Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 258 The times are calling!

The mighty thunder kept washing over the golden lion's body.

The 100% paralysis effect of the electromagnetic gun move made the golden lion's body stiff and sluggish, making it difficult to escape from the thunder.

There is no doubt about the power of the golden lion!

Whether it's his ability to control more than a dozen islands at every turn, or his terrifying slashes that rival the world's top swordsmen...

All of them undoubtedly prove that he is worthy of the title of [Legendary Pirate].

But it is also inevitable that...

Suffering heavy losses one after another during the peak period completely caused the Golden Lion to lose the opportunity to reach the top.

In addition, the Golden Lion does not have a group of caring and powerful sons like Marco, so naturally no one will care about his declining body.

Over time, he has now become a remnant of the old era with more than enough offense but insufficient defense.

Also known as the legendary pirate, Roger became the Pirate King and Whitebeard became the Four Emperors.

Only the Golden Lion, his only glory is to successfully escape from Impel Down City, where no one has ever escaped.

Peng! ! !

After a while, the power of thunder and lightning was dissipated.

And in mid-air, a golden lion with exploded fur appeared.

The blond hair that was originally flowing down now stood upright like a hedgehog's back.

The domineering golden cloak is now full of the burnt brown feeling caused by the high temperature.

"Damn you brat!"

Although the red electromagnetic gun did not kill the Golden Lion with one hit like Luffy's Thunder Tomahawk in the movie version, it obviously caused him a lot of injuries.

After the thunder and lightning dissipated, he immediately let out an angry roar.

At the same time, there was an extremely shocked look in his eyes.

The next moment, he instantly rose into the air and quickly distanced himself from Chihong again.

The extremely fast speed even left a faint electric light in the air.

"Something's wrong!"

"There's absolutely something wrong!"

"That kid's ability doesn't look like it comes from a Devil Fruit at all."

While making strategic moves, thousands of thoughts flashed through Golden Lion's mind.

In fact, as a legendary pirate who is as famous as Roger and Whitebeard, there is no doubt that Golden Lion's fighting ability is also at the top level in the world.

As early as the moment when Chi Hong condensed the lightning energy, he had actually mobilized all his energy and blood and was ready to resist with his armed domineering energy.

However, what he didn't expect was that with his strong and skilled armed domineering power, the red thunder and lightning had no effect on him at first.

But this situation only lasted for a second or two before a strange current suddenly penetrated his body, causing his body to suddenly become stiff.

No matter how he activated the armed domineering energy in his body, he could not get rid of the power of thunder and lightning.

In the end, his body was paralyzed, and he couldn't even gather his armed domineering energy, so he took a solid blast from Red's electromagnetic cannon!

And this also made the golden lion with a sophisticated eye instantly discover something unusual.

You know, domineering can restrain all fruit abilities!

But the thunder and lightning that Crimson released just now clearly contains the "regular" level power of the Devil Fruit, but it can easily break through his armed defense.

If it weren't for the fact that the ability of the Piao Piao Fruit was not affected by the body, he might really have been forced to death by Chi Hong.

Because at the moment when the golden lion dodges, another brand-new electromagnetic gun has already hit the location where the golden lion was just now, penetrating into the world behind him!

Although the red attack was not very powerful, it made the golden lion feel all kinds of weirdness.

At this moment, he finally understood why Blackbeard always talked about the Straw Hat Pirates!

"As expected of a legendary pirate, how can he even dodge this!?"

On the other side, seeing that his electromagnetic gun and continuous bombs did not work successfully, there was a slight look of surprise on his red face.

After all, the performance of Golden Lion is completely inconsistent with the weakling he was in the movie version.

"It's true, you have to fight and treat them differently!"

"Am I not a man from Donghai!?"

After complaining slightly, Chihong immediately waved his wings of ice and fire and chased in the direction of the golden lion.

"Move at high speed!"

All of a sudden!

Two strange landscapes appeared in the sky above this sea area.

A golden beam of light flew crazily in front, and a red, yellow, and blue beam of light chased crazily behind.

The two figures seemed to be on two parallel and non-intersecting tracks, maintaining tacit cooperation.

Until half a minute later...


