Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 197 The Insect Master and the Magician (please subscribe)

Chapter 197 The Insect Master and the Magician (please order~)

"Nami, watch your back!"

"Must-kill Micro Uki Bullet!!!"


A pitch-black projectile drew a straight line of black light in the air like lightning, and then suddenly landed on a marine.


In an instant, the violent explosion formed a strong impact storm, which immediately blew it away, and a large area of ​​burns appeared on the front side of the body.

At this time, Usopp, who was standing on a giant rhinoceros, slowly flew down and made a thumbs-up gesture towards Nami, who was condensing Pokémon energy and remained silent from beginning to end.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Nami also trusted Usopp so much that she never looked behind her from the beginning to the end.

After a moment, she suddenly rose from the ground and flew high into the sky, her eyes flashing with golden thunder, and her voice seemed to be stimulated by thunder and lightning, inexplicably full of majesty, like the whisper of a god.

"Usopp, let your swarm disperse!"

Nami spoke.


Usopp, who was already ready, immediately responded, and immediately the energy of the insect-type Pokémon suddenly emanated from his body and spread to the entire battlefield.

With his current strength, it is certainly impossible to fully control tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, or millions of insect swarms.

So Usopp gave full play to the characteristics of bugs and developed a bug commander with his own personal flavor!

These bug commanders are far more intelligent than ordinary bugs and can understand Usopp's simple orders.

And because it carries Usopp's aura, it will be mistaken by other insect groups for the "queen"-like existence that created them.

In this way, Usopp can control all the Zerg troops as long as he commands these Zerg commanders.

Under the transmission of layers of information, the insects that were originally with the navy and agents suddenly scattered and flew towards the outside of the battlefield, forming a huge encirclement.


Gabra, who belonged to CP9, was stunned for a moment, and then a look of doubt appeared on his cunning face in the werewolf posture.

"Bah, bah, these annoying bugs have finally gone away!" Upon seeing this, the owl, who was also a member of CP9, immediately opened his huge mouth and breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Natsuri next to him frowned and said as if he was singing: "Yo yo eh~"

"The situation is not good——~ah!"

"You stupid weakling will not give up just because meat is so powerful!"

"Something is going wrong~there must be a demon!"

"Don't think so much!" Gabra transformed back into human form and was about to look around, "Hurry up and find a way to contact the support troops below!"

"This time, we are in big trouble!"

While he looked at the marines and agents lying on the ground around him, he followed the two men beside him and murmured reminders.

As agents of CP9, their strength is second only to the Vice Admiral, and can even be said to be on par with some not-so-powerful Vice Admirals. They can be regarded as the highest combat power of the world government in this battlefield.

However, even if they are as strong as them, they are like puppets on strings when entering the battlefield, surrounded by endless swarms of insects, unable to move even an inch.

If it weren't for their proficiency in the Six Styles that is unmatched by ordinary naval forces and their ability to use iron moves to block all attacks from the insect swarm, they might have been swallowed up by the endless insect swarm if they were not careful!

As the insect swarm dispersed, the vision of Gabra and the other two people instantly broadened.

And the next second, expressions of incredible shock appeared on their faces.

I saw that the land that once belonged to the "god" was now covered with a thick layer of Zerg corpses, and the entire land was pitch black.

It is enough to predict how big a blow this war will have on Usopp's insect swarm.

However, it was certainly impossible for Gabra and the others to be shocked by the enemy's damage.

What really made them show such expressions...

In front of their eyes, the combined force of the navy and CP, which originally had thousands of people, was reduced by two-thirds!

Among the corpses of the insect swarm, one or two corpses belonging to their side can be seen from time to time.

There are those from the Navy and there are those from the Secret Service.

Driven by instinct and the instructions of the "Queen", the swarms of insects carried out a devastating blow to all enemies in the wildest way!

As for beings like insects, which have no IQ, they naturally don't care about benevolence and morality when attacking, and they cannot show any mercy.

Those unlucky ones who were unable to withstand the attack and baptism of the insect swarm were extremely lucky to be able to lose arms and legs and survive with half their lives.

