Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 192 War begins! (please follow up on order)

Chapter 192 War begins! (Please subscribe~)

"The Celestial Dragon... is dead... dead!?"


In the world of silence, I don't know who was the first to let out a choked sob, like a frog awakened in a summer pond, followed by countless echoes.

After a moment, the whole world instantly entered a state of uproar.

"They...actually killed the Celestial Dragons!?"

"It's over, it's over!!! The sky of the world is going to fall!!!"

"God, please, let this world continue to be peaceful!"

"I know it! I know it!!! The Tianlong people are not gods at all. If I had been braver at that time, my sister would not have..."

"Wow hahahaha~ As expected of a leader of the Yonko Pirates, he really shines in the limelight! Guys, it's time to make a name for yourself. Quickly check for me where there are traces of the Celestial Dragons!?"

"Um...Boss, do you want to wait and see? What if this Fire Fist Ace dies tomorrow?!"

"Wait a minute, does this mean that the Whitebeard Pirates are going to declare war on the World Government!?"



As the Celestial Dragon's body fell heavily to the ground, the whole world boiled like a boulder falling from a calm lake.

"Declaration of war?!"

"Gu la la la la~"

"What's the point of declaring war!?"

Watching the live broadcast slowly coming to an end under the auspices of Ace, Whitebeard suddenly let out a hearty and heroic laugh.

This was almost the loudest he had laughed in a while!

I saw him suddenly wave his hand, so domineering:

"Children, believe in Ace's wisdom~"

"Let's not cause trouble with him."

"Everyone change course and head towards Malinfando for me!!!"

At this moment, Whitebeard's eyes were filled with flames of hatred.

Since the navy was unkind and wanted to kill him, he would naturally not be polite to the navy.

Now that most of the navy's forces have gone to the empty island, the navy headquarters is naturally in a defensive position.

It's a great time for them to retaliate against the navy!

Although the death of the Celestial Dragons will not change the pattern of the world, nor will it affect the strength of the world government and navy, it is like an appetizer and a fuse, completely breaking the sacred and inviolable barrier of the Celestial Dragons. This triggered countless major events later.

Therefore, in the records and descriptions of major media in the future, they will call this day - [the beginning of a new era]!


Things in Qinghai and the future will not affect Kongdao at this time.

Because of Kizaru's arrival and the fact that his goal had been achieved, Ace hastily ended this live broadcast that shocked the world.

Although it was somewhat anticlimactic, it did not affect the shock that this live broadcast brought to the world.

"Is it over yet?"

A beam of golden light flashed, and Kizaru's figure suddenly appeared directly above the execution platform as if teleporting.

Looking at the body of the Tianlong who had fallen to the ground and was bleeding, his wrinkled face remained calm, but his eyes flashed slightly with an inexplicable look.

"Things are getting troublesome~"

Kizaru shook his head in distress, and immediately looked at Ace on the ground and the other Straw Hats disguised as Akatsuki.

"Now that things have happened, it seems that the only way to silence those adults is to take your bodies back."

"Is the big one coming!?"

Looking at Kizaru in the sky, Zoro swung his long knife to drain the blood above him, and the corners of his mouth under the mask involuntarily raised.

Navy Admiral Kizaru Porusalino, a user with the ability of the Shining Fruit, can turn his body into light elements. With the help of the fruit ability, he even has a terrifying speed than Enel.

A long time ago, Chihong had already compiled the navy's intelligence into a summary document and distributed it to everyone in the Straw Hats.

Except for Luffy, who used documents as a tool for folding paper airplanes, everyone else now knew the navy far better than the general forces at sea.

So when they saw Kizaru's arrival, they didn't show much shock.

Because according to Chihong's analysis, the one the navy is most likely to send... is General Kizaru!


Without the slightest hesitation, Zoro immediately assumed a three-sword style stance and pointed the sharp long sword at Kizaru in the air.

"Three Sword Style·Flying Dragon Flame!!!"

bake! ! !


Suddenly a faint dragon roar came from the void.

The next second, the blazing flames swept into the shape of a giant dragon, roaring and flying towards Kizaru in the sky.

The flame dragon was extremely fast and swallowed up Kizaru almost instantly.

