Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 190 2 1, link up! (please follow up on order)

Chapter 190 2 1, link up! (Please subscribe~)

Half an hour later.

With a burst of pain and wails, the entire naval battleship finally became quiet again.

Kizaru looked at the report submitted by Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel in his hand, and his wrinkled face instantly became more furrowed.

"You really underestimate the top of the Western Heaven."

"I didn't expect that even with the equipment provided by the scientific research unit, there would still be so many wounded."

Kizaru murmured with a headache, and the flying squirrel beside him immediately replied:

"After all, it is a temporary equipment, and it has not been approved by Dr. Vegapunk. It is a great success to be able to make this trip without any loss of personnel."

The road from the top of the Western Sky to Sky Island...

For the strong, it may just be a somewhat thorny path.

But for those who lack strength, it is a desperate journey that can kill people in minutes.

Although Kizaru and other high-end navy combat forces have eliminated all the cloud beasts on the road to the empty island, the constantly changing air pressure and climate during the journey showed the navy and CP agents what nature is. Power!

At this moment, a guy wearing a white cloak and a strange mask suddenly came to Kizaru:

"General Kizaru, the repairs are almost complete, should we set off immediately!?"

"Master Tianlong is still suffering, and we don't have extra time to waste."

The person who spoke was surprisingly a CP0 senior agent known as the "Dragon People's Strongest Shield".

As the most loyal lackeys of the World Government and the Celestial Dragons, nothing is more important than the Celestial Dragons in their eyes.

However, his words instantly caused the expression of Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel beside him to change:


"We have just arrived at Sky Island. Not only have we lost so many people, the remaining navy officers have not yet adapted to the climate change on Sky Island..."

"Do you want them to forcefully open the battleship when they are severely short of manpower!?"

"We should at least wait until dawn before taking action!?"

"That's your business, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel!"

The senior agent of CP0 did not buy into Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, but said in a cold tone:

"We still don't know the specific location of Lord Tianlong!"

"Neither the navy nor the world government has a wealth of information on Sky Island."

"Do you plan to wait until Lord Tianlong is killed by that arrogant person before taking action!?"

"do not forget!"

"We have the right to kill anyone who hinders us from completing our mission, even if they are admirals or princes and nobles!"

A terrifying aura suddenly rose up from the agent's body. Combined with his words, the threat was self-evident.

As one of the strongest agents in the CP organization, although his strength is not as strong as that of a naval admiral, it is not much worse.

In front of him, the majestic Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel was suppressed in an instant.

A line of cold sweat instantly rose on the flying squirrel's forehead.

At this moment, he truly felt the chilling aura coming from the superior!

"He... will really kill me!" The flying squirrel realized this instantly.

But after all, they were going to work together, so the CP0 agent only gave a warning, then turned around and left with a slight snort.

Even though the person in front of him was Admiral Kizaru, as the direct subordinates of the Five Old Stars, they would not soften their attitude at all even when facing the Admiral of the Navy.

"It's really troublesome~"

Looking at CP0's leaving figure, Kizaru couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

"General Kizaru..."

The choked Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel wanted to say something, but Kizaru suddenly raised his hand and said to him:

"Do as he says."

"Let those who can take action first, after all, what he said is right..."

"There are only three days left before the live broadcast time set by Fire Fist Ace."

"If we can't find them within three days, we will be the unlucky ones in the end."

Kizaru said to the flying squirrel, half comforting and half admonishing.

As the famous person next to Wu Laoxing, it is not unreasonable for Kizaru to be able to reach this day.

In this way, this huge naval warship moved slowly on the quiet white sea, as if it had aged in advance.

In the next three days, all the forces in the pirate world seemed to suddenly retreat, and the whole world was calm.

Everyone has developed the good habit of going to bed early and getting up early to welcome the first World Economic News every day!

In just three days, the sales volume of World Economic News, which originally occupied a mainstream position in the news world, has increased dozens of times!

And this also made the president of World Economic News a lot of money.

New world, on a hidden island.

Countless albatross flapped their wings vigorously and slowly moved a building-like structure to the center of the island.

