Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 187 Radar No. 2 (please subscribe)

Chapter 187 Radar No. 2 (please subscribe~)

"Lord Chihong! Someone wants to see you!"

While the Straw Hats were busy doing their respective jobs, a priest suddenly ran into the shrine and said to Chi Hong who was proposing a rectification plan.

After seeing the tragic situation of Enelu, these henchmen who were originally loyal to Enelu resolutely abandoned their old master and switched to the command of Straw Hat.

"Huh?" The red brows frowned slightly after hearing the priest's report, "Aren't Robin and Nami over there?"

The priest immediately replied: "Lord Robin refused to be accompanied by the servants of the gods two hours ago and went to the location of the Golden Bell alone."

"Nami-sama is studying the drawings of the Ark's Proverbs with Usopp-sama."

"That's it~"

Chihong nodded after realizing that her companions were all busy.

Looking at the towering execution platform that was about to be completed with the efforts of the insects and the servants of God, he also waved his hand:

"Come on, take me there."

"Yes, Lord Red!"

The priest bowed in response and immediately turned around to lead the way for Chi Hong.

Soon, the two came to the main hall of the original shrine.

Because it was planned to transform this place into a venue for the execution of Tianlong people, the entire hall has now been changed beyond recognition. Only a few pillars are still standing, supporting the thin roof.

Entering the main hall, two completely different atmospheres appeared in Hong's sight.

And he immediately recognized the identities of these two people.

The previous generation god of Sky Island - Gan Fule, and the strongest warrior of the Sandians - Weber.

After Enel was defeated, these two people can be said to be the representatives of the two most powerful forces on Sky Island.

One of them has a very high prestige and can mobilize the large population of Sky Island aborigines.

One is the next leader of the Xandian people, who are almost all warriors.

It can be said that as long as they are completely conquered, it is equivalent to conquering the entire sky island.


"Strange, how did these two guys get together?"

Chihong, who had no intention of conquering Sky Island, looked suspicious. He stepped forward and sat on the high seat that originally belonged to Anilu without hesitation, looking down at the two people below.

"Listen to Gaidaz, you want to see me!?"

"Hello, Sir Chihong!"

Gan Fore, whose soul had been sufficiently settled, after learning that the Straw Hats had defeated Enel, he did not have any airs and showed respect in front of Red.


Weber next to him obviously did not have such a good tutor and mentality.

After seeing Chi Hong appear, he immediately raised his head and glanced at Chi Hong with sharp eyes:

"Is this the Enel you guys defeated!?"

"Huh!?" Chi Hong raised her eyebrows and looked at the black charcoal man in front of her with interest.

It is hard to imagine that even after hundreds of years of baptism, the Sandians living on the empty island would still have such dark skin.

It's enough to show how pure his black-skinned bloodline is.

"Hey! Weber!"

Gan Fore, who was on the side, heard Weber's tone and frowned instantly, panic and worry flashing in his eyes.

The other party can defeat Enelu. Do you know who you are talking to? ?

Sandians, why did you send such an idiot over here! ?

Facing Weber, who had a bad tone, Chihong naturally wouldn't give him a good look.

His time was precious, and he had no time to waste it on them.

"What do you want from me!?"

"Is such that……"

Gan Faure wanted to seize the right to speak and lighten the atmosphere.

But at this moment, Weber suddenly took out a long spear from behind, and the sharp spear head flashed a cold flash in the air, and pierced straight towards the red throat.


The tip of the gun stayed one centimeter in front of the red throat, but the hot temperature suddenly emerged from the tip of the gun, slightly burning the red skin.

Seeing this scene, Weber's eyes suddenly flashed with success.

"Qinghai people, you are not welcome here!"

"Hand over Apayado!"

"Otherwise be prepared for the wrath of the Xandians!!!"


Gan Fore, who had no idea that Weber would suddenly do something like this, was instantly startled.

He quickly stretched out his hands to pull Webber.

But Weber said directly:

"Gann Fore, our old score is not over yet!"

"Don't think that time will smooth everything out!"


"Do you really want to see Sky Island ruled by a group of pirates from Qinghai!?"

"Look what they have been doing these days!? Searching for shellfish supplies and building massive construction projects in the shrine..."

"These guys are the next Eneloo!!!"

Weber yelled loudly.

And his words also succeeded in making Gan Fore hesitate a little.

After all, his main purpose of coming here today is to find out what the Straw Hat Pirates are going to do.

Weber was right.

The Straw Hat Pirates' actions in the past few days are indeed a bit too weird.

They first used the precious Bass, that is, soil, to exchange large amounts of shellfish with the shellfish farmers on the Sky Island, and then ordered all the residents of the Sky Island to be driven out of the Sky Island, but they did not Any impact on the property safety of the island and residents.

Such strange behavior really made Gan Fuer puzzled.

However, at this moment, Chi Hong, who had the spear pressed against his throat, suddenly spoke:

"So, do you want to return to the Island of Gods!?"


A flash of golden light suddenly shone on the head of Weber's gun, and an inexplicable sense of fear instantly swept through the heart of the strongest warrior on the island.

And just after the lightning flashed, he suddenly discovered...

The red eyes suddenly changed from ordinary human eyes to a pair of sharp eyes with dark lines at some point.

From the depths of those deep pupils, bright thunder suddenly shot out.


