Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 252: Humans who cut through the barriers of the world (please read later)

Chapter 252 Humans who cut through the barriers of the world (please read~)


Like a meteor shining in the night sky.

The first collision of sword moves between Zoro and Shiryu instantly stirred up a hot spark.

The powerful impact surged around like a storm.


In an instant, rows of houses were reduced to ruins under the collision of the two, and countless rubble and wood chips flew everywhere.

"Is this... is this their true strength!?"

At the same time, the female warriors who had not walked far felt the huge noise behind them, and they couldn't help but stop, stretched out their arms to prevent the flying wood chips from piercing their faces, and exclaimed in the direction of Zoro and Shiryu.

However, before they could finish their words, two more violent and brutal auras suddenly rose in front of them and rushed straight into the sky! ! !

For a moment, the sky island that was constantly roaring in the sky was affected and tilted slightly.

In the eyes of the female warriors, countless colorful beams of light suddenly gushed out from Zoro's body, and quickly formed a dragon-like figure behind him!

In front of the dragon, Xiliu was like an ant standing next to a giant.


He suddenly exerted force, and the famous sword "Thunderstorm" in his hand drew a bright white arc of light.

Xiliu's body took the opportunity to distance himself from Zoro.

His face sank slightly, revealing a puzzled look: "Is this... your fruit ability!?"

"Superman system!? Or a mythical beast species!?"

Feeling the virtual and real dragon figure, even the knowledgeable Xiliu could not tell the source of Zoro's ability.

But in a flash, a greedy look suddenly flashed in his eyes!

Now Blackbeard has the ability to plunder devil fruits, which is no longer a new thing in the world.

In the Black Lion Alliance, almost all the strong have obtained the desired fruit ability.

Xiliu is also a rare non-fruit ability strongman in the entire Black Lion Alliance!

It's not that he doesn't want to become a capable person and gain the weakness of fearing the sea.

It's just that so far, Xiliu has not found a fruit ability that can match his own.

After seeing the giant dragon figure that suddenly appeared on Zoro, he instantly made up his mind!

This fruit, no matter what kind of superhuman or animal system, or any other special ability...

He will decide! ! !

Because at this moment, he felt an unprecedented momentum on Zoro!

As a top swordsman, Xiliu instantly sensed it. This momentum did not come from Zoro himself or his swordsmanship!

But it came from the special power that he condensed into a giant dragon behind him!

Domineering, arrogant, powerful... Supreme! ! !

At just one glance, Xiliu was attracted by Zoro's ability.

If he can obtain such an ability, then his strength will definitely be able to make a huge leap!

It is even very likely that he will break through the current barrier in one fell swoop and become a figure at the level of the admiral of the navy!

Thinking of this, Xiliu's greed gushed out.

But facing his question, Zoro just raised the corner of his mouth and chuckled:


"Don't confuse me with the guy who becomes stronger by the power of the fruit!"

After complaining about a certain curly-browed chef with a hint of meaning, Zoro's eyes flashed, and his pupils turned into a deep gold color with a fierce aura.

"I have heard about your information..."

"Rain Shiryu, the former warden of Impel Down, has the strength that is not inferior to that of the director of the Impel Down!"

"He is also one of the top swordsmen in the world!"


"You know my name, but you dare to challenge me. You are really brave!"

"But I have to thank you..."

"You gave me such a powerful fruit ability!"

Shiryu, biting a cigar, grinned, but did not take Zoro's words seriously.

"Forget it, it seems that you won't believe it no matter what I say."

Zoro's tone sank, but he didn't continue to talk nonsense, just condensed his momentum and smiled:


"Let you test whether I have become stronger during this period of time!"

Boom! ! !

A mighty aura gushed out from Zoro's body.

Since being surpassed by Sanji in combat power, he has been using his body to the extreme during this period of time.

Relying on the infinite healing ability of the Pokémon Center...

In addition to training against Luffy or Sanji recently, Zoro has been conducting terrifying training that far exceeds his body's endurance every day!

Fortunately, with the magical power of the machine, no matter how powerful the training is, it will not leave him with any hidden diseases.

And the training gains after experiencing pain are naturally rich!

After the technological power hidden in Sanji's body exploded, he could gain a lot of experience every day even if he did nothing, and he had already piled him up to level 58!

However, with Zoro's crazy training, his current level has reached level 59!

Surpassed Sanji once again!


The dragon with its head held high suddenly flapped its wings and flew into the air, and together with Zoro, it turned into a stream of lightning and rushed towards Shiryu.

Everywhere he passed was like being baptized by a storm, leaving a deep gully.

"You still say this is not your fruit ability!?"

Looking at the giant dragon that became more solid after launching the attack, Xiliu seemed to have exposed Zoro's lie, and a trace of disdain appeared on his face.

But then a trace of coldness flashed across his eyes.

"Next, as long as I bring you to Blackbeard, my strength will be further improved!"

Facing Zoro's outburst, Xiliu was also unwilling to be outdone.

Although he did not have the ability to transform energy into something nearly tangible like Zoro, he had his own unique sword power!


I saw a murderous aura full of blood instantly spread out, dyeing the surrounding air into a bloody color.

The aura of the supreme dragon and the evil aura of killing swirled in the ruins of Nine Snake Island.

In the blink of an eye, Zoro had already come to Xiliu waving three long swords.

"Three Swords Style·Flying Dragon·Extreme Servant!"


The giant dragon that had integrated Zoro's sword power roared instantly, stretched out its huge claws and grabbed towards the direction where Shiryu was!


Another sound of swords colliding rang out.

But this time, Shiryu, who was emitting blood-colored armed color domineering, suddenly changed his expression!

Although Zoro is now slightly inferior to Shiryu in terms of basic physical quality.

