Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 195 Chihong has the final say whether the world is in chaos or not (please subscribe)

Chapter 195 Chihong has the final say whether the world is in chaos or not (please subscribe~)

"Sure enough, the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates is not an idiot."

The waters near Gaya Island.

Qingzhi listened to the reports of several vice admirals salvaged from the sea and couldn't help but sigh.

Without hesitation, he immediately ordered someone to dial the phone number to the Marshal's Office at the Navy Headquarters.


Amidst the busy tone, the phone seemed to be asleep and there was no response.


A look of confusion suddenly appeared on Qing Pheasant's face.

After all, Admiral Sengoku should stay in the office at this time, waiting for him and Kizaru to conduct their mission report.


"What happened over there at Malinfando?"

Qingzhi frowned, realizing that things seemed to be a little beyond his expectation.

at the same time.

The Grand Line, the waters near Marine Headquarters-Marinvandor.

Whitebeard stood at the bow of the Moby-Dick, and the huge supreme sword Cong Yunqie in his hand was like an ordinary fire stick, throwing a sharp cold light in the air.

All of a sudden!

The surging overlord-colored domineering energy surged from his body, sweeping across the entire sky above Marinevando like a roaring wave.

But at this moment, a domineering aura that was not inferior to it appeared in the center of Marine Fando, and it instantly confronted Whitebeard's domineering aura.

Suddenly, the sky above the entire navy headquarters was like a thunderstorm coming, with a deafening roar, and countless black lightning flashed and bloomed in the sky.

The next moment, all the energy made a huge noise in the sky, and then disappeared instantly.

It was as if everything just happened was just a greeting.

Immediately afterwards, Whitebeard's heroic laughter resounded throughout the sky.

"Gu la la la la~"

"Sengoku, Garp, you two bastards really haven't aged at all!!!"

"Gu la la la la..."

He raised the huge naginata in his hand and took a sudden step forward.


The handle of the naginata hit the hull of the ship, causing a heavy buzzing sound.

And on the high defensive wall of Malinfando.

Sengoku and Garp, the pillars of the navy, also stood on the high platform, higher than Akainu, who also stayed at home.

At this time, they looked at the Whitebeard Pirates fleet in front of them with solemn expressions and solemn eyes.

"This bastard actually dares to attack the navy headquarters!" Warring States gritted his teeth, his body glowing with golden light.

But Garp next to him laughed heartily: "Hahaha, doesn't this seem like your prediction was accurate~!"

"Speaking of which...thank you for bringing Akainu back from the New World, otherwise it would be really dangerous!"

"I don't know if I can still move my old bones."

"Stop talking nonsense." Warring States shouted angrily: "Now is not the time to joke, Garp!"

"The Navy has killed many white-bearded people during this period."

"Even though this guy still has a smile on his face, his hatred for the Navy has already been compressed to the extreme!"

"Next, it's a full-blown explosion!"

"Don't worry!" Garp raised his arm and waved it several times in mid-air, with the smile still on his face, as if he didn't take the upcoming battle seriously.

Different from the war on top in the original plot, because this time it does not involve his own family, he will definitely go all out this time.

In this way, as the Moby-Dick continued to approach the port of Malinfando...

A war that is about to shock the whole world has officially begun!

On this day, people throughout the Shampoo Islands felt the tremors coming from the earth.

But they were still immersed in the death of the Tianlong people, and they just regarded it as an illusion born in their shocked hearts.

the other side.

Sky Island, Island of Gods.

It was clearly above 10,000 meters in the sky, but at this moment, a huge rainstorm enveloped the land, and the rain kept falling.

In the pouring rain, Flying Squirrel and Dauberman were all wet, and arcs of electricity appeared on their bodies from time to time, making their movements stiff and difficult to move.

"As expected of the elite Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters."

"He still refuses to fall down. It seems that sending the other four people away is a wise choice."

Opposite the two of them, Red, who had transformed into a lightning bird and half-orc form, showed an approving smile with his sharp beak and said to the two people in front of him.