But Zoro was no longer the one who would be cornered by Hawkeye's knife. He immediately frowned and looked at the sky on the other side.

"What a speed!"

He exclaimed in surprise: "I didn't even see when he escaped!"

The giant dragon flames flew to the sky, and after dispersing countless clouds, they finally slowly dissipated and disappeared.

"Yo yo yo~ Before we even spoke, he attacked me directly."

"What a scary guy~!"

Kizaru was hanging high in the sky, emitting a sigh with his own characteristics.

At this moment, a different-dimensional cave suddenly appeared behind Kizaru.

Sanji, who had entered the Flame Knight state, traveled through the void and instantly landed behind Kizaru.

"Take the call, Marine!"

“Devil Style Feet·Beef Shank STRIKE!!!”

boom! ! !

The same hot flame enveloped Kizaru's body again, dyeing the entire sky red.

Even a billion-level pirate might not be able to withstand such a powerful attack.

However, the next moment, Sanji's figure suddenly passed through Kizaru's body, as if kicked in the air, and continued to impact the ground below.

"How can it be!?"

Sanji's face suddenly showed a look of surprise.

Under the influence of gravity, his body crashed onto the side of the execution platform, creating a huge charred hole in the hard ground.

Sanji, who missed the attack, immediately stood up and jumped out of the pit.

The lips under the mask pursed.

He's not an idiot either.

Facing a user with natural fruit abilities, he naturally added a sufficient amount of armed domineering energy to his attack just now.

But the result was still like an ordinary person hitting a natural ability user, passing through Kizaru's body.

This also means...

The opponent has already discovered his attack and has made elemental preparations in advance.

"The enemy this time is no ordinary guy."


Zoro jumped off the execution platform and came to Sanji's side. After the two looked at each other through their masks, they nodded in unison.

Immediately, the two figures once again erupted with terrifying momentum, attacking Kizaru from the left and the right in the air.

It is said that the person who understands Luffy best is Zoro, and the person who understands Zoro best is Sanji.

But in this world, because of the appearance of Chihong, Sauron's position as hidden vice-captain was taken away, and he was relieved of many responsibilities...

In addition, Zoro and Sanji have been sparring passionately during this period...

So now, the tacit understanding between the two of them in battle surpasses any other group of players in the Straw Hat Pirates! ! !

In the sky, facing the attacks of Zoro and Sanji, Kizaru, who was not in a hurry, did not explode with all his strength and capture the two of them.

Instead, he summoned an Tiancongyun Sword made of condensed photons, and started fighting with the two of them.

While continuously shooting down two people, he smacked his tongue and murmured:

"It's really strange~"

"When did such powerful guys as you two appear in the Grand Line!?"

"I have never heard of a person like you in the navy's intelligence."

"Hey, there are so many things you haven't heard of!"

Zoro grinned and held the long knife in his hand without any hesitation.

Although he could see that the other party was deliberately playing tricks on himself and others, he still did not miss any opportunity to fight against the strong ones.

at the same time.

The red one on the ground also pressed Luffy and came to Ace and Yixiao.

"Chihong, let me go! I'm going to help Sauron and the others!"

Looking at Zoro and Kizaru, who were already fighting together, Luffy's body involuntarily glowed with the flames of armed Haki like fire petals, and his fighting spirit surged out.

But Chihong stretched out her five fingers and pressed on Luffy's head.

"Don't worry! If you want to fight with a master, you have plenty of opportunities!"

While speaking, Chi Hong suddenly raised his head and looked at the white sea in the distance.

At the edge of the skyline, a black spot is growing at an extremely fast speed.

"Mr. Yixiao, is that the warship you just felt?"

"That's right." Yixiao nodded.

Possessing super powerful knowledge and domineering power, he has already informed Chi Hong telepathically of the situation within a radius of dozens of kilometers.

Including the combat configuration on that battleship.

Although even with a smile, one cannot judge a person's strength well by seeing, hearing, coloring, and domineering~

But thanks to the fact that the Navy and CP agents above the warship also saw the assassination of the Tianlong people.

They never expected that Ace would make the execution of the Celestial Dragons such a trivial matter.

