Pirates’ Thor

Chapter 046

“Thunder? The name seems a little familiar, I don’t know where I heard it! A smile whispered.

Lei Ming broke his musings at this time: “Laughing big brother, what’s going on with them?” Did you provoke them? ”

Yixiao gritted his teeth when he heard this, and said with anger on his face: “It’s that they destroyed my village and killed everyone in the village, these pirates burned and looted, all evil, really damned, one day I will destroy all pirates.” ”

Lei Ming was stunned, he didn’t expect Yixiao to have such a story, no wonder in the original work, Yixiao was very disgusted with the Qiwu Sea made by the Navy.

However, Lei Ming felt that a smile had been clouded by hatred, and he shook his head and said: “Brother Yixiao, not every pirate is a bad person, some pirates simply want to adventure in the sea and have a banquet freely with a group of partners. ”

“Even you speak for the pirates?” Yixiao heard the words and stared at Lei Ming tightly, his eyes showed disappointment, and then he gritted his teeth and hummed: “Lei Ming, I remember you, you saved my life this time, and I will return it to you in the future.” ”

After saying that, he smiled and turned away, and in a few flashes, he disappeared into the jungle.

Lei Ming looked at the direction where Yixiao left a little confused, I didn’t expect Yixiao to be so impulsive when he was young, I really don’t know what happened after Yixiao, it is estimated that there was a hard and unforgettable experience.

At this time, Bucky’s figure appeared, he looked in the direction where he left with a smile, and snorted coldly: “Little Lei Ming, you can also save this kind of person?” You are too nosy, and one day you will suffer for being nosy. ”

Lei Ming looked up at Bucky and smiled confidently: “As long as I am strong, what is there to fear?” ”

Bucky was stunned, and then smiled, yes, as long as his own strength is strong, what trouble are he afraid of?

Like a white-bearded man crisscrossing the great voyage, who dares to offend him?

“Let’s go, Brother Bucky.”

Lei Ming and Bucky hit the road again, this time without accidents, and entered the town smoothly.

Although Iron Tree Island is only a small island, the town is very prosperous, because the iron tree abundant on this island is a very important strategic material, which can be used to make weapons and war armor, and is very popular with some countries, so the trade here is extremely developed and prosperous.

When he first arrived, Lei Ming did not want to act rashly, he walked in teahouses, bars, and restaurants, listened to the conversations of those pirates, received various news, and gradually learned something about Iron Tree Island.

Iron Tree Island has three major forces, which are the Merchant Alliance, the Blood Wolf Pirate Group, and the Black Market.

The merchant alliance is an alliance of merchants from various countries, and it is very dangerous for them to walk the great route, so they can only form an alliance to unite with the outside world, but Lei Ming feels that there must be other forces behind them, otherwise how can those merchants alone walk on the great route.

And the Blood Wolf Pirate Group is only a medium-sized pirate group, the number is about five hundred people, and its captain is nicknamed Blood Wolf because he ate the superhuman ability of the wolf fruit and acts cruelly and murderously, with a bounty of 250 million.

The last black market, its power background is too big, it is said that behind it stands the big figures of the world’s dark world, their black market is open in all countries and some islands around the world, even the world government can only turn a blind eye and dare not offend.

Lei Ming even speculated that the world government also occupies a place in the dark world, after all, the world government also has some unsightly things that need to be dealt with secretly.

Among these three major forces, the Blood Wolf Pirate Group looks like a number, and Lei Ming felt very strange at first, how can this small pirate group occupy a place here?

However, after in-depth investigation, Lei Ming found that there was someone behind this blood wolf pirate group, that is, the sea pirate Kate Barty, who had a bounty of 1.2 billion, he was one of the sea pirates in this era second only to Whitebeard, Golden Lion, and Roger.

The Blood Wolf Pirates are backed by Kate Barty to occupy a place on this Iron Tree Island.

After thinking about it again, Lei Ming decided to make a move against the Blood Wolf Pirates, that merchant alliance is an alliance of merchants from various countries, and it is not wise to go against them is to oppose the whole world. And the water of the dark world is too deep, who knows how many forces hide how much strength, Lei Ming is still weak now, and he doesn’t want to look for death.

As for the Blood Wolf Pirates, although he has his back to Kate Barty, Kate Barty is not here, and Lei Ming is naturally not afraid.

“Little Lei Ming, since we want to deal with the Blood Wolf Pirate Group, then we will set off now.” Bucky said.

Lei Ming shook his head and said, “Brother Bucky, don’t worry, we have just arrived on Iron Tree Island, there is no need to leave in a hurry.” Go around the black market first and inquire about the news by the way. ”

“Alright!” Bucky was too lazy to use his brain and listened directly to the thunder.

Lei Ming looked at the wine barrel he was holding in his hand, smiled slightly, and walked towards the black market.

“I wonder how much Bailey this thing can sell for?” Lei Ming thought secretly.

This kind of monkey king wine that can increase people’s strength, Lei Ming feels that its value must not be low, anyway, they don’t need it now, it’s better to sell it for some Bailey.

The black market was originally in a hidden place, but the island did not have a navy, so the black market was built in the bright light.

As soon as Lei Ming entered the black market, a strong man immediately walked over, his face was hideous, and his eyes were cold and drank: “Where did you come from and ask for food, get out quickly, this is not where you can ask for food… Yes! ”

Before he finished speaking, the figure of Lei Ming disappeared, and when it appeared again, it had already appeared in front of this big man.

“Are you talking about me?” Lei Ming grabbed the big man’s hand, and the terrifying power through the five fingers pinched the big man to scream and scream.

“What are you doing?”

“Let him go!”

“I don’t want to live, but I dare to go to the black market to spread wilderness!”


Hearing the screams of the big han, more than a dozen equally powerful big men suddenly surged up around, staring at the thunder one by one vigilantly, with a warning look on their faces.

Lei Ming kicked the big man into the air, and then snorted coldly at the others: “Find your supervisor, I want to sell something.” ”

In fact, hearing the noise here, a director of the black market had already come running, he had an elegant face, about forty years old, a pair of deep eyes stared at Lei Ming curiously, and asked: “It seems that you are not old, I didn’t expect to have such strength, but what do you want to sell?” ”

“Is that how you do business?” Lei Ming looked at the crowd pointing around him and snorted coldly.

The black market supervisor was stunned, then smiled apologetically and said, “Sorry, please follow me.” With that, he entered an office with Thunder and asked someone to make a cup of tea by the way.

“I’m going to sell this thing!” After entering the office, Lei Ming put the barrel containing the monkey king wine on the table and stared closely at the black market supervisor opposite and said.

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