Feeling that the remaining thunder and lightning power on his body disappeared, the golden lion immediately stopped.

Immediately, he suddenly turned back, looking at the red figure spinning in the air, and without any explanation, he directly raised the two famous swords on his legs.


Swish swish swish——

The moment he finished speaking, the golden lion's eyes suddenly glared, and his body danced rapidly in the air like a top.

In an instant, a large number of golden slashes were like bright crescent moons, cutting through the sky, sweeping towards Crimson with unparalleled power and speed.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah~"

"Are you so serious? Senior Golden Lion!?"

Facing the mighty storm of slashing that was about to break through in front of him, Chihong's eyes finally showed a serious look for the first time.

It was true that the Golden Lion was old.

But if you underestimate this man because of this, that would be really arrogant.

The mysterious purple-pink eyes flashed quickly in Chihong's eyes.

He did not slow down at all in the face of the Golden Lion's slashing speed, and continued to rush forward.

And just before the terrifying slashing in the front was about to fall on Chihong, Chihong instantly launched a move at this critical moment.

"Another dimension hole!"


A space wormhole that was just big enough for a person to shuttle suddenly appeared.

And Chihong's galloping figure also drilled directly into the dark wormhole and disappeared suddenly.


Only this time, the Golden Lion, who had seen Chihong's methods, was not surprised at all when he saw Chihong disappear. Instead, he immediately turned around and raised the "dead wood" on his feet and stabbed forward!

Clang——! ! !

A crisp collision sound resounded throughout the world like an exciting melody.

A flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of Red who emerged from the space wormhole.

His whole body was wrapped in a strange energy shock. He looked at the golden lion who blocked him, and couldn't help but marvel in his heart.

After all...

This is a rare ultimate impact move in the Pokémon world with a power of 150 points!

If the golden lion can even block this without injury, then Red really has to consider the matter of mobilizing people.

Fortunately, what he was worried about did not happen.

In the sky, the stalemate between Red and Golden Lion lasted only a few seconds.

Immediately, the face of Golden Lion suddenly changed.

"This... How is this possible!?"

He showed an incredible shock.

The next moment, a huge force suddenly came from above the famous sword, Deadwood, under his feet.

Boom! ! !

Like a meteor parallel to the sea, the figure of the Golden Lion instantly turned into a golden flame and flew towards the distant sky.

However, affected by the effect of the ultimate impact, Red's body had to fall into a "stiff" state for a while, so he did not make a pursuit and finishing move in the first time.


Even though he was desperately activating the fruit ability, the surface of the Golden Lion's body still produced violent friction with the air under the high-speed movement, causing his body to burn with a hot flame.

It was not until he flew out of the distance that entered the limit of vision that he barely stopped.

It is enough to see how terrifying Red's full-strength attack is!

At the same time.

Above the sea, Blackbeard, standing on a pile of ruins, just saw the scene of Red knocking the Golden Lion away.

His eyes suddenly flashed with a greedy look that was beyond words.

"That guy's power has become even weirder!"

"I really want to catch him and interrogate him about his secrets!!!"

Blackbeard licked his lips with his tongue, as if he was imagining the scene of himself ruling the world after obtaining the power of Red, and couldn't help laughing.


But at this moment, a voice suddenly interrupted his fantasy.

"Hey! You bastard, where are you looking at?!"

"Rubber Rubber Jet Vulcan Cannon!!!"


A huge fist of fire that illuminated the entire sea surface in red suddenly appeared from behind Blackbeard, burning the sea surface along the way with continuous steam, and suddenly came towards Blackbeard's figure.

Faced with Luffy's sudden attack, Blackbeard's face also changed slightly.

"Is that so? It's not just Red that has become stronger!"

"Even you are the same!?"

"Straw Hat Boy Luffy!!!"

A cunning light flashed in Blackbeard's eyes.

The next moment, endless dark power suddenly gushed out from his body, forming a pitch-black vortex shield that blocked Blackbeard's body.

"But... it's useless!"

Blackbeard grinned.

"I've already seen through your attack method!"

"With your strength, it's impossible to break through my darkness!!!"



Luffy's black fist wrapped in flames suddenly hit Blackbeard's dark shield.

