Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 167 The Navy’s call-up order and secret information (please vote for me)

Chapter 167 Navy's Call and Secret Intelligence (asking for monthly votes~)

Looking at Luffy's slender figure, Bellamy felt more and more that he was right!

"I see~" His mouth curled up suddenly, and he returned to his previous arrogant state.

The next second, Bellamy suddenly laughed out loud.

"Hahaha~ Who did I think he was!?"

"I didn't expect him to be an idiot who believed in the existence of Sky Island!?"

Bellamy stood up suddenly with a mocking expression.

"Kid! The era of dreaming is over!"

"Now it belongs to the world of new-age pirates!!!"

"You, a naive guy, should just become our world-famous nourishment!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Bellamy suddenly picked up the bottle on the bar, with a hideous and rampant laugh on his face, and raised his arm high to smash Luffy's head.


Seeing this scene, the pirates who were not aware of Bellamy's brainstorming immediately showed panic on their faces.

That's a pirate with a bounty of 180 million Baileys!

How dare Bellamy! ?

Everyone stared at Bellamy in astonishment, and some even secretly loosened their hands stuffed into their female companions' clothes, ready to escape at any time.

And the next moment, a scene that surprised them even more happened!

Bang! ! !

As the bright red wine mixed with broken glass fragments splashed everywhere, Luffy's straw hat suddenly dented.

The soothing wine flowed down from the brim of the straw hat, dripping onto the floor of the hotel.

Luffy looked up in confusion, took off the straw hat, and gently patted off the broken glass on it, frowning and muttering:

"What are you doing!?"

"Really, you made my straw hat dirty!"

"Don't you know that straw hats are difficult to clean?!"

At this point, Luffy suddenly stopped what he was doing, raised his head and looked directly at Bellamy.


"What new era pirates...what nutrients...I don't understand at all!?"

"But I can tell you for sure..."

"Sky Island is real!"

"Because that's what Red said! Red never lied to me!"

"And...I will definitely become the Pirate King!!!"

Luffy didn't care about Bellamy smashing the bottle on him, but showed a serious expression, as if he was going to teach Bellamy.

However, his innocent look instantly angered Bellamy, who had already recognized the reality and abandoned his dream.

When people are stuck in a quagmire, what they like to see most is another person stuck in the quagmire.

And never to see others walk out of the quagmire in a chic way!

"What a hopeless idiot!" Bellamy showed an angry expression with his teeth bared.

"Then let me tell you..."

"What is the real world!"


The moment the voice fell, he raised his arms again.

With a slight sound, his arm suddenly turned into a magical spring shape, and then his fist compressed backwards.

"Naive kid, go home and play your dream game!!!"

The fist with condensed terrifying elasticity suddenly swung, piercing the air and making a whistling sound.

Everyone widened their eyes in shock, completely unaware of the current situation.

And at this moment...

A strange but familiar fist suddenly flew out in front of Bellamy, and then hit him in the face.

The terrifying force swept through his body like a storm, directly smashing his head into a dent.


Then, Bellamy, who was suddenly attacked, flew backwards like a cannonball.

After smashing the wall of the hotel, his speed did not decrease at all, until he flew out of the hotel's accommodation area, and then he hit a big tree hard and fell unconscious.

"If you hit me with this punch, my reputation as the vice-captain will be completely gone!"

Red walked slowly to Luffy's side, looked at the broken bottles on the ground, waved his hand to disperse the dimensional hole in the air, and then looked at Luffy in confusion:

"Why didn't you hide just now?"

"Hide? Why should I hide?" Luffy, who was still sorting out the broken pieces, looked up in confusion, "He can't hurt me."

"You kid..."

After hearing this answer, Red was stunned for a moment, and then sneered:

"I really don't know if you are pretending or not, you are so handsome in front of me!"

As he said, Red stepped forward and picked up Luffy's straw hat, and then directly summoned a dimensional hole connected to the lake outside, sent the straw hat into the water and swiped it twice.

And when he took the straw hat back, the broken pieces and wine that were originally stuck on the straw hat disappeared.

"Ace, I leave it to you~"

After throwing the wet straw hat to Ace to dry, Red quickly locked his sights on Satchels, the vice-captain of the Bellamy Pirates, under the horrified gazes of the pirates.

"Hey?! Your head should be normal, right!?"

Red strode to Satchels, without saying anything, directly clasped his palm on Satchels' throat, looked at him with cold eyes, and slowly lifted him into the air.

"I don't want to waste too much time on you, so it's you who tell me how to contact Doflamingo..."

