Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 184 Explosive Seed (please subscribe)

Chapter 184 Explosive Seed (please subscribe~)

Time passes slowly.

Enelu, who possesses the speed of lightning, did not keep the Straw Hats waiting for long.

As a bright thunder light began to shine above the Meili, a muscular man carrying three magatama drums behind him and wearing a white turban instantly appeared in the sky.

"Is the abnormality just now caused by you!?"

"Qinghai people!?"

Enelu, who was hanging high in the sky, had cold eyes, looking at the Straw Hats below like a god.

However, just when Anilu thought that the Qinghai people below would be shocked by the way he appeared...

On the deck of the boat below, two figures suddenly flew out.

A figure seemed to have spread out huge dragon wings, glowing with metallic luster and flying towards him rapidly.

The sound was so powerful that the clouds on the island trembled.

The other figure was even more outrageous, wearing a suit, with blazing flames wrapped around his body, rising from the ground like a rocket, shooting straight towards his direction.

"Arrogant Qinghai people!"

Seeing this scene, Enilu curled up his lips instantly and showed disdain in his eyes.

How dare you challenge him, the god of an empty island...

He has seen too many such arrogant Qinghai people!

"Three Swordsman Style: Flying Dragon Slash!"

"Devil Wind Feet·Big Belly!"

Zoro and Sanji shouted out the name of the move at the same time, with great momentum.

I saw the shadow of a giant dragon appearing out of thin air around Sauron, waving its huge wings and carrying Sauron into the air.

The three sharp knives on his body seemed to form the claws of a giant dragon, sharp and pointed.

Sanji on the other side was also not to be outdone.

Raging flames suddenly burst out from his legs, accompanied by special burning energy, and kicked towards Enelu in front of him.

However, just when Enel thought that the attacks from the two of them would be easily dodged by him as before...

A jet-black metallic luster appeared around Zoro and Sanji at the same time, instantly wrapping around their attacks like flowing water.

The next second.

boom! ! !

Sharp slashes and swift impacts landed on Enelu's body at the same time.

The flash of lightning did not appear.

Instead, there was a scarlet bloodstain!


Feeling the severe pain coming from his body, Enilu's expression suddenly changed.

But before he could react to what was happening, Sanji's powerful flying kick sent him flying backwards like a meteor, and finally hit the door of the Heaven's Gate hard.

Boom~! ! !

An obvious crack suddenly appeared in the huge gate of heaven, making the word "heaven" inside it become extremely terrifying.

After hitting the target, Sauron waved the steel dragon wings behind him and hovered in the air, smiling mockingly at the crack in the gate of heaven.

"Is this the god of Sky Island!?"

"Can such a weak guy become a god!?"



A flash of blue lightning filled the crack in the gate of heaven.

In an instant, bright thunder flashed in front of Zoro and Sanji, and the figure of Enel was once again condensed.

The slash mark on his chest was now scorched by lightning, leaving an obvious scar.

At this moment, Enel's face was filled with anger and confusion, and his eyes kept wandering between Zoro and Sanji.

After a moment, he asked incomprehensively from the depths of his throat: "Impossible, why can you hit me!?"


Faced with such a stupid question, Sanji flicked his fingers, spurting out a burst of flame to light the cigarette in his mouth, and then said disdainfully to Enel:

"You guy, you don't really think you are some kind of god, do you!?"

"What did you say!?"

A blue electric light suddenly flashed across the angry Enelu's body. Although his eyes were a little more wary, the overall mood was still extremely contemptuous.

Being in a high position for a long time and the self-confidence brought by strength have long made him forget what awe is!

Even at this moment when he was hit by an unknown attack!

Boom! ! !

The clear sky suddenly turned gloomy.

I saw dazzling thunder blooming around Enilu's body. His gaze was still condescending, a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and there was unquestionable majesty in his voice.

"It was just a fluke that hit me once!"

"How dare a mere mortal dare to challenge the majesty of God?"

"30 Million Volt Thunderbird!!!"


The noble golden scepter suddenly waved, drawing a beautiful arc in the air.

Under Enel's control, the endless thunder quickly condensed into a vicious bird and beast that flew out from the golden scepter and flew towards Zoro and Sanji in the air instantly.

"Sure enough, he is not a simple guy. He can launch such a powerful attack casually!?"

