Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 229 7.5 billion! (Please subscribe)

Chapter 229 7.5 billion! (Subscribe~)

As one of the few people in the world who knew that the Akatsuki organization was the Straw Hat Pirates, Mihawk's surprise did not last long.

After all, he had caused such a big mess and killed the Celestial Dragons with his own hands. No matter how many Baileys were offered for the bounty, he would not feel strange.

But at this moment, a strange wind suddenly blew over, blowing away the newspaper that was about to be stained with blood.


A piece of dim yellow paper suddenly flew out from the interlayer of the newspaper, exuding a strong aroma of fresh ink.

And looking at the wanted posters flying in front of him, Mihawk's eagle-like eyes suddenly bloomed with a shining aura.

Immediately, a more obvious shock surged from the depths of his eyes.

For a moment, even the world's number one swordsman was stunned.

“It’s incredible~”

“It’s hard to imagine that Nami has become a pirate with a bounty of 200 million berries!”

“This bounty is already as much as ten dragons!”

East China Sea, Kokoa Village.

Nokigo, who has a cool black skin, supported his chin with his palm, and his palm lingered at the end of his blue-purple hair, with a complex expression of shock and joy on his face.

Opposite him, Ajian, the sheriff of Kokoa Village, had a sad face.

“Judicial Island… How can Nami and the others do this!”

“In this case, won’t they become the opposite of the World Government and be chased by both the World Government and the Navy!”

Ajian, who automatically put on the role of a parent, perfectly adapted to that sentence…

People who really care about you never care how high you fly, they only care whether you are tired or not.

Rather than becoming famous as the "Elemental Witch", Ken hoped that Nami could live a more relaxed and healthy life.


Even if he only had his eyes on the East China Sea, he knew that Nami, who joined the Straw Hat Pirates, was destined to not live a peaceful life.


Looking at the thick stack of bounties in his hand, Ken sighed.



"I didn't expect that Franky would be wanted by the Navy not long after he went out to sea!?"

"They are a group of restless guys!"

In the Carrera office in the Seven Waters.

Bingshan, who had just finished the interview for the new secretary, sat in a rocking chair and shook his head gently at the newspaper in his hand.

At this moment, a loud shouting suddenly came from under his window.

Iceberg curiously poked his head out and saw a group of Franky's House who had changed into Carrera Shipbuilding Company uniforms, holding Franky's wanted order and protesting with dissatisfaction.

"Mr. Iceberg, this is too unreasonable!?"

Seeing the iceberg road, the team leader Zanbai in front of the crowd immediately waved his hand:

"Why is the bounty for Brother Franky only 60 million Baileys!? It is the lowest among the Straw Hat Pirates!!!"

"We want to protest!"

"Brother Franky's strength should not be limited to this!"

"That's right! Boss Iceberg, don't you have the contact information of the World Government officials!?"

"Can you call them and ask them to mention the bounty for Brother Franky!?"


"Are you... idiots!?"

Standing at the window, Iceberg listened to the shouts of a group of brainless brothers below, and a black line suddenly appeared on his forehead.

How many people have tried every possible way to eliminate their own bounties, but you are still thinking about increasing Franky's bounty...

I really don't know whether you love him or harm him.


"Franky's bounty is indeed a bit low~"

"Even that cute guy Chopper has a bounty of 120 million."

"But...is this monster really the Chopper I know!?"



"Yes! This is Chopper!"

In the Drum Kingdom, facing Dalton's question, Gureva gave a positive answer immediately without any hesitation.

Dalton's face flashed with a sigh after hearing this answer:

"I never thought that Chopper actually had such a hidden form!?"

"Is this also derived from the power of the devil fruit!?"

"One hundred and twenty million Baileys, it can be seen that Chopper's strength in this form is extraordinary."

"Yes, it is indeed extraordinary..." Gureva looked at the photo of the huge monster on the bounty order, and her mind couldn't help but recall the scene when Chopper first developed the blue ball.

