Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 218 Usopp’s killing of thousands of people (please subscribe)

Chapter 218 Usopp’s killing of thousands of people (please subscribe~)

[Pokémon: Franky]

【Level: 44】

[Gender: convex]

[Character: Lotte (+Defense-Special Defense)]

[Attributes: Steel, Evil]

[Feature: Will of Steel (can increase the power of yourself and your partners’ steel-type moves)]

[Skill: Empty]

[Experience value: 0/5895]

【HP: 156】

[Physical Attack: 120]

【Physical defense: 156】

[Special Attack: 138]

[Special Defense: 76]

【Speed: 100】

[Total: 746]

After the banquet, the first thing Chihong did was to drag Franky into the Pokémon world, allowing this new partner to once again feel the magic of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Franky's attribute panel did not disappoint Chi Hong.

At level 44, he has an attribute panel of nearly 750 points, which is enough to prove that Franky's talent is not mediocre.

Especially the characteristic effect of his Will of Steel...

This is the first time Chi Hong has seen a special effect that can bring bonuses to his partners.

At this time, the two powerful forces of the Straw Hat Pirates - Zoro and Merry, are both possessors of the steel attribute.

The combination of Frankie + Meili is simply a match made in heaven!

"Obviously it is an important department of the World Government, but it can be reached directly along the track of the sea train."

"It's such an easy job!"

Looking at the outline of the island that had appeared on the edge of the sea level, Nami, a navigator, suddenly let out a sigh of relief.

This was probably the first time she had commanded such an easy voyage.

However, compared to Nami, who was leisurely and carefree, Franky's face was now as sharp as steel, and his eyes were looking deeply at the looming black iron railings in the distance.

He who once tried to save Mr. Tom knew very well that beyond the railing was the Island of Justice, one of the three major forces of the World Government in the Grand Line!

In addition to being the headquarters guarded by CP9, this is also an important transmission link between the Impel City and the Navy Headquarters.

All criminals arrested by the navy will eventually be sent to this outrageous court that has never issued a "not guilty" verdict in 800 years. Finally, they will pass through the Bridge of Hesitation and be sent to the deep sea prison.

The daily number of troops stationed on Judicial Island alone is as high as 10,000!

Some of them are soldiers of the Navy, and some are directly affiliated with major departments of the World Government.

However, not long ago, Golden Lion and Blackbeard teamed up to break through Impel Down City and let go of a large number of criminals there. In addition, Malinfando happened to be destroyed, so they could not let go of so many navy...

So much so that the current defense strength on Judiciary Island is even twice as high as usual!

He was always ready to go to the sea near Impel Down City to hunt down those pirates who had not been spotted by Golden Lion and Blackbeard but had escaped.

"I wonder if I will meet any interesting opponents!"

Seeing the island in front of him getting closer and closer, Luffy's face immediately showed a look of excitement and anticipation.

Zoro and Sanji, on the other hand, looked depressed, staring closely at Usopp, whose legs were trembling.

Usopp, who was stared at by the two men, said tremblingly: "Hey, Red, I think it's better to forget it!"

"It's a bit outrageous to ask me to deal with tens of thousands of troops on the island by myself!?"

"I'm just an ordinary sniper!!!"

Usopp, who has countless insect swarms living in his body, said this.

But Chihong slapped him directly on the shoulder: "Don't belittle yourself, Usopp!"

"From the moment you choose to eat the storage fruit, your battle direction has been set!"

"It just so happens that there is now a team here that is worthy of ranking in the world."

"If you can defeat them by yourself, believe me, your level of hostility in the eyes of the World Government in the future will even exceed that of Zoro and Sanji!!!"

"Stop talking, stop talking!!!"

Usopp immediately pouted after hearing this, and whispered to Red with a long-looking Mako face.

After all, what he was afraid of...

It's exactly what Chihongkou said! ! !

However, looking at Chihong's determined look, Usopp knew...

Today's battle is unavoidable for me no matter what.

No wonder Chihong valued herself very much some time ago, often turning over her own brand and taking her to the Pokémon world to level up.

It turns out that all the gifts of fate have been priced in secret!

Time passes slowly.

Under the high-speed sailing of the Merry, the Straw Hats quickly arrived at the entrance of Judiciary Island.

"Huh?! Pirate Flag!?"

At the same time, the navy officers who were on duty near the door also instantly discovered the unusual Meili.

But before they could react, two strange facehuggers fell from the sky and knocked the two marines to the ground.