More guys were either devoured by the insect swarm, or turned into tragic corpses and buried by the insect corpses.

This...is the Zerg!

As long as I can break through the defense, I can kill you!

Even if their strength has not yet reached Usopp's requirements, they cannot deal with powerful men above the level of Vice Admiral.

But facing the existence within their attack threshold area, they are like a natural disaster...

Unavoidable! ! !

"Cha Baba~"

After looking around, the owl's eyes widened in shock and said in horror:

"I remember that there should be more than a thousand people disembarking this time, right!?"

"That's right..."

Gabra's eyes flashed, looking at the battlefield with less than 300 navy and agents left, he couldn't help but feel an inexplicable feeling of fear in his heart.

Death should be an inconspicuous thing for agents like them who have experienced countless severe tests.

Not to mention 800 people...

Even with more casualties, they have seen it many times!

After all, the World Government's attacks are more ferocious and vicious than any beast.

What really makes these battle-hardened agents feel intimidated...

The more than 800 people who disappeared are not ordinary existences!

To know……

Those corpses lying on the ground have all experienced the baptism of countless wars, and can be regarded as elites in the navy or CP organization!

There are even more Devil Fruit abilities among them!

Even if the Shichibukai see such a fighting force, they must carefully consider it.

But now, in less than half an hour, more than 800 elite warriors fell on this battlefield, and their death was even more tragic!

Such horrific casualty figures are a painful blow to both the navy and the CP intelligence agency!

The owl who came back to his senses instantly realized the seriousness of the problem.

He did not dare to waste any time, so he quickly followed Gabra's instructions and took out the phone bug from his bloated arms, trying to get in touch with the World Government.

But at this moment, a cold voice suddenly came from above their heads.

"It's time for this war to end!"

I saw a figure wearing a robe of the Akatsuki organization flying quickly over their heads, and then came to the center of the battlefield.

"It's the woman who can discharge electricity!"

Seeing this scene, Nudori immediately pointed to the sky and screamed.

They were extremely impressed by Nami's voice.

After all, at the very beginning of the battle, it was this woman who used mysterious thunder and lightning to stop the strongest combat forces of the three world governments.

It wasn't until the insect swarm completely surrounded the entire battlefield and deployed the insect troops that the woman disappeared, and she didn't know where she went.

Recalling the feeling of being hit by the blazing thunder and lightning, the hearts of Gabra and the others suddenly tightened.

For some reason, the instinct of the warriors reminded them crazily at this moment that something terrible would happen next.

And it turns out that their instinct... was correct!

Before the owl could dial the phone number, Nami above them suddenly raised the weather stick in her hand and pointed it directly at the dome above.

I heard her suddenly let out a loud shout:

"Charged Weather·Water World... Release!"

"Please rain!!!"


A huge water bubble suddenly flew out from the top of the weather stick, carrying the Pokémon energy that Nami had charged into the weather stick, and quickly floated towards the sky.


Without any hesitation!

When the water bubbles came into contact with the clouds in the sky, everything seemed like magic, and the surrounding clouds immediately condensed and compressed.

In just a few seconds, there was a heavy downpour above Gabra and the others!

It's different from Chihong's rain-seeking move that only covers a small battlefield for a few people...

Nami's rain-seeking move, with the amplification of the Weather Rod, actually caused a heavy rain to fall on half of the Island of Gods with great force.

"From now on, this is Nami's stage!"

At the same time, Usopp, who had already put on a poncho, lifted the brim of the poncho and looked at the distant sky for a moment.

After whispering softly, he immediately controlled the insect swarm and evacuated towards the outer battlefield.

Usopp could already imagine the next scene.

In order not to be affected by Nami's Thunder Purgatory, he had to speed up!

The dark clouds hung high in the sky, but it made Gabra and the others feel like dark clouds were looming over the city.

"Chababa..." The owl, which was soaked by the rain, turned its head in fear, its huge eyes reflected the bright lightning, "I have a...bad feeling..."

"Do you even need to say this?!" Gabra's expression on the side was not much better, but his steps did not slacken at all.