Chopper, who was afraid of being regarded as a monster, is now able to show such clear eyes in the monster form.

Chopper has really grown up.

“Hey, hey, hey!? Are you kidding me?!”

“Hasn’t that brat Sanji just been out to sea for a while?!”

“Could it be that the Navy’s intelligence is wrong?!”

“No! I don’t believe it! This is fake! This is impossible!!!”

East China Sea, Barati Restaurant.

When Sanji’s bounty was sent back here with today’s newspaper, a group of chefs busy in the kitchen suddenly became uneasy.

They gathered together, piled their heads into a mountain shape, and shook their eyes left and right.

While looking at the newspaper on the right, they looked at the bounty on the left.

At this moment, a fiery voice suddenly came from the back door of the kitchen.

"You bastards! Didn't you hear the customers outside urging you to order food?!"

"Gathering here without working! Do you want my restaurant to close down as soon as possible?!"

"Boss Zhefu!!!"

Seeing Zhefu rushing into the kitchen on one foot with a wooden prosthesis, a group of chefs immediately scattered as if they were facing a great enemy.

Only a few veteran chefs remained where they were, pointing at the bounty in their hands and saying in shock:

"No, Boss Zhefu!"

"Didn't you see today's newspaper?!"

"Sanji... Sanji..."

However, facing the chefs' reminders, Zhefu showed a completely indifferent expression.

"Today's newspaper? Of course I saw it!"

"Isn't it that Sanji is wanted? You guys look like you haven't seen the world!"

"Don't you know that as a chef, the most important thing is to take good care of your diners?!"

"Yes! Boss Zeff, we know we are wrong!"

Under Zeff's noble teaching, all the chefs immediately showed a look of being taught.

But at this moment...

There was a sudden sound of impatient footsteps outside the kitchen.

Two chef apprentices rushed in with a huge canvas in a hurry, and then shouted:

"Boss Zeff! The huge poster of Sanji's bounty that you asked us to order is ready!?"

"Do you want to put it in the restaurant?"

"Put it in the most conspicuous place!!!"

"I want everyone to see that Sanji has become a big pirate!!!"

Zeff waved his hand and immediately ordered the two chef apprentices.

"Yes!" The two apprentices carrying the scroll immediately ran and entered the main hall of Barati from another direction.

Seeing this scene, the chefs present immediately widened their eyes and stared at Tetsuo.

Tetsuo, who was stared at by everyone, did not change his expression at all, but looked at everyone with a funny face.


"Don't you know that getting up early every day to read the newspaper is a must-have skill for the elderly!?"

Not long after...

A huge wanted poster was successfully posted at the main entrance of the Barati Restaurant, so that all customers who came in to eat could see Sanji's handsome appearance when he turned into a fire demon at first glance.

And that...

An amazing bounty of 990 million Baileys!!!



"Ms. Kaya!!! Miss Kaya!!!"

In the early morning, the bright sunshine sprinkled the dazzling gold on the quiet and peaceful Xiluobu Village.

At this moment, a chaotic and hurried shouting was like a boulder falling into the calm water, suddenly breaking the tranquility of this small village.

I saw three young men from the former Usopp Pirates, with their own unique hairstyles and holding a brand new newspaper, shouting from one end of the village to the other.

Although Kaya's manor was outside the village, they seemed to be holding some kind of ceremony, shouting around the village:

"Look! Miss Kaya!"

"Captain Usopp is wanted by the World Government!!!"

"And it's amazing!!! Amazing!!! Amazing!!!..."

"One billion and eighty million Baileys!!!!"

"This is the third highest bounty of the entire Straw Hat Pirates!!!"

"Captain Usopp..."

"He is already a brave sea warrior!!!"

"He... finally has something to offer!!!"

The excited tears flowed down the cheeks of the three little ones, and finally turned into sparkling stars scattered in the air.

