The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Connies took a breath of cold air and a panic surged in her heart:

Has she been discovered?

Nami was sharp-eyed and immediately caught Connies's uneasiness.

She frowned slightly, her eyes full of concern:

"Connies, you don't look right, are you feeling unwell?"

Connies's face was as pale as paper, and she responded with a trembling voice:

"I'm sorry, I had no choice. If I didn't do this, my father and I would be sentenced to death."

The girls looked at each other, their faces full of confusion.

Limru walked forward gently, hugged Connis with a gentle gesture, and tried to calm her down:

"Don't be afraid, we won't hurt you. If you need help, just tell us."

Tashiki also noticed something unusual, and she asked tentatively:

"Is it related to the god named Enel?"

Connis waved her hands in panic:

"You can't call the god's name directly, otherwise you will be punished!"

"Sanction?" Tashiki frowned.

Limru comforted softly:

"Don't worry, Enel can't monitor our conversation with us. You can speak freely."

Nami was more direct, she blurted out:

"Enel is an idiot, a big idiot!

Look, I said it's okay."

Connis looked at Nami in horror. Directly insulting the gods would inevitably lead to divine punishment!

After a while,

"It's okay?" Connis said carefully.

"What can happen!" Nami smiled,

"You curse too!"

All the girls looked at her with encouraging eyes!

Connies said carefully:

"Enelu is an idiot."

"Louder." Nami encouraged.

Seeing that there was no reaction around, Connies took a deep breath and vented her emotions loudly:

"Big idiot, Enelu is a big idiot!"



A thunderclap sounded, and Connies was so scared that she immediately shrank into Limru's arms.

At the door, Connies's father stared at the scene in amazement.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard his daughter cursing "God", and he was so scared that the shells in his hand fell to the ground.

The thunderclap came from a sound shell.

After a long while, after confirming that there was no danger, Connies and her father slowly revealed everything.

"Six years ago, Enel defeated our 'God' and became the new 'God'."

Connis's father began to narrate,

"In the name of 'God', he made many absurd laws, treating those who opposed him as criminals and arbitrarily sentencing them to death.

The entire island is under his surveillance, and we live cautiously, even our breathing depends on his mood..."

A deep voice kept ringing.

After hearing this, the girls all looked angry.

Tashigi said with a sullen face:

"Too much! This Enel must be punished!"

Rika also said angrily:

"This villain is a hundred times worse than Monka!"

And Vivi thought with some fear:

"If Crocodile took over the country, would the citizens also live like this?"


Nami turned to look at Limru,

"Captain, how do we deal with that idiot?"

"We must do it, the key is how to do it!"

Limru touched his chin and thought:

"Everyone wants to beat Enel, but there is only one Enel, who should we send to beat him?

If all the girls beat Enel together, Enel will be beaten easily, wouldn't it not show our strength?

It will be difficult to persuade Laqi and Aisha!

We must let them admit it. Realize the power of Enel!

Got it! "

He was moved, his eyes swept over everyone, and finally fell on Nami, with a slight smile on his face,

"Nami and I will go catch Enel. Doesn't he like to play trial games? This time we will play with him and give him a chance to try."

He looked around and continued:

"You need to choose four people among you to wait for Enel's challenge.

Let him choose who to die in. "

After hearing this, Nami frowned slightly, obviously a little worried:

"Isn't this too arrogant!"

Limru shook his head gently,

"Don't worry, in my perception, he is very weak. Any one of you can beat him."

However, when he looked at Tina, he added:

"Of course, except for the reserve members!"


Inside the shrine


Enelu wore a white headscarf, his upper body was naked, and his lower body was wearing loose bloomers, standing barefoot,

It is worth noting that he has a pair of long earlobes with earrings, and the bottom of the earlobes is at the same height as his breasts.

Behind him,

Two angel beauties, wearing light gauze clothes, were serving Enelu.


Enelu frowned slightly and looked into the distance.

Two streams of light approached quickly, breaking the calm.

Accompanied by a hurricane, the God Light Boat stopped steadily in front of Enelu.

The people who came were Nami and Limru.

Enelu took a bite of the apple in his hand, and a hint of teasing flashed in his eyes.

"Oh, are you here to catch me?"

He read Nami's thoughts and laughed immediately,

"Interesting, really interesting!" Then he looked at the two with disdainful eyes.

Limuru smiled slightly and whispered to Nami:

"Nami, you have to restrain your thoughts!"

Enel's observation Haki tends to read minds, because he is a thunder man, he can read the opponent's brain waves and predict attacks.

And the general observation Haki strong people tend to directly predict the opponent's actions.

Nami asked doubtfully,

"Since you know we are here to catch you, why don't you run away?"

"Yeah hahaha!"

Enelus laughed his unique laugh,

"You are just a mortal, I want to see how you can catch a god!"

Looking at his appearance that deserved a beating, Limru said:

"Nami, give him a break from his 'god addiction'!"


Nami took out her weapon, the weather stick, and said coldly:

"I like to give these drug addicts a blow on the head to clear their brains!"

After she finished speaking, a black gas instantly spread from the junction of Nami's hand and the stick, dyeing the entire weather stick black.

With a flash of her figure,

Nami instantly appeared in front of Enelus, holding the weather stick high and swinging it towards Enelus' head.

Enelus caught Nami's action, and although he was surprised by Nami's speed, he was so conceited that he did not choose to dodge.

A grim smile appeared on his face, ready to let these mortals see what despair is.

With a dull "bang",

the weather stick hit Enel's right face firmly.

At this moment,

the huge impact force instantly deformed Enel's face, and his originally ugly facial features were twisted together and difficult to recognize.

His eyes were bulging due to the heavy blow, and his eyeballs were congested and almost burst out of his eye sockets.

Several teeth also fell off from the gums because they could not withstand the huge impact force, and flew out of Enel's mouth mixed with blood.

His body was blown away like a kite with a broken string, and crashed into the wall behind the shrine.

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