In an instant!

The fist that originally carried supreme power was like smashing into the sea, without making a sound.

Just as Blackbeard said, it stopped in place without any reaction, unable to move forward.

Seeing this scene, the smile on Blackbeard's face suddenly became even more!

After all, seeing a strong man like Luffy being defeated by his fruit ability, how could he not be happy.

But at this moment, Luffy's relaxed and calm voice suddenly reached his ears.

"Oh? Is that really the case?!"


Blackbeard's laughter was suddenly interrupted, and then a bad feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

The next second, Luffy, who rushed to the dark shield with the giant fist, suddenly shouted:

"Magic Shine!!!"


Endless light instantly bloomed on the surface of Luffy's body, shining through the gaps in the dark shield towards Blackbeard inside.


"What's this!?"

In an instant, Blackbeard, shrouded in darkness, suddenly let out a painful scream.

I saw that tiny ray of light shining on his dark body, instantly like holy light shining on a monster, causing his body to burn violently, leaving a trail of light smoke.

Under the illumination of the light, the dark mist condensed by the Dark Fruit also began to dissipate little by little.

Natural type·Dark fruit!

Although it is a devil fruit with extremely special abilities, since it represents the power of nature, to a certain extent, it must abide by the laws of nature!

Under the bright light of magic, the darkness was immediately dispelled, and Tiangang Land was swallowed up little by little by the endless brilliance.

"Sure enough! Chihong is right!"

"Your fruit ability is not invincible!"

"As long as the light is strong enough, it will eventually drive away all darkness!"

Seeing that his move worked, Luffy's face suddenly showed a smile of surprise.

It's just that what he doesn't know is...

The reason why Red said this to Luffy was not to place her hopes on the shining power of magic.

After all, in the game, this is just an ordinary fairy attack move.

In Chihong's opinion, even ordinary moves will burst out with different powers depending on the user's specialness!

Who is Luffy! ?

On the surface, he appears to be a superhuman rubber fruit user!

But in fact, he is the successor of the animal system, the phantom beast species, the human fruit, and the Nika form!

Nika has the most ridiculous power in the world!

It is a BUG-level fruit ability that vividly expresses "how bold a person is, XXXXX".

And coincidentally, the Pokémon's fairy attributes seemed to be intensifying the true power of Luffinika's fruit from the beginning.

The magic that shines this time is actually just an experiment by Chihong!

He wanted to see if, with the power of a strong man like Blackbeard, he could inspire something deeper in Luffy's body!

For example, with the power of Luffy's "I Xunsi", Magic Shine was developed into a specialized move that can restrain the Dark Fruit.

The power of Pokémon in the fantasy world, plus the Nika Fruit with infinite possibilities...

Only after Luffy has fully integrated these two powers can he really take the word "nonsense" to its extreme!

And under Chihong's guidance, he moved forward step by step in this direction!


"What kind of ability is this!?"


Seeing that his power of darkness was being eaten away bit by bit, Blackbeard no longer wasted energy to maintain the fruit's ability.

With his big hand, he suddenly flew out of the darkness on a broken roof and fell into the sea next to him.

This is a new habit that Blackbeard has developed.

Since his last defeat against the Straw Hat Pirates, he has often been devouring huge buildings in his dark space.

If he suddenly encounters a naval battle or something, he won't sink into the sea again because he has no place to stay.


However, the bloated black beard showed his agile movement, jumped slightly, and instantly landed on the distant roof, avoiding the attack range of the magic sparkle.

All this may seem cumbersome, but in practice it only takes a few seconds.

After doing all this, Blackbeard immediately raised his head and looked for Luffy.

The next second, his gaze was fixed on the direction of the sun, and then his eyes widened in shock.

Luffy's figure at this time was just in the center of the sun.

He had just used magic to shine, and the surface of his body was still emitting a faint white light.

Under the sunlight, these white lights seemed to merge with the sunlight, clinging to Luffy who entered the fourth gear, the God of War form.

"No...it can't be!"

Blackbeard suddenly murmured uncontrollably.

Just because the picture that appeared in front of him at this time was almost the same as the image he heard in a legend...

Exactly the same! ! !

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