"Or should I choose someone else!?"

Red's voice became deeper and deeper, and the strength on his fingers became deeper.

Sakis's face quickly changed from a horrified pale at first to a bloodshot red.


The terrifying force instantly tightened Sakis's neck. Just when he was about to fall into coma due to difficulty breathing, the female pirate next to him quickly shouted loudly:

"On...on our pirate ship!!!"

"The phone bug that contacted the Don Quixote family is in the captain's office of the pirate ship!!!"


After getting the answer she wanted, the corners of her lips raised slightly, and she threw the Sakis in her hand directly onto the sofa, and then smiled at the girl who was talking:

"Thank you for your cooperation~"

"Then, can you please take me to find it!?"

"The ship is at the port of Magic Valley Town, right?"

The female pirate nodded fearfully.

The next second, Chihong summoned a different-dimensional cave connecting the port directly in front of him, pulled his female companion up in front of Sakis, and entered the mysterious tunnel.

Ten minutes later.

Still in a lakeside hotel.

A red one near the round table that was cleared by the Bellamy Pirates.

Luffy, Ace and Red were sitting at three corners of the round table.

With a red nod, Ace directly picked up the phone bug and dialed the only number that the phone bug could connect to.

After a waiting busy tone, a hoarse voice soon came from the other side:


Although there is only one word, it is not difficult to hear that the voice is full of doubts, as if he has forgotten who the phone bug belongs to.

After all, it had been many years since Doflamingo had allowed Bellamy to carry his flag.

It had been so long that he almost forgot that he still had such an incompetent subordinate.

It was not until a while later that Doflamingo finally remembered the original owner of the communication number and said doubtfully:


However, the phone bug quickly replied:

"I'm not Bellamy."

"That guy is asleep now. If you want to find him, you may have to wait a few days."


The unexpected situation came from the mouth of the phone bug, which made Ming Ge, who was far away in the Palace of Dressrosa, sit up straight in an instant.

Although he doesn't care about Bellamy, his subordinate.

But this guy carries his own flag after all.

Dare to attack one's own flag, which is absolutely intolerable for any pirate.

But before Brother Ming's anger could rise, Ace on the other end of the phone said directly:

"Doflamingo, I am the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates - Fire Fist Ace!"

"I think you should know my name!"

“Let’s visit the Magic Valley Town on Gaya Island~”

"I have a deal I want to talk to you about!"

"Ayes the fire fist!?"

Brother Ming was stunned for a moment when he heard this name, but then he let out a burst of laughter that was unique to him:


"The leaders of the Yonko Pirates actually came to the first half of the Grand Line, and they are preparing to come and discuss business with me..."

"This is really unexpected."

"Don't pretend to be here. I don't believe that with your intelligence network, you don't know why I came to the first half of the Grand Route!"

Ace's face was deserted, and he did not follow Brother Ming's words, but continued to ask directly:

"So... you will come?"

After thinking for a moment, Brother Ming nodded and said:


"In three days, I will arrive in Magic Valley Town!"


Without any nonsense, Ace immediately hung up the phone after receiving Brother Ming's response.

However, at this moment, the red brows suddenly frowned.

"Something's wrong!"

He suddenly said:

"Doflamingo's reaction is not normal!"

"He was too calm...and apart from the initial surprise, he didn't doubt you at all."

"This is very wrong!"


Red bit her thumbnail lightly, raised her head, looked at Ace, and then comforted her seriously:

"Be mentally prepared, the Navy is probably going to take action!!!"

at the same time.

Far away in the palace of the Kingdom of Dressrosa in the New World.

Doflamingo sat on his luxurious sofa, looking at the phone bug in front of him who had fallen asleep again, but the corners of his mouth slowly curled up, revealing an excited smile.


"The world has become more interesting~"

As he spoke, his eyes gently went up to the stage and looked at a summons letter next to the phone bug.

That was a summons order from Marine Headquarters, Marine Fando, written by the Navy Marshal himself!

The content of the call was to require all the Shichibukai to go to the Navy Headquarters for a meeting.

Those who refuse will be directly deprived of their status as a Shichibukai and become the navy's first arrest target.

Of course, if it were just a letter like this, even with Doflamingo's mind and vision, he would not be able to think of too many things.

What really made him behave abnormally after hearing Ace's name was actually a secret message from the Navy's G5 branch.

That was the information sent by Vergo, who was undercover in the navy and had become a vice admiral.

One serving...

Information about the Navy's upcoming trap on a certain island to encircle and suppress the Whitebeard Pirates!

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