Ai Wei took the jade hand box in his hand, but did not open the jade hand box.

Regarding what is in the jade hand box, Avi also guessed in his heart.

In that land of small projectiles, there is a story that has existed for a long time.

A young man named Urashima Taro rescued a turtle while fishing at sea.

A few years later, the turtle came to repay the favor and brought Urashima Taro into the Dragon Palace, and the princess in the Dragon Palace entertained him with good food and drink in order to thank Urashima Taro, and finally gave him a mysterious jade box when Urashima Taro left.

But after returning to Urashima, Taro Urashima was shocked to find that everything was already different.

Everything he was familiar with was gone.

Then he put his hope on the jade box, hoping that the jade box would give him an answer.

But he never imagined that after opening the jade box, a white smoke came out, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into an old man in his twilight.

It is such a story that foreshadows what is in this jade hand box.

“It’s not so much Urashima’s youth that is stored in that box, but that what is stored inside is time.”

Ai Wei didn’t want to open the Jade Hand Box, he got the Jade Hand Box for another use.

“System.” Ive called silently in his heart.

After a few seconds, the system responded!

“The system is booting! Analyze energy properties! ”

“The energy source has been locked! Loading data! ”

“Match successful! Extracting the power of heroes! ”

The system started quickly, and the electronic sound of the machinery echoed in Ivey’s mind.

“Energy Source – Jade Hand Box, Number One Matchmaker – Time Assassin! Number two matchmaker – Guardian of Time! ”

“Consuming energy!”

As the system’s prompt sounded, the jade hand box in Aiwei’s hand suddenly vibrate.

The jade hand box broke away from Aiwe’s hand, floating and shaking in midair, as if something was breaking through the shackles from the jade hand box, struggling madly.

When the jade hand box automatically opened, everything around stopped instantly, the surging waves stopped, and the fluttering floating clouds stopped.

Even the sand crocodile, who was walking away with his back to Ivey, stopped.

With Ivey as the center, a strange aura began to spread, this breath seemed to be everywhere, but it seemed to not exist at all.

You can’t see it, you can’t touch it, but you can faintly feel the existence of this breath.

The stalled time did not have the momentum to recover, and the world froze in this moment.

After a few moments, the system tone continues to sound!

“Energy attribute refining successful! Awakening the power of heroes! ”

“Complete loading! Uploading data! ”

“Time Assassin Data Access!”

“Access failed!”

“Time Keeper Data Access!”

“Access failed!”

“Energy attributes are matched again!”

“Match failed!”

“Enable alternate methods!”

“Energy attribute refining!”

“Refinement successful!”

“The host can choose one of the two time-related powers it possesses to sublimate!”

“Please host to choose!”

“First option: Time Assassin Ability Sublimation!”

“Second option: Time Guardian ability sublimation!”

After hearing the system’s tone, Ive fell into deep thought.

Now he had to make a choice, and the system had engraved the situation after the sublimation of the two abilities into his mind.

If you choose the first one, Ivey’s ability to use time to fight will become stronger, whether it is slowing down others, speeding himself up, or time pause, as long as he has a while of groping, he can successfully use it.

If you choose the second one, Ive can better control the long-distance time span, that is, Ive can be more accurate when traveling through time and space.

The two options have their own advantages, but Ive made a choice after pondering for a while!

“I still prefer great power to precise control through time!”

“System, I choose the first option!”

“Energy attribute fusion!”

“Time Assassin Ability Sublimation!”

“Progress 10%!”



“Sublimation success!”

Strange power fills Ivey’s limbs, and every place in his body is shrouded in the power of time!

His pupils turned gray, and everything that had stopped just now was still stopping.

Ivey slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the gray color in his eyes disappeared, and black pupils appeared.

The rising waves lapped against the ocean, and floating clouds slowly passed over Ivey’s head.

The figure of the sand crocodile also went farther and farther.

Ivey looked down at the palms of his hands and slowly spoke:

“After the power of the Time Assassin was sublimated, it really changed a lot.”


Xia Li sat on the bubble and kept moving forward, holding the crystal ball in her arms, her eyes full of light.

However, there were faint dark circles around her eyes, which looked like she hadn’t rested well.

The place where Xia Li is going now is exactly where the Time docks.

Although the situation was not as bad as last time, Xia Li’s speed was not slower than last time.

Ivey, who feels the new power of time in his body, will leak the power of time from time to time.

The power of time leaked out completely enveloped this area.

The first moment Xia Li arrived here, she touched the power of time.

Avi also felt something, and instantly looked at Xia Li, and at the same time he jumped off the boat.

Even Xia Li did not realize that when she entered the range shrouded by the power of time, her speed was pushed much faster by time.

What was originally a minute away, she only took five seconds to walk.

Ivey and Xia Li stood opposite each other, looking at each other.

Xia Li looked at Aiwei’s indifferent eyes, and plucked up the courage to speak:

“Ivey, is your previous invitation still useful!? I want to join your pirate group! ”

This is the decision made by Xia Li after thinking about it last night, which is the main reason why she has dark circles!

“Don’t worry, I didn’t join because you saved Fishman Island and then repaid your kindness!”

“I want to join your pirate group, there is no other reason, no psychological burden, just simply want to join!”

“I volunteer to join your pirate group!”

Ivy listened quietly, and only after Xia Li stopped talking did he speak:

“As long as you don’t have any burden and sincerely want to join my pirate group, then my invitation to you will always be valid!”

Ivey spoke in a flat tone, but it revealed a lot of information from it.

“I sincerely want to join, Ive!” Xia Li’s eyes were full of sincerity, and her tone was also serious, but the hands that held the crystal ball tightly exposed her nervousness at the moment.

“In that case, then you are welcome to join my pirate group!” Ivey said with a light smile, and at the same time extended his hand towards Xia Li.

The two held hands together, and Xia Li officially joined Ivey’s group.

“Then get on board!”

Ivey jumped on the boat first, and then Xia Li also came to the boat.

The sand crocodile and the others were already waiting on the deck, their eyes were looking at Xia Li, who had just become their partner.

“This is our new partner, named Xia Li, she has a very special ability, that is, she can divinate what will happen in the future!”

Han Cook and the others who heard this kind of thing for the first time, Man Han looked at Xia Li in surprise, and finally couldn’t help but praise:

“This ability is really powerful!” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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