Although his previous fight with the bugs had consumed a lot of his physical energy, at this critical moment of life and death, he still unleashed his terrifying potential. He used the combination of shave and moon steps under his feet in an attempt to escape from this danger. Area.


No matter how fast a person is, how can he be faster than lightning! ?

After the rain fell, Nami in the sky once again took out three bottles of PP complete supplements that could replenish Pokémon energy from her waist, and then poured them directly into her mouth.

In an instant, endless thunder and lightning power burst out from her body, and the entire sky seemed to be enveloped by her power.

It is different from the previous water attribute energy.

Because it is not her own attribute, Nami has to be extra slow and careful when charging the weather stick.

But the electrical attribute, which is Nami’s attribute, is also the most suitable attribute for Usopp when making the weather stick...

The weather rod's ability to carry the power of thunder and lightning is far beyond people's imagination! ! !

Stab~! ! !

The body of the weather stick suddenly became shiny, like a huge fluorescent stick, and Nami grabbed it in the palm of her hand.

And as the dissipated power of thunder was released around the weather stick, lightning flashed.

At this moment, Nami seemed like a god in charge of thunder.

Although it is still slightly worse than Enel's Thor state.

But to these people below, she is already a god-like existence!

Nami, who had finished charging the weather stick, didn't hesitate at all.

At this moment, she suddenly let out a soft drink and waved the weather stick in her hand vigorously.

"Thunder Gun Weather·Thunder!!!"

The mysterious whirlpool mask, the classic red cloud robe, the glowing thunder staff...

At this moment, Nami looked like a magician from a Western fantasy novel, casting her exclusive forbidden spell on the enemies below.

The next second, a surging lightning beam suddenly burst out from the weather stick in her hand. The dazzling light instantly illuminated the entire sky, leaving shadows on the earth.

Rumble, rumble~

It was as if a sleeping mythical beast suddenly woke up and let out a crazy roar in the dark clouds, resounding throughout the world.

In an instant, the thunder and lightning injected into the clouds seemed to be alive, dispersing in an instant and spreading densely toward the sky further away.

In the blink of an eye, bright lightning flashed across the clouds in the sky.

However, under Nami's control, these thunder and lightning did not fall immediately.

After finishing all this, she was panting slightly, but a look of unwillingness flashed in her eyes.

"Sure enough, is this already my limit?"

"If it were any bigger, I wouldn't be able to bear it."

"What a pity."

Red and Usopp had wasted so much of their own time for her, and as a result, an enemy that randomly appeared on the Grand Line was more powerful than her thunder...

This undoubtedly dealt a certain blow to Nami's heart.

Although she also knows that her position has never been a combatant...

But seeing her friends working so hard to become stronger, how could she feel at ease?

So today, she brought her strongest blow!

Regardless of Nami's level, she is not very high among the Straw Hats today. She can even be said to be at the bottom...

But know...

Nami's potential in special attack attributes is a big level higher than Luffy, who has the highest potential in the entire pirate group.

Even though her level is not high, her blue bar has forcibly raised her combat power to a position that does not belong to this level.

Nami may not be as good as the rest of the Straw Hats when it comes to fighting alone.

But in terms of range attacks, even Luffy and Zoro cannot be Nami's opponent!

"Thunder, say hello to the world for me!"

Under the mask, Nami's face showed an expectant smile.

Immediately, she stretched out her slender hand and pressed hard on the ground below.

This is the first time she has fought so seriously after the collapse of the Evil Dragon Empire!

It is also her first attack on the road to becoming a strong person!

All of a sudden!

As if the sky was obeying Nami's orders, lightning and thunder roared.

The violent thunder and lightning became her spokesperson, instantly falling from the clouds that occupied a small half of the Island of Gods, and falling towards the heads of the naval officers and CP agent Meng below.

With the help of rain, lightning flows faster than ever!

In the blink of an eye, the entire world seemed to be occupied by a blazing golden color.

Even Kizaru, Ace and others who were fighting in the distance couldn't help but stop what they were doing and look over here.

This time, the Straw Hat Pirates and Ace's minds flashed a sentence that Red once described to the Nami he expected:

"The thunder is like thunder, the power is like prison!!!"

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