Half a month has passed since the Tianlong people disappeared.

It has been a full week since the World Economic News Agency rendered it.

But from the beginning of the live broadcast, to the death of Tianlong, to the end of the live broadcast...

They completely failed to see the professionalism of an anchor in Ace.

For such a big thing, the whole process took less than half an hour! ?

In this case, why do you have to stage such a big battle? Just kill the Tianlong people and publish them in the newspaper! ?

Even though they all knew what Ace's purpose was, they still felt extremely weird inside.

All the efforts and pain I endured these days were in vain.

The clown is myself!

Now, all they can do is to arrest all those involved in this incident and use their heads to rebuild the prestige of the World Government.

It's a pity that their wish is destined to fail!

"Mr. Yixiao, Yixie's mission is to work with Zoro and Sanji to contain Navy Admiral Kizaru."

"Luffy, I will choose a guy with a mask to be your opponent later."

"Remember! You don't have to worry about anything else. Your goal today is to defeat him!"

"Robin, Chopper, your two mission is to work with me to contain all the vice admirals, there should be no problem, right!?"

"No problem~" Robin smiled, his eyes narrowed into the shape of a crescent moon, as bright as mysterious violets.

Little Chopper choked up nervously: "I, I will work hard!"

"Come on!"

Chihong smiled and reached out to pat little Chopper on the head.

Immediately, his eyes looked at Ace again.

"Ace, according to Mr. Yixiao's observation, there should be two very powerful CP agents on that battleship..."

"At that time, those two people may need you to contain them!"

"Don't worry, leave it to me!"

With one hand, Ace turned into flames and raised his orange hood, revealing a relaxed smile on his freckled cheeks.

During his time with the Straw Hat Pirates, he has changed a lot!

Now that the crisis with the Whitebeard Pirates has been resolved, he can do whatever he wants!

Finally, red eyes fell on Nami, who had been waiting for a long time, and Usopp, who was nervous:

"Nami, Usopp..."

"Except for those people I just arranged...all the enemies will be handed over to you!"

"Everything...everything!?" Usopp's eyes widened.

Although he would be given a heavy responsibility after being eliminated...he never thought that this responsibility would be so heavy!

"Wait...wait a minute, Chi Hong, isn't this a little too much!?"

"How about...you use the different-dimensional cave to send away a group of people first!?"

Usopp asked tentatively.

In fact, with the red extra-dimensional hole, he can send guys below the level of vice admiral instantly out of the sky island, allowing them to enjoy the pleasure of a free fall from an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Although many of these navies may use moon steps, which will not cause too many casualties to them, it can definitely reduce their combat effectiveness by one-third.

But how could Chihong, an elite trainer, miss such a wonderful opportunity to train the Straw Hat Pirates for big-scale combat! ?


Red patted Usopp on the shoulder, smiled and encouraged:

"Don't worry, Usopp!"

"Now you are not the little villager who just walked out of Xiluobu Village and took a long time to aim at a target one or two kilometers away!"

"Perhaps you haven't noticed it yet, but in my eyes, you are already an outstanding maritime warrior!"

"Bravery is your weapon!"

"Ability is your shield!"

"Believe in yourself, you can do it!"

"After all, you have sacrificed so much along the way...haven't you!?"

Red eyes flashed.

These words are not just simple scene words.

He truly believed that Usopp had the ability to create miracles.

Putting aside the "Usopp in desperate situation" jokes in the anime, although Usopp has not been training with Luffy and the others during this period of time, his efforts are obvious to all.

Not everyone can stare at a pile of insect eggs for several days without sleep, constantly injecting Pokémon energy and various medicines into them.

Not everyone can lie down in the plant field and stay there for several nights.

Usopp's frontal combat ability may not be strong.

But even Zoro and Sanji did not dare to underestimate Usopp's power a long time ago.

No one in the Straw Hat Pirates is a coward!


Red's eyes turned and looked at Nami who raised her hands in a gesture of surrender.

"OK, OK, no need to PUA me..."

"Aren't they just a few hundred navy officers... I'll just take them!"

Nami spread her hands.

After being with Chi Hong for a long time, she can occasionally come up with one or two "dialects" that are not of this world.

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