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The pirates were stunned by this sudden change, and the long-nosed woman screamed:

"What did you do!"

A trace of murderous intent flashed in Dashiqi's eyes, and she responded coldly:

"He has repeatedly favored You deserve to die. Are you in league with the referee?"

Seeing this, Foxy waved his hands and nervously argued:

"We don't know him, and we don't know the rules."

Dashiki snorted coldly, his face Full of disbelief,

"Really don't know?"

Foxy smiled awkwardly:

"I really don't know, otherwise we wouldn't have violated the rules, and we wouldn't have made you so angry."

It's worthy of the title of "Silver Fox", He lied without changing his expression.

However, this can only fool ordinary people.

At this time, the captain of another pirate group stood up,

He frowned and accused:

"You killed the referee, how can we continue the game?" He has already lost two companions and wants to win them back through the competition.

There is a rule in "Davy Back Fight":

Partners lost in the game must be won back through the game!

Once a pirate violates this rule, he will be regarded as a shame for the pirates!

Dasuqi was stunned. She thought She was helping, but she didn't expect this result.

She smiled bitterly in her heart:

"I'm helping you guys, okay!"

This was the first time in her life that she had helped the pirates out of kindness, what a failure!

It turned out to be the evil pirates. Thief!

At this moment,

Foxy took the opportunity to strike a specific pose, aimed at the stunned Tashigi, and shot a beam of light.

"Slow beam!"

He was secretly happy:

"Anyone who is hit by this trick will die in 30 seconds The movement will become slow.

Even if this woman's slash is powerful, it will be useless if it can't hit anyone. "

However, Dashiqi's voice suddenly sounded behind him:

"You are right, no matter how strong the attack is , it's useless if you can't hit anyone."

The slow light hits the afterimage of Dashiqi!

Dashiki ate the Thunder Fruit, and after these days of deliberate practice, she has been able to initially peek into other people's hearts.

And Foxy's thoughts are so strong, it's like shouting in Dashiki's ear, how can the sneak attack succeed? .

Tashigi gently waved Shigure in her hand, a cold light flashed,

Foxie's head flew up into the sky, blood splattered like tomato juice.

This scene shocked many pirates present,

Foxie He was a famous pirate captain, how could he be killed so easily like a small fry!

Tashigi's eyes swept over everyone present,

"Why, do you want to avenge the captain?"

Her Although the voice was gentle, it was filled with murderous intent.

The pirates woke up from their dreams and fled in terror, as if they had seen a terrifying witch.

Even another pirate group chose to flee.

In a moment, There is no pirate around.

Dashiqi heard that they were only terrified and had no intention of revenge for the captain, so she did not choose to chase him.

She shook her head slightly, turned to look at her companions behind her, and a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes:

"Am I so scary? "

The girls nodded in agreement, and this scene made Tashigi frown.

Limru walked forward silently and took the "Slowness Fruit" into his stomach.

It's a free devil fruit, don't waste it.

At night ,

Xiao Lixiang was curious and walked towards the mysterious man on stilts, wondering why he was unwilling to get off the ground at night.

After a conversation,

The Mengwang Travel Group learned another story full of tragedy and bizarre colors.

Afterwards, everyone walked on the long chain Island tour, waiting for the record pointer to be full of magnetism.

However, what they don't know is that a man is quietly approaching them.


Three days later,

The admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Aokiji, set foot on the Long Chain Island.

As soon as he appeared, he was surrounded by the members of the Cute King Tour Group.

"Tina was surprised! Admiral Aokiji? Why are you here?" Tina asked in surprise.

As a qualified naval officer, she It is impossible not to recognize Admiral Aokiji.

Tashigi could not hide her excitement, her eyes sparkling with admiration:

"It is really the Admiral!"

The Admiral is the highest combat power of the Navy and has always been a role model for young Marines .

She had also imagined herself wearing a general's cape in her bed.

Aokiji looked around with a lazy smile on his face:

"So many beautiful ladies

"He then asked:

"Do you have free time tonight?"

The women waved their hands one after another, with awkward smiles on their faces. They were already married women.

Nokigao looked at Aokiji and complained in a low voice:

"Is this really a navy admiral?"

This lazy look really cannot be associated with the image of a navy admiral.

Aokiji looked at Nokigao and explained:

"Madam, don't judge people by appearances. My purpose is to implement lazy justice!"

Lazy justice? Nokigao's heart moved. This is quite similar to Limru!

He is often lazy, leaving everything to others, and only knows how to fish!

At this time, Robin hurried over.

She had hesitated, but finally decided not to let her companions face the navy admiral alone.

She stood by, staring at Aokiji with her eyes, and couldn't help but spit out two words:

"Ao... Pheasant! "

Although her strength has greatly increased, the shadow of her childhood is not so easy to erase.

Little Black: [Information, preliminary judgment, the probability of the Cute King Travel Group losing is equal to 0!]

This short speech made her tense nerves relax a little.

Limuru noticed Robin's abnormality.

He didn't waste time and got straight to the point. He stared at Aokiji with sharp eyes and asked:

"What are you doing here, Admiral? Are you just passing by?"

Aokiji glanced at Robin, and then explained lazily:

"After the Alabasta incident, Nico Robin disappeared. I just came to confirm her whereabouts.

Now it seems that she is indeed with you, which is consistent with my expectations."

He has been paying attention to Robin.

Limuru nodded and continued to ask:

"What is your purpose in confirming her whereabouts? "

Although he roughly understood Aokiji's purpose, he wanted Aokiji to speak out.

Aokiji still looked lazy, yawned, and said:

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to catch her. I will only report this information to the Navy Headquarters."

"Catch her?" Tina's eyes flashed with a trace of doubt, and then a bounty quickly flashed through her mind.

Suddenly, she widened her eyes and looked at Robin and exclaimed:

"You, are you the son of the devil with a bounty of 79 million Baileys, Nico Robin!"

She also felt that the name was familiar before, but she had never thought about it in the direction of "bounty",

After all, Robin's bounty still showed her childhood appearance.

The women looked at Robin in astonishment, and the scene fell into silence for a while.


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