In the sky, Usopp, standing on the back of a King Unicorn, sighed silently:

"do not blame me!"

"This is all Chihong's idea!!!"


Usopp raised his hand handsomely and took the two facehuggers back into his body.

And the next second, his whole body suddenly swelled up, like an evil monster. Countless jet-black substances spewed out from his body. After leaving his body, they quickly turned into animals carrying weapons on their backs. The insect army with various strange props instantly occupied the sky above the entire Judiciary Island.

A dark curtain ushered in the first dark night in the history of Judiciary Island, a city that never sleeps!

"What happened!?"

"Why is it so dark!?"

"Look! Something is moving in the sky!!!"



Black clouds are pressing down on the city, threatening to destroy it.

The sudden change immediately alerted the soldiers on Judiciary Island, and they immediately looked up to the sky.

But before they could realize what all this was about...

Their sky suddenly collapsed! ! !

Boom! ! !

A violent buzzing sound suddenly sounded, penetrating the ears of everyone below like muffled thunder.

I saw Usopp in the sky like an elegant conductor, standing on the horned fairy in the sky, waving with one hand.

In an instant, insect energy carrying special information and instructions flew out of Usopp's fingertips and flew towards the legion commanders in the insect swarm.

In fact, Usopp's current insect sea tactics are not perfect and without any drawbacks.

Once someone discovers the Zerg commander in the swarm, or that Usopp is the leader of the swarm, attacking him will immediately plunge Usopp's Zerg army into chaos.

However, that premise is... they can break through the endless swarm of insects below! ! !


As the swarm plummets, the first victims on Judiciary soon appear.

Before a large number of navies had time to rectify their weapons and equipment and respond to emergencies outside, they were directly attacked by bomb bugs carrying micro-Uki bombs...

A huge explosion blasted a big hole directly into the main entrance of Judiciary Island!

The walls collapsed and the ground sank!

Under the baptism of ruthless gunfire, an absolute vacuum suddenly appeared in the vestibule of Judiciary Island!

The raging fire turned into a terrifying monster, constantly devouring everything around it, including life!

This time, there is no need for anyone to open the door for the Meili...

Because starting from today, Judiciary Island has completely lost its main entrance!

“It’s really spectacular!!!”

On the Merry, Franky looked at everything Usopp did, the original sadness on his face instantly dissipated, and a look of shock flashed in his eyes.

He never thought...

Among the Straw Hat Pirates, Usopp, who always seemed to have a low status and was even a little timid and fearful, and who was incompatible with this group of people, actually burst out with such terrifying combat power as soon as he took action!


Franky suddenly scratched the back of the group’s heads again:

"Strange! When this guy introduced himself... didn't he say that he was a sniper!?"

"This fighting method has nothing to do with the word sniper, right!?"

No matter how confused Franky was, Usopp, who was already in combat mode at this time, did not dare to relax at all.

Because the talent of seeing, hearing, and being domineering lies in Jing, not Guang...

So even though Usopp has developed a good ability to domineering, it is still not an easy task for him to control so many Zerg legions at the same time.

Fortunately, his attack was so sudden that the soldiers on Judiciary Island were completely unprepared and were caught off guard.

Usopp also seized this opportunity, took advantage of the opportunity, and controlled the insect swarm to advance rapidly into the interior of Judiciary Island.

The bomb bug army is just an advance force.

Under the premise of not sparing costs and bugs, the true strength of the Zerg Legion is far beyond people's imagination.

Especially under Usopp's intentional guidance, the iterative evolution speed of the Zerg can be said to be incredibly efficient!

And under the huge base, there will always be one or two individuals who produce powerful mutant characteristics, which are eventually retained by Usopp and carried forward.

For example, a special Zerg force in the most fringe corner of the Zerg Legion...

I saw bugs with heads protruding from their skulls and larger than their bodies lying on the body of the small horned fairy, constantly emitting mysterious light waves from their bodies, targeting the navy troops below.

All the marines who were hit by the light wave suddenly hugged their heads and struggled desperately, and then, as if they were in some kind of chaos, they used weapons to attack their companions next to them crazily!

If it is a guy who has fought with Red or Robin, he will definitely recognize it immediately...

That magical light wave is none other than the super attribute energy belonging to Pokémon! ! !

That's right!

Under the multiplication of insect swarms, Usopp even invented an insect swarm with its own genetic moves faster than Pokémon Park!

These brain bugs are the offspring of Usopp using a group of bugs that can learn super-type moves.

Although for this reason, Red spent a lot of game time to equip Usopp's bugs with skills and moves...