After confirming that there was no problem on the battlefield between Chopper and Robin, Chihong immediately returned to Flying Squirrel and Dauberman to prevent them from disturbing Nami and Uso because they could not find him for a long time. common battlefield.

After seeing Chi Hong, the two vice admirals immediately raised their knives and angrily slashed at him as Chi Hong expected.

It has to be said that it is not without reason that Flying Squirrel and Dauberman have been entrusted with important tasks many times.

The two men who studied under Chuan Zefa are far superior to ordinary naval vice admirals in terms of combat effectiveness and combat experience.

Even the domineering power of seeing and hearing is far beyond that of ordinary people.

After gradually understanding the mechanism of the Crimson Dimension Cave move, the two of them also became 120% vigilant.

After fighting for a while, Chihong's swift lightning-type moves unexpectedly didn't hit them once!


After loading the Zapdos template and gaining the Zapdos flying abilities and moves, Red also has air superiority capabilities that far exceed those of Flying Squirrel and Dauberman.

Coupled with the agility of the flying system, it was also difficult for the two attacks to catch the red figure.

If they use the Moon Step to rise into the air to catch up with Chi Hong, they will immediately enter the area where Chi Hong is good at.

In this way, the two of them could only launch various flying slashes on the ground facing Scarlet in the sky, and then avoid the Pokémon's special moves that Scarlet might unleash.

Until Chihong, who has no martial ethics, used a move called praying for rain.

In an instant, a thick dark cloud suddenly appeared over the God's Island with a clear sky, and huge raindrops fell quickly, turning the battlefield into a world of rain!

The red lightning-type moves also received a huge increase due to the blessing of rain.

The Pokémon's moves that were originally only able to hit the target through sneak attacks became a 100% sure hit due to the rain.

So far, Flying Squirrel and Dauberman have hit him three times with thunder and two times with one hundred thousand volts.

Should I say it or not...

Being able to be hit by so many powerful thunder and lightning moves without falling while being wet shows how well these elite navy lieutenants have a good foundation.

At least in terms of defensive capabilities and vitality, they are definitely far superior to other strong men of the same level.

But it's a pity...

No matter how good the foundation is, it cannot change the outcome of today's battle.

Chihong, who never fights an unprepared battle, has been in an invincible position from the beginning!

"Damn guy!"

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, who had already realized that he and others would be defeated, looked down and murmured weakly.


He looked towards the distant sky.

Over there, three figures were fighting with a flying beam of light.

The momentum is so huge that it even far exceeds the battle on their side.


Dauberman, who had the same behavior as the flying squirrel, felt the numbness in his body and immediately sighed.

They never expected...

A mere captain of the Whitebeard Pirates Division would actually have a combat prowess reaching the level of a general next to him.

Plus two other guys whose strength far exceeds that of ordinary vice admirals...

The three of them actually restrained Admiral Kizaru, making it impossible for him to support other navies.

Then the two of them subconsciously turned their eyes to the other side.

I saw that the naval soldiers and agents who originally had the numerical advantage were now being resisted by the dense swarm of insects!

To know……

Those are hundreds of naval generals. According to the criteria of the Grand Line, the weakest one is enough to fight against a pirate with a bounty of more than 30 million!

But such a terrifying guy was intercepted by a group of insects.

Although the strength of those bugs is not that strong, they are not even comparable to some of the ferocious beasts on Sky Island.

But there are simply too many of them to handle!

The most important thing is that these bugs will be divided into small bug swarms one after another, and then fight together like an army, leaving all the navy and agents with no time to care about anything else.

Even if there are some lucky guys who escape the attack of the insect swarm, they will be immediately hit by a bolt of lightning that comes out of nowhere, and then fall to the ground.

As for Ace, there is no need to say more.

After the transformation of the Pokémon world and Red's training during this period, Ace's strength has improved by more than one level from the bottom of the royal mate.

Dealing with two ordinary agents with CP0 cannot be said to be easy, but victory is already inevitable.