"You have to be careful, eyebrow curly!"

Facing Enel's offensive, Sauron's eyes instantly flashed with excitement, and he was full of fighting spirit.

At the same time, he did not forget to send words to Sanji next to him, whether it was a reminder or a look down upon.

"You are the one who should be careful, right? Green Algae Head!?"

On the side, Sanji loosened his tie on his chest and retorted disdainfully to Zoro: "Under the countless electric shocks of Miss Nami's love, I have long been immune to lightning!!!"


As if to prove what he said, Sanji, who was surrounded by flames, stepped hard in the air, and his whole body flew out like a flaming meteor in an instant.

Zoro broke out in cold sweat on his forehead and yelled at Sanji in confusion:

"Is this something to be proud of, asshole!?"

But as soon as he finished speaking, the steel dragon wings on his body waved violently, pushing his body to fly forward.

Although his flying ability is far inferior to Sanji's speed, the steel-type energy from the Pokémon world makes Zoro's attacks sharper and thicker.

The two of them attacked the Thunderbird in front of them in their own way without dodging.

In an instant, a violent explosion sounded in the sky above the Gate of Heaven, and a huge hole seemed to be torn in the sky.

Enelu's strength is not strong, nor is it weak!

Although he is not domineering, his physical skills are also very weak.

But he has an excellent talent for seeing, hearing, color, domineering and fruit abilities!

In addition to the ultra-wide range of sight and hearing that is enough to cover the entire island, his fruit ability even has the terrifying power of destroying the island with a full blow!

At least in terms of the development of fruit abilities, Enelu is equal to Ace, or even surpasses Ace!

After all, Ace didn't have the means to combine his knowledge and Haki to activate the fruit's ability from one end of the island to the other.

In general……

Enelu is a special individual with extremely high special attack and speed values, and other attributes that are extremely stretched.

His average attributes can definitely be regarded as the level of an emperor's deputy.

It's just because of his extremely scientific fighting style that his shortcomings are too obvious.

Maybe a slightly stronger domineering master could kill him.

If he could be guided by a famous teacher and practice hard, Enelu's name might be able to occupy a position among the top pirates.


No matter how promising his future is, in front of the Straw Hat Pirates today...

Or in front of the Straw Hat Pirates who have been strengthened by the trainer Red...

His defeat has become inevitable.


The terrifying Thunderbird was suddenly shattered into pieces under the combined attack of Zoro and Sanji.

Countless electric rays dissipated in the void, disappearing between the clouds like threads.

However, the figures of Zoro and Sanji did not stop at all, and continued to rush forward.

"How can it be?!"

The trick that no one had ever been able to withstand was cracked instantly, which surprised Enelu, who had always been arrogant.

But after seeing the two figures who transformed into a giant steel dragon and a flame demon approaching him again...

This time, Enelu finally followed his heart, without any hesitation, and his figure immediately turned into a bright electric light, flashing towards the other end of the sky.

boom! ! !

Sharp slashes and fiery kicks arrived one after another, but they could only fall into the void, and surging air waves erupted.

After one blow missed, Zoro and Sanji immediately adjusted their postures in the air, stabilized their bodies and looked at each other, each seeing the surprise in each other's eyes.

Enelu's speed was indeed somewhat beyond their expectations.

Immediately, they pursued the direction of Enelu again without making any stop.

"Three Swordsman Style·Dragon Blade·Netherworld!!!"

“Devil style feet·cooked·BBQ SHOOT!!!”

The ghostly aura emanated from Sauron's eyes and quickly wrapped around the three long knives.

Sanji's body also spun at high speed in the air, making the firelight blooming on the dark leather shoes even hotter.

However, facing these two massive attacks, Enelu's eyes once again flashed with sharp lightning.


"All your actions are already under my control!"

"It is impossible for humans to defeat gods!!!"


Enelu laughed maniacally.

The next second, thunder flashed.

His figure passed between Zoro and Sanji's figures again, as if deliberately playing, and instantly came behind them.

"Rice Wife!!!"

Eniru stretched out his palms, and two electric beams shot out instantly, flying straight towards the figures of Zoro and Sanji.


This time, it was Zoro and Sanji's turn to have looks of surprise on their faces.

Fortunately, the two of them had already fought against Luffy, and were wary of opponents who could move at high speeds.

