The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

When Limru arrived, Enelu...

[Information: The Thunder Fruit has been extracted from the meat sand mud! ]

Limru frowned and muttered in dissatisfaction:

"Hey, don't talk like a bean paste bun!"

When he thought of that piece of meat, he felt sick in his stomach.

Hurry up and spit out Enelu!

On Sky Island,

People were boiling, and cheers came one after another. They finally got rid of Enelu's brutal rule.

For the people of Sky Island, "God" was originally just a respectful title for the ruler,

But after Enelu's six years of fear training, the image of "God" that can do everything has long been buried deep in their hearts.

Therefore, they regard Vivi, who defeated the "Old God", as the "True God".

Moreover, they firmly believe that "Goddess Bas" must be a gentle and kind goddess.

Every time they see Vivi, their eyes are full of enthusiasm, and some even kneel down to worship!

It is useless for Vivi to clarify this point!

On the Goddess of Light,

Everyone in the Cute King Tour Group gathered together.

Vivi held her head with both hands, her face full of distress:

"Ah! Why don't they understand that I defeated Enel not to become their god."

Vivi explained to them, but they didn't believe it, and kept sighing that "Goddess Bas" was a kind god!

Limru looked at her and laughed:

"If you keep refusing, there may be rumors that the 'Goddess of Bath' is shy."

Nami also playfully echoed:

"Goddess of Bath, accept their worship."

Weiwei could only smile bitterly:

"What Goddess of Bath, it doesn't suit me at all!"

Bath means mud, the title of Goddess of Bath should be given to the Mud Mud Fruit user!

I ate the Sand Sand Fruit, so why not call myself the "Queen of the Desert"!

Unfortunately, the people of Sky Island don't know the difference between "desert" and "mud"!

At this time, Robin suddenly said:

"The Shandians are waiting outside the ship and want to see us. What should we do?"

Limru thought about it and thought that they should want to return to their homeland.

So, Limru proposed a condition:

"If they are willing to treat us, then let's meet."

After Robin told the Shandians about this condition, it triggered a heated discussion among them.

Laqi said calmly: "Treating them? That means taking them to the Hidden Cloud Village."

Weber was tangled in his heart. The Hidden Cloud Village was the last hiding place of the Shandians. Once exposed, the consequences would be disastrous.

Vivi is the new god of the Sky Islanders. And in order to regain their homeland, the Shandians have fought with the gods and the Sky Islanders for hundreds of years.

Can they be trusted?

In the end, Weber agreed to Limru's request.

Because a lot of them are still alive, it is impossible for them not to go back. If the "new god" is hostile, the Shandians will still end up with genocide.

Moreover, the "new god" Vivi is from Qinghai and has no old grudges with them. This is also an important reason.

The three views follow the five senses. Weber feels that they don't seem to be people who will kill innocent people indiscriminately.

If Limru knew what they were thinking, he would probably be in tears!

If he doesn't go to the Hidden Cloud Village, what reason do he have to invite Aisha on board?

Do you say he knows the future?

At noon the next day,

In the Hidden Cloud Village, surrounded by clouds and mist,

the Shandians were busy, taking out delicacies from their savings and preparing a sumptuous banquet for Limru and his group.

After eating and drinking,

Limru patted his stomach with satisfaction, with a satisfied smile on his face,

"Thank you for the hospitality, now you can tell us your requests!"

The chief felt Limru's gaze, and he bowed his head respectfully,

"It's like this, Lord Limru, Apayard was our homeland more than four hundred years ago..."

The chief began to slowly tell the history of the Shandians, and it seemed that older people like to talk about this.

Limru was a little impatient, but seeing that the women were listening with relish, he did not interrupt the chief.

Robin was thinking about something, she always felt that the names "Golden City Shandora" and "Rolando" were familiar.


She was shocked. Isn't this the story of "Big Liar Rolando" that she heard when she was a child?

She quickly shared her doubts and compared them with the ancient books of the Shandian people. The truth of the burial place gradually surfaced.

Nami's eyes lit up, as if she smelled the scent of treasure,

"No wonder, Enel has so many yellow

Gold, and even built a golden ship! Maybe there is more gold hidden on the island! "

She was secretly happy in her heart. This time she must find the gold herself and not let Limru search directly, so that she can experience the fun of treasure hunting.

Limru knew that the gold on Enel's ship was most of the gold except for the golden bell.

But he did not expose Nami's little thoughts, just smiled slightly, anyway, it was all for fun.

He took a deep breath, adjusted his thoughts, and then turned to the chief and asked seriously:

"Do you want us to return the island to you?"

Hearing this, the chief knelt on his knees, his head against the ground, and begged in a choked voice:

"Yes, please let us go back to our hometown!"

Limru looked at the chief like this, and his heart was touched.

But he still asked calmly:

"The people of Sky Island also want to own that land, what are your plans? Continue to fight? "

Limru can't sell out the Sky Islanders just for a meal and because he feels sorry for them!

This question made the chief silent, and his mood suddenly fell to the bottom.

"I have a suggestion!" Seeing this, Limru slowly put forward his suggestion:

"The land of Arpaiado is large enough to accommodate all of you. Why not try to coexist peacefully?"

Arpaiado, originally part of Gaya Island,

was washed up into the sky by the surging sea currents. After four hundred years of being affected by the Sky Island environment, it is now large enough to accommodate the two tribes.

The old chief heard this, his eyes lit up, and his heart was filled with unspeakable joy.

He bowed deeply to Limru:

"Thank you, Lord Limru!"

For them, being able to return to their homeland is the greatest luxury, and they dare not ask for more.

Limru raised his hand to signal the chief not to be polite, then frowned slightly and expressed his concerns:

"We won't stay here for long. If we leave, can you ensure that we can live in peace and avoid disputes? "

After all, the four hundred years of grievances between the Shandia people and the Sky Island people cannot be resolved overnight.

The chief vowed:

"I will strictly control my people and never allow conflicts to occur again."

Limru pondered for a moment and proposed a new idea:

"There is a little girl named Aisha in your tribe. She is born with the Haki of Observation Haki, which is a rare talent.

We can consider taking her away and training her carefully."


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