Without any warning, Weber, who was holding a spear, was instantly shrouded in endless thunder, and his whole body twitched while standing on the spot.

I saw Chihong lift the palm that turned into a bird's claw, gently place it on the spear, and immediately flicked it out of Webber's hand.

Weber, who was struck by lightning, also fell to the ground.

"It's... hateful..."

"Why would you... use the power of that guy Enel..."

After all, he was the strongest warrior of the Sandians. Weber, who fell to the ground, stretched his hands forward, trying hard to touch his spear.

But at this moment...


Chihong Leng, who came down the steps, kicked the spear away and then stepped on his hand.

The scorching thunder swept through again, constantly destroying Weber's body.

His eyes were cold and indifferent to everything. He leaned over Webb's head and whispered:

"You know, there is actually no difference between you and Enelu."

"The same self-righteousness...the same frog in the well..."


"Even you are far inferior to that guy!"

"At least Enelu still has some real abilities."

As he spoke, Chihong suddenly let out a disdainful laugh, with a playful glint in his eyes.

"Originally, I was so busy here that I didn't plan to contact you."

"But your ignorance succeeded in arousing my interest..."

"Gan Fore."

Chihong suddenly turned her majestic eyes to the astonished old god and said to him:

"Go find the guys in Sandia and tell them if they want Webb to go back intact..."

"Let a little girl named Aisha do the exchange!"

"In addition, it can reassure them that we will not do anything to the little girl."

"On the contrary, she will become an important member of our pirate group!"

"Now, you can leave here."

Although it is only the lowest existence among the mythical beasts...

But a mythical beast is a mythical beast.

With the Lightning Bird template loaded, Chi Hong unconsciously carries an unquestionable majesty of a king.

Compared to the submissive Gan Fore at the moment, he is more like a god.


Gan Fore, who was shocked by the scene before him, replied blankly.

Immediately, he saw that at Chihong's signal, the priest who originally belonged to Enilu immediately stepped forward, tied up the unconscious Weber skillfully, and then took him down.

As a god who once lived here, Gan Fuer knew very well...

That direction is where the prison cell of the shrine is located.

As if Chihong had never cared about them, she turned around and walked deeper into the palace.

"What the hell is this~"

When the hall became clear again, Gan Fule immediately let out a long sigh.

Fortunately, his old age and past experiences have given him a calmness that ordinary people do not have.

He silently picked up Weber's spear from the ground, and after recalling Chihong's words in his mind, he turned around and walked out of the shrine.

Obviously he just wanted to see what this powerful group of Qinghai people wanted to do to Sky Island, but Weber's inexplicable tossing made him no longer know how to speak.

But you can’t blame Weber.

After all, there is still some distance from the direction of Yunyin Village to here, and the Sandians never communicate with the Sky Islanders...

So of course they wouldn't know exactly how big a fight the battle between Anilu and the Qinghai people caused that day.

The Skylanders left their hometown so obediently, not just because the Straw Hat Pirates defeated Enero.

"I don't know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing for Kongdao."

Gan Faure murmured in his heart.

In fact, he can feel it with his rich experience...

The young man was not hostile to them at first.

If it weren't for Weber's sudden and unreasonable threats, maybe they could actually have a long talk in a friendly manner.

But there's nothing we can do about it.

Under the influence of resentment accumulated over the years, the Sandians have the habit of treating all outsiders as enemies.

Therefore, Weber, the representative of the Sandia people, never thinks about win-win cooperation with the Qinghai people.

He had never seen that battle, so he might have thought Chihong and the others were the lucky ones who used the Sea Tower Stone to defeat Enelu, so he made such a reckless move.

In their eyes, except for Enelu, who they have not yet succeeded in conquering, the Sandians are the strongest!

This is the glory carved into the blood and bones of the Sandians!

"Maybe it's really like what the young man said..."

"We who are confined to an empty island are already a frog in the well to the real world."

"...It seems like a good idea if we can take this opportunity to make changes."

While Gan Fore was thinking about it in his mind, he blew a whistle and called his old partner...

A bird that ate the animal-type horse fruit.

Thanks to these years of wandering around Kongdao, although he has never been to Yunyin Village, he can still vaguely know its general location.

What's more, there are quite a few Sandians wandering near Sky Island.

As long as he showed Weber's spear as a token, he could easily contact the Sandians.

The only thing that puzzled him was...

Why did a group of teenagers who had just arrived at Kongdao from Qinghai ask for a Sandian person they had never seen before?

"Aisha~" After remembering the name of the person Chihong called for, Gan Fore did not hesitate.

As the pink and black-spotted Pegasus wings trembled vigorously in the air, they suddenly flew into the sky and rushed towards Yunyin Village.

And the other side.

After returning to the execution platform, the sullenness on the red face suddenly disappeared, instead revealing a satisfied smile.

"What's wrong? What makes you so happy?"

Seeing the smile on Red's face, Usopp, who was riding on a unicorn and commanding insects, immediately asked curiously.

Chi Hong pursed her lips and smiled and replied:


"But if everything goes well, maybe we will have our own deep-sea radar!"


Usopp blinked in confusion after hearing this answer.

But before he could continue to ask, he saw that Chihong was already busy arranging the position of the video phone bug.

"It's true. This guy Chihong is the Riddler again~"

This was not the first time that Usoppin, who had been appetized by Chihong, immediately clicked his tongue, then pouted and started busy with the tasks he was responsible for.

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