As soon as their thoughts flashed, the two of them immediately turned around and faced the rapid thunder and lightning together with the moves they originally used to attack Enelu.

Another explosion sounded.

The blazing thunder did not leave any scars on Zoro and Sanji's bodies, but it also successfully offset their attacks.


Enelu, who was standing on the air, saw this scene and immediately sneered.

At this time, he had already gotten over the surprise of being hit by Zoro and Sanji.

Although he still doesn't know why these two guys can hit the invincible himself.

But knowing that I can use the unique speed of thunder and lightning, it’s okay not to be hit by these two guys! ?

The balance of the battle has changed again.

At least that's the way it is in Enelu's mind.

In the next few minutes, Zoro and Sanji launched surprise attacks on Enel from multiple angles.

However, under the opponent's powerful power of knowledge, all attacks were evaded by Eniru, who possesses the speed of lightning.

For a moment, Zoro and Sanji actually had no good way to take down Enero.

Although Chihong has emphasized many times before the battle, Enelu, who has the ability to transform into lightning, can burst out at extremely terrifying speeds.

But when all this was really displayed in front of them, they still seemed a little helpless.

It's not that they can't beat Enel.

After all, just the consumption of physical energy is enough for Zoro and Sanji to consume Eniru to death.

It's just that their goal from the beginning was not just to defeat Enel!

Chihong has said that in the near future, they are likely to encounter an enemy that is faster and stronger than Anilu.

If they can't even pass the level of Enelu, then on the battlefield in the future, they will most likely be played by the strong like today.

"Sure enough! It's the same as what Chi Hong said!"

Sauron spoke first:

"The opponent's speed is too fast! Even if we activate the locking move, we can only see it, but our body has no time to react."

"Tch, so is this why Chihong asked us to deal with this guy!?"

When he thought that he and others would soon face an enemy stronger than Enelu, Sanji suddenly felt a little pressure in his heart.

"There is no other way but to use that move!" He suddenly said.

Although there was a hint of unwillingness in Sauron's eyes, in the end he could only nod and said:

"It seems like this is the best we can do!"

As they spoke, the two of them quickly took out a poisonous needle from their pockets without any hesitation.

Then he stabbed himself in the chest resolutely.


"Hold on!!!"

Zoro and Sanji each let out a painful cry, and then launched the prepared moves to hold on.

A strange wave of light suddenly bloomed around the two of them.

As the poison flowed down the blood throughout the body, a heartbreaking pain suddenly swept through Zoro and Sanji's hearts.

The toxin contained in this poisonous needle was a toxin that they asked Usopp and Jobat to customize for them. It was extremely painful but would not leave any sequelae.

And the purpose...

They just hope that when facing an enemy they cannot cope with, they can use the severe pain to stimulate their body's potential, so that the hard-holding moves can obtain more powerful power for them!

Body building + hard hold + lock + cannon light cannon / blazing hot!

This is the Pokémon move Zoro and Sanji currently use.

Three status moves, and an energy move corresponding to their respective attributes!

This is the strongest combo that Chihong has been able to come up with for the two of them so far.

All of a sudden!

Terrifying energy fluctuations spurted out from the bodies of Zoro and Sanji, forming powerful air currents surging around them.

The steel dragon wings behind Sauron suddenly expanded like a roc's wings, as if they wanted to contain the entire world.

A faint dragon's roar came from the long knife that was wrapped in armed domineering energy.

On the other side, Sanji's legs began to emit a blazing flame, and the blazing flames wrapped around his body from bottom to top like magma.

In the blink of an eye, he turned into a flame knight with the red light of lava, scorching and twisting the air around him.

Under the effect of the hard support, the strength of the two people once again improved a lot.

They originally only had the strength of the ordinary Shichibukai level, but they broke through in one fell swoop and touched the threshold of ordinary imperial lieutenants.

And because of the unbearable pain and poison, the eyes of the steel dragon and the flame knight they transformed into erupted with a frightening fierce light.

Especially under Zoro's oppressive characteristics, Enel, who was just complacent about his speed, felt an inexplicable feeling of fear in his heart at this moment.

"This...this is impossible!?"

Enel, who has never had any fear since acquiring the power of the Thunder Fruit, finally realized the seriousness of the situation.

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