Pirates’ Thor

Chapter 027

After a forest expedition, Lei Ming was much relieved, and in the following days, in addition to entering the forest every day to hunt, he continued to cultivate hard.

Because without Renly’s guidance, Lei Ming could only practice swordsmanship while swimming in the sea.

However, because he was the only one this time, he didn’t dare to be as crazy as before, and he cultivated to the limit every time. After all, no one is going to save him here, so he has to save his strength to prevent accidents.

As the days passed, Lei Ming also felt that he was getting stronger day by day.

“Although there is no sea king meat here, every time I enter the forest to hunt, I can transform my cultivation into power, which cannot be obtained on Roger’s ship.” Lei Ming felt the power rushing in his body, and his face was full of joy.

On Roger’s ship, he had no actual combat at all except for cultivation.

Without actual combat, no matter how much you practice, the progress is very limited.

Only in real combat, breaking out between life and death, can a person’s potential be fully tapped.

With hunting day by day, Lei Ming felt that his strength was getting stronger and stronger, especially his swordsmanship, and the speed of improvement was very fast, it was almost a thousand miles a day.

This is mainly because Lei Ming transformed his sword skills into actual combat, and in the past, he practiced swordsmanship, he could only put on a posture and calculate the battle with Shanks, which was also a lot of competition, and it was impossible to fight for life and death.

In the hunting, in order to kill the enemy, Lei Ming needs to modify his sword art at all times, so that his sword art is more and more suitable for him, and eventually become his own sword art.

It can be said that Lei Ming has come out of the shadow of the sword art taught by Renly, and now his sword art is the perfect sword art that is most suitable for him.

“There are not many sword moves, they are not gorgeous, as long as they can kill the other party, they can kill with one blow.”

In the forest, Lei Ming killed a lion, and he sighed with some emotion.

His swordsmanship has completely deviated from the swordsmanship that Renly taught him, almost to the left, and has become a swordsmanship only for killing.

Because Lei Ming’s body is very small, and his strength is only a little stronger than ordinary adults, not as good as those beasts, he can only minimize his sword moves, so that each of his swords hits the enemy’s key points.

In this way, the thunderous sword technique gradually pruned those redundant sword moves, and the remaining sword moves were all killing moves, and each move was a fatal blow.

This sword art is simple, terrifying, and fast.

If you want to use this sword art to the extreme, you only need to increase your strength and speed.

At this point, Lei Ming has long considered it, as long as he gets the Thunder Fruit, then whether it is strength or speed, it can be strong enough.

At that time, his killing [killing] kendo will reach a terrifying level.

“It’s really exciting!” Lei Ming thought secretly.

A month passed in the blink of an eye, and Bucky had not woken up yet, but Lei Ming found that the injuries on his body were all healed, and it was estimated that it would be within these two days before he woke up.

On this day, Lei Ming went hunting in the forest as always, and when he came to the depths of the forest, he saw the huge footprints again.

“Such a big footprint, I don’t know what kind of ferocious beast this is.” Thunder was amazed.

“Do you want to go inside and take a look?” Lei Ming suddenly raised a trace of curiosity, and this thought became more and more out of control.

I have to say that people’s curiosity is sometimes too strong.

Lei Ming finally couldn’t help his curiosity and cautiously leaned towards the depths of the forest, walking slowly and cautiously along the way.

After all, judging from that huge footprint, this was a fierce beast with a very terrifying size, and it was not something he could compete with now.

Soon after, Lei Ming saw a mountain, hidden deep in the forest. The mountain is full of trees, and some monkeys haunt it from time to time, and to Lei Ming’s strangeness, there are no other animals on this mountain except monkeys.

Lei Ming carefully dived into the mountain, and next, he saw a scene that made his heart palpitate.

A huge fire-red monkey king like a small mountain is surrounded by a group of monkeys and monkeys, carrying wine barrels and reveling, and the monkeys around him are all over the mountains, all shouting excitedly.

“That footprint was left by this monkey king.” Lei Ming finally understood the origin of the footprint.

At the same time, Lei Ming also knew why there were no other beasts here except monkeys. It turned out that the other beasts were driven to the periphery of the forest by this monkey king.

“This monkey king is too powerful, from such a distance, I feel a powerful momentum, which is really shocking.” Thunder began to recede cautiously.

However, at this moment, Lei Ming saw the monkey king roaring excitedly, throwing out all the wine barrels in his hand, obviously happy.

It didn’t care at all, because its monkey Monkey Sun brought him another barrel of wine.

And the thrown wine barrel just fell not far from the thunder, and there was a strong aroma of wine coming from it.

“I lean, what kind of wine does this monkey drink?” How is the fragrance so strong. Lei Ming couldn’t help but sneak over, he picked up the barrel and looked inside with his feet on his feet.

No way, although this wine barrel looks small in the hands of the monkey king, it is actually very large, a little higher than thunder.

At this time, inside the barrel, there are also some green drinks, exuding a pungent aroma.

“It’s so fragrant!”

This aroma is so strong that Thunder Ming does not dislike the rest of the monkey king’s drink, and immediately puts the barrel down and drinks it.

But the next moment, Lei Ming covered his mouth and sat on the ground all of a sudden, his eyes, nose, and mouth all burst out of hot fire.

“This… This wine…”

Lei Ming was a little shocked, he felt a powerful energy in his body erupting at this moment, spreading his whole body meridians, causing his strength to continue to increase.

This sense of enhancement can be clearly felt.

Just a moment later, Lei Ming found that he was several times stronger than before, and it was almost comparable to his hard cultivation for a month.

“I lean, this wine… I’m going to develop. Lei Ming was surprised and delighted, and wanted to roar excitedly.

However, looking at the monkey king in the distance, Lei Ming immediately restrained himself, carefully carried the wine barrel, and left the place.

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