It has only been half an hour from the beginning of this air island landing battle, and the navy and the world government have already fallen into a comprehensive defeat.

Now, all they can count on is the CP0 agent whose strength is second only to the admiral.

"If he can defeat that Akatsuki guy and then help General Kizaru, then the situation of this war will be changed in an instant!"

Flying Squirrel and Dauberman had such thoughts in their minds at the same time.

But the next second...

"Rubber Rubber·Destruction God Light Gun!!!"

boom--! ! ! ! !

Terrifying energy fluctuations suddenly descended on the entire world.

I saw a huge laser-like energy beam suddenly appearing in the clouds not knowing how far away from the Island of Gods. Like a sharp sword, it penetrated the center of the world and flew towards the red side.

And in the very center of the energy beam, there was a masked figure.

It was the strong CP0 man that the two navy vice-admirals had high hopes for!

But compared with the domineering, powerful and high-spirited figure at the beginning, this CP0 strong man not only had an obvious crack on his mask, but even his cloak was in pieces.

In the gap, there was a faint trace of blood.

And like the two flying squirrels, his body flashed with a strange electric light from time to time, paralyzing his strong body.

"Luffy is so careless, how could he get into someone else's battlefield?"

Chihong, who was originally preparing to take away the flying squirrel and Dauberman with a lightning attack, had to stop his movements when he saw this.

Immediately, he waved one hand and directly summoned a huge interdimensional hole, which immediately included all CP0 and energy beams.

Then his other hand drew a circle in the void like Doctor Strange, summoning the connecting channel of the different-dimensional hole, and sent CP0 back again.

"Just...what was that just now!?"

Seeing this scene, the faces of Flying Squirrel and Dauberman immediately showed expressions of incredible shock.

Especially the flying squirrel!

That CP0, whose aura alone was enough to overwhelm him, was now beaten like this! ?


A man second only to the rank of admiral? !

They are really here to encircle and suppress a cadre of the Yonko Pirates, not against the entire Yonko Pirates! ?

When did such a powerful and terrifying force appear above the sea? ?

Before the flying squirrel and Dauberman's brains even had time to finish thinking, a dazzling golden thunder appeared in their sights again.

It was not the first time for the two of them to see such a formation. Their hearts tightened instantly, and they quickly used armed color Haki to attach themselves to their whole bodies.

But it's already too late!

Because at this moment...

What appeared in front of them was no longer Red in the form of a half-orc, but a real Lightning Bird with piercing eyes and waving wings!

At this moment, Chihong finally took out his strongest form, loaded the Lightning Bird template 100% onto his body, and then charged towards Flying Squirrel and Dauberman.

In an instant!

Like a flash of light penetrating the heaven and earth!

Under the dark clouds, a more dazzling red color suddenly appeared on the ground behind the two vice admirals.

Endless thunder bloomed and shined behind him like stage lights.

The Lightning Bird, which was gripping the ground with both claws, changed into a human figure kneeling on one knee.

Red slowly stood up and turned around.

Then he saw two charred figures staggering around.


The sharp long knife fell to the ground.

In endless self-blame and confusion, Flying Squirrel and Dauberman finally lost consciousness and fell to the ground with a plop.


"He's a really difficult guy."

The fragrance of a patch of green grass suddenly appeared.

Chihong sat down on the grass field and began to restore his physical fitness.

After all, his opponents were two elite lieutenant generals from the Navy Headquarters. If he hadn't had superpowers that could replace the Haki of the Enlightenment and evaded their attacks one after another, this battle would not have ended so easily.

But at least so far...

Everything on the battlefield was still as expected by Chi Hong.

"The next step is to wait for the results from Luffy's side before we can consider retreating."

"It's time for Raab to get ready."

"This time, I can help the Whitebeard Pirates pretend to be big in front of the world~"

"But next time..."

“But it’s our turn to pretend!!!”

The red face was smiling, and her eyes were shining with anticipation.

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