Morgans laughed and walked out of the building, his long beak raising a proud and satisfied smile.

"Hehehehe, I really made a fortune!"

Although making money is not the real purpose of his "News King" participation in this incident, being able to obtain huge profits out of thin air can be regarded as his first profit after seeing this adventure.

Morgans stepped out of the headquarters door and instantly arrived at a site full of circuit tubes.

This site covers an area the size of a large square, with a large number of tall towers.

And at the top of these towers, there are strange-looking telephone bugs, with their mouths wide open, transmitting electrical signals to all parts of the world.

"Mr. President!"

At this moment, a fish-man wearing a reporter's uniform suddenly ran over, his tall figure bowing naturally and humbly in front of Morgans.

"Mr. President, a data test request has been sent from Fire Fist Ace. Do you want to get through?!"

"Huh? So early?"

Moore just raised his eyes to look at the sun above his head, and then asked the members next to him:

"Have the equipment in the broadcast area been set up?"

"It's all over, Mr. President."

The fishman club member immediately replied: "As long as conditions permit, a large screen has been set up to be able to see the live broadcast."

"Regions without conditions have also prepared various broadcasting equipment."

"However, the World Government has sent people to attack our people in the past two days. Many branches on the islands have been controlled by the World Government."

"Hmph~ World Government!?"

Morgans, who had known this would happen for a long time, immediately sneered when he heard this:

"If the world government's control over the sea was really that strong, people like us wouldn't be born!"

"Don't worry so much!"

"Even if only 10 islands can receive our live broadcast signal, it will be enough for the World Economic News Agency and my name, Morgans, to go down in history!"

"A new era..."

"It has arrived!!!"


Morgans let out a burst of arrogant and arrogant laughter, as if cheering for what he did next.

Although, he was only a less important participant in this incident.


As Morgans gave his order, a bright light flashed on the big screen on the mysterious island.

Immediately afterwards, a figure that was extremely familiar to Morgans appeared.

"I'm coming."

At the top of the screen, against a background of white clouds, Ace seemed to have suddenly discovered something. The corners of his mouth suddenly raised slightly, and then he shouted to the people around him.

In an instant, a large circle of unfamiliar figures of Morgans suddenly emerged from around Ace.

"What!? This is the picture of the live broadcast!? Can our presence be conveyed to the whole world through this picture!?"

Under the surprised and surprised gaze of Morgans, the big face of a boy wearing a straw hat suddenly squeezed in front of the screen, occupying 80% of the screen.

"Luffy, you're too close~"

At this time, a long-nosed boy stretched out his hand and forced the straw hat boy to the back, and then revealed a group of people again.

Zoro rubbed his chin and looked at the camera in front of him with an expectant expression on his face: "Is it true that after today, our name will be resounding all over the world!?"

"Don't you want it anymore?" Nami reached out and took out a pile of vortex masks and a windbreaker with red clouds and black bottoms, and then handed them to Sauron. "Although it's a bit self-deceiving, don't forget our identities..."

"of course not."

Zoro chuckled and took the suit that matched his model.

"Akatsuki organization, right!? We're going to use disguised names for the live broadcast soon!?"

"The dawn that breaks the darkness and brings light!?"

"It's a shame that Chihong can blurt out such a meaningful name~"

Zoro put the mask on his face in admiration.

The Straw Hats also took their uniforms from Nami and Robin one by one.

With a rustling sound of costume changes, the entire Straw Hats instantly transformed and stood behind Ace like a group of mysterious people.

Although each of them still has his own unique characteristics...

For example, Luffy's straw hat, Zoro's three swords, Usopp's large slingshot Kabuto...

But it would be impossible to identify them based on these characteristics unless someone was familiar with them.

at this time……

A dark space wormhole suddenly opened in front of the Straw Hats.

Immediately, a masked man who was more restored than anyone else slowly walked out of the black hole.

"Huh!? Has it started already!?"

Chi Hong, who had gone to get ready and arrived belatedly, looked at the camera in front of her and asked doubtfully.