But the facts prove that their efforts are worth it!

At this time, among the Zerg legions, the most powerful Zerg troops were almost all composed of special swarms carrying Pokémon moves under the influence of genetic moves.

For example, there are fire bugs that can spit out hot flames and are not afraid of any high temperature environment, frost bugs that are good at cold storms and are not afraid of severe cold, thunder bugs that can release lightning, and glitter bugs that can absorb the vitality of enemies through the air by spreading companion seeds...

Various Pokémon insects have greatly enriched Usopp's strategic reserves, and at the same time have raised the strength of the insect swarm by several steps.

The only pity may be...

These special bugs were also developed by Usopp recently, and the number is not too large.

The real main force of the battle is still those ordinary bugs.

Of course, it is said to be ordinary, but only relative to special variants.

In fact, those who can be arranged into the Zerg Corps and vigorously cultivated by Usopp have excellent combat power.

Under the suppression of the Zerg army, the Judicial Island Corps soon fell into defeat, and a large number of navy and world government soldiers were chased and killed by the Zerg and fled.

An army that can't even stop the gangsters of Franky's House will naturally not be very strong.

Apart from the number of people and sophisticated weapons, it can be said that there is no achievement that can be shown off.

However, this is also related to the characteristics of Judicial Island.

After all, the navy and soldiers stationed here may not encounter a battle for several years, so it is understandable that their strength is low.

The entire main gate area and most of the front island were occupied by the swarm at a very short speed, and continued to advance inward.

At the same time.

Seeing this, Chihong, who was still outside the fence, immediately chuckled to his companions:

"Okay, the battlefield has advanced to the interior of Judicial Island."

"In that case, let's go in and take a look."



Chihong suddenly snapped his fingers.

In an instant, an ethereal sound suddenly echoed in everyone's ears.

I saw that the hull of the Merry was magically rippling with gusts of wind pressure, blowing the surrounding seawater to spread outward.

The next second...

The huge ship Merry actually broke away from the water and flew into the sky.

The Merry not only has designs from Pluto, but also incorporates the design ideas of the Ark's "Proverbs" with the cooperation of Enel.

This is also the fundamental reason why the Merry, which is obviously a ship, can have the flying attribute.

Since it already has the flying attribute, Red naturally loaded the only two flying moves at hand, Floating Falling and Flying, all on the ship form·Merry.

Originally, for Nami, who is also a flying type, the effects of these two moves are actually somewhat overlapping.

After all, they are just skills that allow Nami to master the ability to fly, so she only needs to learn one.

However, for Merry... the combination of these two skills has produced a special chemical reaction!

Under the effect of Floating Falling, the originally heavy body of the Merry suddenly became as light as a goose feather, as if there was no gravity, and flew up.

Immediately afterwards, Merry's flying move again brought her a powerful aerial movement speed!

The combination of the two moves instantly turned the Merry into a swift warship that could move freely in the air!

Merry, go wherever you want!

The only shortcoming now may be that using two moves at the same time will cause a certain burden to Merry, whose level is not high.

However, as the level of the Merry increases, this only shortcoming will soon be eliminated.

By that time, the Merry, which has mastered the weapons and equipment of Pluto, will definitely be an unforgettable nightmare for the enemies of the Straw Hat Pirates!

Just like that...

The Merry was hanging far in the air, following Usopp's Zerg army and moving towards the interior of the Judicial Island little by little.

The two pirates of Buggy and Barto who came to the Judicial Island with the Straw Hat Pirates were sighing while picking up the camera phone bug to record Usopp's battle scenes.

These battle scenes will eventually be sent to Morgans intact by them.

On the one hand, it is a reward for his courage to behead the Celestial Dragons live before, and on the other hand, Red also wants to use this to make Usopp famous.

It's not that Red favors Usopp...

It's mainly because recently, Usopp, who has obtained the Storage Fruit, has obviously had a tendency to leave everything to the Zerg, and all his focus has shifted to the Zerg.

Except for the level increase in the Pokémon world, he rarely trains himself.

Red thinks this is not a good phenomenon.

So he plans to let the name of [GOD Usopp] be called out in advance, so that the timid Usopp will realize...

If he doesn't work hard to exercise, one day there will be an enemy that will surpass the Zerg and take his head in the midst of thousands of troops.

In this regard, Buggy and Barto, who learned the truth, just want to say:

"Red-sama is simply a born bastard!"

"In this world, no one knows how to be a vice captain better than you!!!"

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