Late at night, the hazy moonlight is quiet and serene, reflecting on the undulating sea, sparkling and beautiful.

Robin quietly came to the shore, cautiously looked back behind him, and was slightly relieved to find that no one was following him.

It seems that the bad guy really believes in himself and is completely defenseless.

Then for the sake of that guy didn’t really want to hurt himself, this time he just drove away their boat.

Robin thought silently while methodically raising the anchor and setting sails.

“Hmph! Can you also call a pirate by driving such a broken ship !? While manoeuvring the boat off the coast, Robin looked back in the direction of town one last time and muttered in a low voice.

“Wasn’t I deceived in the end!? Scoundrel! ”

When he turned his head, Robin’s face was a little red, his eyes were bright and cunning, and the corners of his mouth slowly raised a smile, and he gradually walked away in the night with the boat.


“Did you really let her run away like that!?”

The figure of the sand crocodile slowly walked out from among the trees, looked at the dark sea not far away, and said with an expressionless face.

“Don’t worry, let her run for a while first, she won’t be able to escape far!”

With a faint glance at the boat that was gradually moving away on the sea, Ive leaned nonchalantly against the tree trunk and spoke very casually.

“Why did you have to choose her as a crew member!?” The sand crocodile glanced at Avi and slowly asked, “Look at her appearance, betraying the team is a common thing for her!” ”

“No one is born to survive by betraying others!”

“Even if it’s a lonely weed!”

“I didn’t choose to grow in adversity!” A faint smile rose at the corner of Aiwei’s mouth, and he said: “Only such a person with a tough character is our true partner.” ”

Hearing Ivey’s words, the sand crocodile nodded thoughtfully and did not say anything more.

“Hmph! How can there be so much truth!? ”

At this time, Han Cook, who had been silent, suddenly pouted his lips in dissatisfaction, and said in a resentful voice: “He just looks at people’s parents and wants to make people the captain’s wife!” ”


After speaking, Hancock glared at Ive with dissatisfaction, his expression full of anger, and a trace of imperceptible grievance.

“Hey! Chick! You speak responsibly! Ive opened his eyes and said helplessly: “If I wasn’t a satyr, would I allow you to run out with me!?” ”

Hearing Ivey’s words, Hancock’s face turned red, and he glanced at Ivy angrily, turning his head away from him.

The sea breeze is gentle, the night is intoxicating, and the sand crocodile standing on the side suddenly feels that he seems to be a little redundant, just let these two people come out and stare, why bother to come here to see these two guys flirting.


The sunlight fell straight through the window into the room, and Robin slowly opened his eyes, lazily slouched, got up and walked to the deck.

“You—how could you!?”

When he saw the guy leaning against the bow of the boat and looking at him playfully, Robin’s hazy eyes widened, his face was full of confusion, and he stammered and couldn’t say a word.

“How!?” Seeing Robin’s dull appearance, the corner of Avi’s mouth raised a smile, and slowly asked: “Is it unexpected!?” ”

On the deck, the sand crocodile was wiping the golden hook in his left hand, without even lifting his head, Hancock leaned back in his chair with an indifferent face, his fingers gently stroking Samero’s head, calmly as if nothing had happened.

“Have you figured out what to do with me!?” After a few seconds of stunning, Robin came back to his senses and asked a little dejected.

“This one! Let me think about it! ”

Ive slowly walked to Robin’s side and said thoughtfully: “I heard that for the betrayed crew, it is necessary to break both hands and legs first, and then hang!” ”

“Then you do it!”

Hearing Ivey’s words, Robin’s eyes fluttered, and after taking a deep breath, his voice said coldly.

“Ho! So courageous!? Ive looked at Robin carefully, the smile at the corner of his mouth gradually expanded, and slowly said: “Have you long been ready to die!?” ”

“Instead of living like this and not knowing when I will die, it is better to be executed like this!” Robin said lightly, and the look under his eyes was already indifferent.

“Well said! What a backbone”! Ivey laughed and applauded, but suddenly approached Robin’s side and asked word by word: “Then you have been displaced for so long, why do you keep living!?” ”

“-Huh!?” Robin raised his head blankly and looked at Ivey stunnedly, his blue-black eyes trembling slightly.

“Since you don’t want to live for a long time, you should die alone!” Ivey looked directly at Robin and said lightly: “It’s hard to live, but it’s easy to die!” ”

“The one who has been constantly betraying others and trying his best to live turns out to be a person who wants to die!”

“Why keep running away and not just let the navy catch you and put you to death!?”

The two were close together, and Ivey stared at Robin with flat eyes, his voice was very soft, but every word slammed into Robin’s heart.

Tears wet his eyes, and Robin burst into tears.

“I want to live! So what!? ”

“Everyone wants me to die! Everyone I met wanted me to die! ”

“In the eyes of those people, I am not a person, but the 79 million Baileys!”

“The people who want me alive are dead! Others just want me to die! ”

Tears ran wildly across his cheeks, and Robin’s voice grew higher and higher, until he was almost hysterical at the end.

“If it’s possible, I’d also like to live well.” Robin finally muttered, “But who would want me alive!?” ”

What this girl is carrying is unimaginable, and Robin, who is only fifteen years old, has spent half of his life in displacement.

Her life was like stolen from the hands of death, betrayed countless times, betrayed countless times, so that she could live so carefully.

So she is like a thief with stolen goods, always vigilant against everyone around her, because she knows how difficult life is, so she has to live by any means.

At this time, there was silence on the deck, and both Sand Crocodile and Hancock stopped their movements at this time and looked at Robin silently.


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