The two of them were so busy, and the two of them were so busy.

Robin smiled at little Elsa lovingly, and then turned his eyes to Bruno,

"Boss, two bottles of Coke first!"


Bruno responded calmly!

He quietly put down the wine glass he was wiping, but his heart was not at peace:

How did this woman come here, with only a little girl by her side!

Then he winked at a "guest" in the tavern!


In a magnificent hotel,

Spandam leisurely poured himself a cup of coffee, and the lion Weiqu and Otonashi owl beside him were responsible for protecting his safety.

He picked up the cup, took a sip of hot coffee, and asked the man in black in front of him:

"Are you sure that the target is accompanied by only one child?"

"I am sure!" the man in black replied.

Spandam sighed and shook his head, seeming a little regretful.

"Alas, it's a pity that the timing is not right. I haven't negotiated with Limru yet!"

Just then,

A black-clad agent rushed in hurriedly, sweating profusely, with panic written all over his face.

"Big...big things are bad!"

The sudden intrusion startled Spandam, and the coffee in his hand accidentally spilled, scalding his hand.

"Ah, hot, hot..."

He jumped up, covering his burned hand, and looked at the agent angrily.

But he quickly suppressed his anger and asked calmly:

"I remember you were in charge of monitoring the mission of 'hero saving beauty'! Did Kalifa fail?"

The black-clad agent panted and shook his head in denial:

"No, it's not Kalifa, it's Gabuka, he was killed!"

This news exploded like a bomb in the room, and everyone was shocked.

Otonashi Owl unzipped his gag and asked in surprise:

"Chacha, Gabuka didn't escape? How is that possible!"

The black-clad agent handed over a video Den Den Mushi,

"My lord, see for yourself!"

After a moment,

The lion Weiqu completely lost the mood to perform and exclaimed:

"One move to solve it? No body left!!!"

Spandam asked tremblingly:

"Does Lucci have this ability?"

Otonashi Owl spread his arms and turned around anxiously,

"No, chacha.

We will die miserably against him, chacha!"

Just then, another agent came in.

He walked quickly in front of Spandam and whispered:

"Sir, the manuscript is ready, you tomorrow--"

Spandam interrupted him irritably,

"Damn! I have to contact this dangerous person tomorrow!"

No, absolutely not!

You must never do anything that endangers your life!

He panicked and began to walk around anxiously.

Suddenly, he stopped, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes,

"Quick, find a way to notify Kalifa and let her hold Limru.

Then summon Lucci and Kaku, we have to capture Nico Robin immediately!"

He decided to gather all the forces, act quickly, and catch Nico Robin!

The opportunity cannot be missed. As long as Nico Robin is caught, there is no need to negotiate with such a dangerous person, right?

This is equivalent to taking Robin away without paying anything, and the Five Elders may even give her a reward.

In the tavern,

Robin picked up the beer and drank it all, with a sneer in his heart.

He was almost full of wine, did the fish finally bite the hook?

Limru didn't want to talk nonsense with the World Government, so he sent Robin and Aisha to this tavern to induce them to act in advance!

Suddenly, the door of the tavern was pushed open, and a pervert with only underwear on his lower body walked in with two little girls with square hair styles. This was the pervert Franky, who raised his head and shouted: "Ah! Today is another super day!" The three of them posed in a strange posture. Then Franky said to the tavern owner: "Bruno, give me a bottle of Coke, so that I can have a good time!" As soon as they walked to the bar, the door of the tavern was violently pushed open again. A group of men in black rushed in like a tide and quickly controlled all the guests in the venue. Surrounded by the men in black, Spandam walked in with a few masked men, with obscene eyes, and locked onto Nico Robin as soon as he entered the door. He sneered, "Nico Robin, surrender!" Robin just glanced at him lightly and did not respond. This kind of small character was not worth her personal action. Aisha bravely stood in front of Robin.

In front of him, he roared like a little lion:

"I am a warrior of the Cute King Travel Group!

Bad guys, if you want to take Sister Robin away, you have to get past me first!"

The man in black was shocked by her momentum for a moment, but then burst into laughter, especially Spandam, who almost laughed to death.

What danger can a little loli have?

Spandam finally stopped laughing and stared at Robin, revealing pride in his tone:

"Nico Robin, you may not know me, but you must know my dad!"

He paused, as if waiting for Robin's reaction,

"Twenty years ago, it was my dad Spandine who launched the O'Hara Demon Killing Order!

Now, as a son, I will capture the only orphan of O'Hara and put an end to the O'Hara War!


Robin's eyes became sharp in an instant, and he was about to refute, but Franky got there first.

Although he didn't know what happened exactly, he knew that the World Government couldn't get Nico Robin.

Otherwise, the ancient weapon Pluto would fall into the hands of the World Government, and the consequences would be disastrous!

He stood up, walked to Spandam, looked him straight in the eyes, and said coldly:

"Then do you know who I am?"

Spandam framed his mentor Tom and killed him. And the wound on his face was caused by Franky!

The hatred between the two was also quite deep!

"Who are you?" Spandam asked in confusion.

Franky's fist hit him in the face swiftly.

"I'm your uncle!"

His identity must not be exposed!

Spandam fell to the ground, and he roared and ordered his men:

"What are you still doing? Take him down!"

A fierce fight ensued. In the end, Franky was subdued to the ground.

However, Franky was not panicked at all. He still had a gust of wind to spray, and he could leave at any time when he found an opportunity!

But when he looked up and saw Robin and Aisha standing leisurely by the side watching the fight,

his eyes widened and he blurted out:

"Fuck, sister, you haven't run away yet?" Why am I being beaten up like this?

Spandam was also startled and almost forgot about the main thing. He hurriedly shouted:

"Don't worry about this lunatic, catch Robin!"

He guessed that Franky was just being a hero.

After hearing the order, Rob Lucci immediately rushed towards Robin.

However, little Aisha immediately stood in front of Robin.

Her little hand reached under her short skirt and pulled out a two-meter-long golden pestle, which hit Lucci's stomach directly and knocked him back.

Little Aisha held the golden pestle and declared domineeringly:

"If you want to deal with sister Robin, you have to get through me first!"

Seeing Lucci being knocked away, their eyes almost popped out!

This loli is really powerful!

And where did this golden pestle come from?


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