Goa Kingdom Windmill Village, Shimotsuki Gym in Shimotsuki Town, Alabasta Kingdom, Sabaody Archipelago…

As newspapers spread, more and more people saw the bounty order of the Straw Hat Pirates and were deeply shocked.

Although there was news a few days ago that Judicial Island was attacked and destroyed by a group of pirates.

But only when the thick pile of bounties of the Straw Hat Pirates was made public, people could realize what a terrible thing they had done!

Compared with the Impel Down prison break incident in which the legendary pirate Golden Lion participated some time ago, the destruction of Judicial Island this time was extra incredible to the world.

After all, their only impression of the Straw Hat Pirates was the Battle of Rogue Town a few months ago.

But as we all know, the East China Sea, as the weakest sea, is like the edge of the world in the eyes of the world, and no one has ever cared about what happened there.

So for most people, the Straw Hat Pirates are like the guy in the class who was so ordinary that people would forget his name. He not only won the first place in the school overnight, but also officially announced his relationship with the school beauty, and opened his clothes to reveal eight abdominal muscles that made countless women drool...

Defeating the admiral and the former admiral of the navy, this is a great achievement even for the Four Emperors Pirates, but now it has appeared in a pirate group with no reputation.

However, starting today, no one will dare to underestimate the Straw Hat Pirates!

The Straw Hat Pirates, which was originally a little-known group, suddenly transformed into a top pirate group with a total bounty of 7.5 billion Baileys! ! !

"Hey, hey, hey!? Are you kidding me?!"

"1.5 billion Baileys!?"

"Did the Navy print the wrong bounty?! Did they print an extra zero on the bounty for the Straw Hat Boys?!"

In the first half of the Grand Line, on an island.

Cavendish, who had just received a bounty of 150 million Baileys, looked at the bounty in his hand in disbelief.

According to his plan, he, who had defeated a vice admiral not long ago, should have been on the hot search section of today's newspaper!

But because of the sudden issuance of the bounty for the Straw Hats, the reports related to him were directly squeezed to an inconspicuous tofu block on the edge of the newspaper.

In an instant, endless anger erupted in Cavendish's eyes.

With jealousy affecting his mind, he no longer looked as gorgeous as he did in the eyes of outsiders.

Next to him, a tall and handsome boy named Vice Captain Slayman was holding the bounty orders of the other members of the Straw Hat Pirates and mercilessly attacked Cavendish:

"I think this kind of thing is unlikely to happen!"

"After all, even if it was printed wrong, it's impossible to print all the bounties of all the pirates wrong!"

"But it's so strange, their vice captain only has a bounty of 1.7 billion Baileys, which is 10 million Baileys less than this guy named Usopp."

"Who is this Usopp?"


Slayman suddenly pulled out a bounty order, and then stared at the photo of the sheep's head bow above it.

"Why would the Navy issue a bounty for a pirate ship?"

"And the bounty is 1.3 billion berries, second only to the captain!"

"What an incomprehensible operation!"



New World, the mysterious home of giants - Elbaf.

The warm sea breeze blew towards this hidden island, rustling a huge tree towering into the sky on the island.

At the same time.

Under this tall tree, a giant wearing a huge wide-brimmed hat slowly raised his head.

A beam of golden sunlight shone on his huge face through the lush branches and leaves.

Looking at the white clouds drifting in the wind in the blue sky, the giant suddenly showed a happy smile on his face.

"Finally, you have found companions who are willing to protect you."

"I really want to meet you again as soon as possible, Robin."

The giant whispered softly.

Then he lowered his head again, carefully stretched out one hand, picked up the bounty order in the other hand with his fingertips, and then carefully put it into the pocket of his shirt, as if he was keeping some treasure.

At this moment, a huge roar like thunder suddenly appeared behind the giant.

A giant holding a huge mace shouted heroically:

"Hey, Sauro! What are you still daydreaming about!?"

"Come to work quickly!!!"

"Today is our turn to go fishing!!!"

"I must kill a huge sea king to let you broaden your horizons!!!"

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