"No." Ace shook his head slightly, "It's just a signal test."


Chi Hong nodded clearly and immediately looked at Morgans on the screen.

"Mr. Morgans, there shouldn't be any problem with the signal, right?"

"Of course! Who do you think I am~?"

Morgans smiled slyly, "Since you can trust me to broadcast this grand performance..."

"Then I will naturally satisfy you."

"In that case, I'll spare you the trouble." Chi Hong politely thanked her, and then transferred the screen to Ace again.

After all, he is nominally the protagonist of this stage play.

After some testing by the staff, Ace and Morgans quickly completed a series of signal adjustments.

Everything is ready, and all that’s left is to wait for the agreed time—10 a.m. to arrive on time!

The call screen is temporarily disconnected.

Morgans looked at the dark screen in front of him and murmured in his heart:

"Is that the Straw Hat Pirates that Doflamingo reminded me to pay special attention to?"

"You changed your clothes in front of me, do you want to express your sincerity?"

"Hee hee hee……"

"Young people today are really brave."

A solemn atmosphere began to permeate the world.

Although this battle is not like the top war in the anime, it is a life-and-death struggle between the two top powers in the world.

But for the people of the pirate world, the public execution of the Celestial Dragon is a world event that is equivalent to the execution of the Pirate King Roger.

So at this moment, no matter whether they have the ability or not, they will try their best to obtain information about this incident.

Even if...

The World Government has repeatedly issued orders not to allow anyone to watch this live broadcast.

In the new world, in the palace of a country that joins the world government.

"Your Majesty, why did you install a screen in the room? Don't you never watch these things?"

A concubine walked into the palace and looked at her husband and His Majesty the King in confusion.

But immediately, he saw a ferocious and crazy face looking towards her.


"Keep your voice down!!!"

The king who was supposed to be arrogant, now felt as if he was a guilty conscience thief. He hurriedly closed the door of the palace, then pulled his concubine to the bedside and waited with him.

"What do you know!?" He still looked strange, but he said to the concubine he could trust:

“Next, it’s a critical moment when you can appreciate those high-ranking nobles of the world being played like pigs!!!”

"If I miss it, I will regret it for the rest of my life!!!"

The old king put his arm around the young and beautiful concubine, sat on the soft big bed and waited quietly.

Although the world government has issued a serious secret letter to the participating countries, the most difficult thing to stop in this world is human curiosity! ! !

What's more, what can be controlled is only the public live broadcast footage for ordinary people.

Because Morgans has fully open sourced live broadcast signals, as long as you have a TV or similar device that can receive signals, you can search for live channels.

As time slowly passed, the hearts of everyone around the world were suspended.

Ten o'clock in the morning is not that late, but it makes countless people feel that the time before work is longer than the time before get off work.


At the instant of 9:59:50 seconds, a 10-second countdown suddenly appeared for all the viewing equipment vendors who had completed the channel transfer.


At this moment, countless people clenched their hands with excitement.

Whitebeard who has arrived at the first half of the Grand Line, the revolutionary army on the White Earth Island, the naval battleships under the sky island, and even the Five Old Stars of the Holy Land Marijoa...

Countless eyes were focused on the TV.

And after the exciting 3, 2, 1 countdown...

The originally black picture suddenly flashed, revealing a piece of pure white light!

Immediately afterwards, a crisp male voice came from the TV festival’s speakers:


Ace was a little nervous when he realized that his face would be noticed by the whole world, but thinking that it would affect the world's impression of the Whitebeard Pirates, he immediately followed Red's reminder and showed a relaxed smile.

"Viewers around the world, good morning everyone~!"

"Welcome everyone to watch the [Dragon Kill Kill Kill] program produced by me on time~"

"Please allow me to introduce to you..."

"I am the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates - [Fire Fist] Portcas D. Ace!"

"I think you all should have gotten to know my name during this time."

"But that's not important..."

"Next, let's invite our real protagonist today——"

"Lord Draco from the Holy Land of Marijoa on the Red Earth Continent—Saint Fegalando Serentinia!!!"

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