouse is so weak, but he is a colonel. Maybe he has connections behind him!"

"This kind of thing that damages the face of the navy may be suppressed."

The behavior of Colonel Mouse colluding with pirates made the villagers lose trust in the navy.

Remuru thought for a moment,

"I have a suggestion. We can hand him over to Vice Admiral Garp. He has his own understanding of justice."

"Garp, is it the navy hero Garp?"

Many villagers grew up listening to Garp's deeds, and they still have some admiration for Garp.

"Does Lord Remuru still know the navy hero Garp?" Someone asked in surprise.

Remuru touched his nose, "I know him, but he doesn't know me."

"However, we can go to Garp's hometown, Windmill Village, and they must have someone who can contact Garp."

Remuru's next target is Makino. He doesn't care about the mouse colonel, and it doesn't matter whether he kills him or not.

In the original work, he didn't cause trouble for Kokoa West Village, probably because he was afraid of the threat of the Straw Hat Pirates.

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