But the domineering and strong dragon attribute, and the addition and assimilation of steel attribute to sword damage, make Zoro's swordsmanship far better than Shiryu, who only wants to kill.


The deafening dragon roar roared from the blades of the three long swords.

Under the influence of Pokémon energy, Zoro's body instantly formed a giant dragon figure.

Thunder, fire, and ice, three Pokémon powers that were mastered through the triple attack moves, lingered around Zoro, instantly transforming him into an elemental dragon with steel wings!


Seeing this scene, Xilu's eyes flashed with surprise for the first time.

Before he could react, the dragon behind Zoro transformed again, turning into a strange dragon with three heads.

Each dragon head contains an element.

Under Xilu's horrified eyes, the three dragon heads opened their huge mouths at the same time, condensing a vast energy.

"Dragon Sword Style·Triple Attack!"

Zoro, who was holding a long sword and confronting Xilu, suddenly spoke again in a low voice.

The next second, under his control, three Pokémon energies carrying attribute special effects instantly gushed out of the dragon's mouth, flying towards Xilu from three directions!

"Damn! Is it really the ability of the mythical beast species!?"

Seeing this scene, even Xilu didn't dare to be arrogant.

He quickly mobilized the blood and qi of his whole body, and used the Armament Haki to cover his whole body.




Under the magical effect of the triple attack, three completely different attribute energies acted on Shiryu's body together.

The flame burned his windbreaker and stayed on his shoulders, emitting an extreme burning feeling.

The thunder spread all over his body, affecting his muscle movements and constantly paralyzing his limbs and torso.

The frost spread all the way from his feet, freezing his lower body in place, temporarily controlling his body shape.

For a moment, the three special effects of the triple attack appeared on Shiryu's body at the same time in an incredible way.

Roronoa Zoro!

A top genius who truly rivals gods with a human body! ! !

Although he does not have the D-fate and fruit ability like Luffy, nor does he have the technological power that Sanji was born with.

But even with only a tiny bit of Frost Moon blood, Zoro has come to this day after going through hardships just because of a promise made in childhood.

His talent has already broken the limits of his ancestors.

And his understanding has even broken the barriers set by the gods!

As the first guy in the entire Straw Hat Pirates to use Pokémon moves and energy in actual combat...

Even Red never thought that one day Zoro would understand the essence of Pokémon moves like he does now, and use them at will.

Pokémon moves are actually different ways of applying Pokémon energy under a given program!

As long as you can understand how these moves use energy, you can modify or upgrade them.

Although this is not common in the Pokémon world, it is also not a particularly rare thing.

Just like some Pokémon can be unaffected by the negative effects of the Destruction Death Ray...

Powerful trainers have the ability to guide Pokémon to improve their Pokémon moves.


That is only the world of anime after all, and Red is not a professional trainer.

At least in the world of pirates, no one has ever told Zoro that Pokémon moves can be used in this way.

But he has learned Pokémon moves in a new way without any teacher.

Although the triple attack is not a powerful move, Zoro has proved it with his own strength...

He is once again at the forefront of the Straw Hat Pirates!

——As a mortal!



"Damn...what kind of fruit ability is this!?"

Feeling the abnormal state in his body, Shiliu's heart suddenly flashed with exclamation.

Looking at Zoro who had once again assumed the three-sword style posture and was about to launch the next blow against him, he no longer considered unimportant things.

It wasn't until this moment that he truly realized...

The other party is definitely not as weak as he first saw.

880 million Baileys! ?

hehe! ?

Shiliu, who was once the warden of Impel Down City, dared to bet his own head...

Zoro's strength definitely exceeds that of many pirates with bounties of more than 1 billion beli!

This momentum, this ability, this sword skill...

Shiliu could only say that the guy who set the bounty for Sauron was definitely blind.

However, what he didn't know was...

During the Battle of Judiciary Island a month ago, Sauron's strength was indeed only that much.

All this is just his improvement this month!

Click... click!

With a crisp crackling sound, the glacier that trapped Xiliu exploded instantly and turned into ice slag on the ground.

Zoro's attack is indeed not weak.

But fortunately, he is also one of the top players in the world!

Before Sauron could finish condensing the next slash, Shiliu had already broken through the effects of the three attacks and turned into a bloody silhouette, quickly attacking Sauron.

"Sure enough, it's not an opponent that can be easily solved."

Seeing this scene, Zoro did not feel any surprise.

After all, the opponent's strength lies here.


He suddenly grinned, his eyes sparkling.

"My progress is not just that!"

"Dragon Wave..."


Energy fluctuations full of destruction and arrogance suddenly flowed on the surface of Sauron's body.

In an instant, the surface of his body suddenly shone with a holy, pure white light!

If Chihong appeared here at this time, he would definitely exclaim loudly...

Because this light is exactly the special effect scene that blooms when the Pokémon he is familiar with evolves!

Dragon Wave.

Although its power is only 85 points, it is not much higher than the triple attack.

But this is the move that best represents the dragon attribute in the Pokémon world!

Even Poison Baby, who only has poison attributes, can evolve into a four-jawed needle dragon with both poison and dragon attributes after learning this move!

It's enough to show how special this move is.

And even the triple attack of general moves can be penetrated. As a pure dragon attribute move, Dragon Wave, Zoro has naturally understood it a long time ago.

It's just that evolution is still a magical rule in the Pokémon world.

Therefore, even if Zoro can discover the special features hidden in the Dragon Wave move, he can only use it briefly, but cannot turn it into the normal state of his body.

That is to say...

Although Zoro has touched the light of evolution in the Pokémon world, it is more like Kyogre and flightless ancient mythical beasts that deeply trace their own power back to their origins - a special MEGA evolution! ! !


The white light flashed away!

In the blink of an eye, a new form of Sauron appeared in front of Shiliu...

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