Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 48 The black cat attacks! (Seeking for further reading)

Chapter 48 The black cat attacks! (Please read~)


"Getting stronger again!"

Although she couldn't see her attribute interface, she could clearly feel that her physical fitness, strength, and Pokémon energy in her body had surged again. Nami instantly realized...

Her hard work yesterday was finally realized at this moment!

In these two days, Nami has gone all out!

During the day, he practiced combat movements in the manor, and at night, he battled powerful Pokémon in the game world.

The trainers on Route 25 have all used Pokémon that have exceeded level 15, and the highest level has even reached level 18!

If she encounters a flying or water Pokémon that is restrained by the electric type, Nami can also use the fast and violent characteristics of the electric type to quickly deal with the opponent.

But if the opponent is a ground-type Pokémon, then she has to give up the electric-type trick and use the treasure gathering skill and the three-section stick in her hand to fight the opponent.

However, Nami is a human after all, and there is an innate racial gap between her and the Pokémon specially bred for fighting. Coupled with the attribute restraint...

As a result, during yesterday's game time, level 17 Nami was sent back to the Elf Center in Cerulean City by a level 18 pangolin.

With no other choice, Chihong and Nami had no choice but to run the map again, and temporarily change players, allowing Zoro to take action to knock out the opponent, and then switch back to Nami to continue pushing the map.

Yesterday's defeat obviously made Nami not in a happy mood.

But fortunately, we got off to a good start today.

The first opponent she defeated allowed Nami to successfully level up.

Looking at Nami who was testing the changes in the power of her upgraded moves, Chi Hong suddenly thought in her heart:

"At this upgrade rate, it shouldn't be a problem for Nami to defeat Aaron."

"The key is the speed of pushing pictures..."

"Nami, who only has electric-type moves, is unable to deal with ground-type Pokémon. At present, it seems that the only way to do this is to hire foreign aid."

"It seems that we need to increase the workload for Usopp in advance and let him make the weather stick in advance."

The first version of the Weather Rod didn't use any rare materials and relied entirely on Usopp's own ingenuity, so it shouldn't be a difficult task.

With the weather stick's water vapor ability, Nami can also cause normal damage to ground-type Pokémon.

After a brief reorganization, the red and red duo continued to move forward.

In front of Highway 25 is Zhenghui's research institute.

That's the weird scientist in the game who fuses himself with Pokémon.

After helping him press the button of the device and freeing him, he gave Chihong 2 tickets that could be used at will.

In the open space at the entrance of Zhenghui Research Institute, there is also a charming elder sister.

The first thing she said when she saw Chihong was: "Let me train you, little brother~"

And the Pokémon she used was a level 18 Arm.

This made it difficult for Chihong not to doubt whether this eldest sister who looked dissatisfied with lust had done something indescribable to the tendon-clad Shota Wanli.

After all, in the world of Pokémon, there is no reproductive isolation between Pokémon and humans!

"Nami, numb electric shock + electric acceleration! Kill the opponent directly!"

The battle field appeared, and Chihong quickly issued orders.

Although Nami's thunder and lightning are tightly restrained by ground-type Pokémon!

But for Pokémon with other attributes, there is still no solution!

Stab~! ! !

The dazzling lightning crossed the void and instantly fell on the wrist that could not be avoided.

In an instant, Wan Li's body, which was originally full of energy, suddenly became stiff.

On the surface of its skin, a golden arc flashed from time to time.

Astonishingly, he was hit by the 100% paralysis effect of the numbing electric shock!

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

Nami, who was already familiar with Pokémon battles, said nothing. She waved the steel rod wrapped in the power of lightning in her hand, stepped on the sparks of lightning step by step, and quickly came to the front of Arms, and hit her head with a blow!

"Watch the move!" Nami shouted.

As the steel rod full of thunder and lightning fell on Wan Li's forehead, the young shota, who could only drive a large car, stiffened slightly and fell backwards.

"My wrist strength~!"

The eldest sister rocked the waves and let out a gasping cry.

But this does not change the already destined ending!

After the battle, Chihong also received a parting gift from her eldest sister...

A move learning tool for the fighting type move [Earth Throw]!

[Move: Throw on the Earth]

[Attribute: Fighting]

[Category: Physics]

[Power: Change]

[Introduction: Send the opponent into high altitude, and then use gravity to hit the ground. The damage dealt is based on the user's level. 】

"Send the opponent into the air? So...does this move have any knock-up effect?"

After reading the introduction to the moves, Chi Hong thought about it in her heart.

He took the move learning device thrown on the earth and compared it in the Pokémon list, and found that only Luffy could learn this move.

"Even if you don't have fighting attributes, as long as certain conditions are met, you can still learn the corresponding moves?"

"This is very similar to the setting in the game."

Combined with Nami's ability to learn the general move Treasure Gathering Technique, Chi Hong nodded in understanding.

Seeing Nami coming, he immediately shook the ticket in his hand and told her about the next trip.

"Let's go. Next, we have to return to Hualan City!"

"Sigh... I really don't want to go back to that sad place again." Nami sighed.

Counting the time they were beaten back by the pangolin, Nami and the others had already visited Cerulean City three times.

Now it will be the fourth time soon.

"No way, who told us that the next place we want to go must pass through Hualan City."

Chi Hong spread his hands helplessly.

If possible, he doesn't want to waste game time on the road.

In the end, when today's game time ended, they just defeated a member of Team Rocket in the backyard of a burglarized house in Cerulean City.

And the reward is...

There is once again a move learning device in the red package - [Digging]!

[Move: Dig a hole]

[Attribute: Ground]

[Category: Physics]

[Power: 80]

[Introduction: Quickly dig a hole in the ground that can accommodate itself. When activating the skill, you can move freely underground through continuous consumption of physical energy, and can conduct surprise attacks on enemies. 】

"I really don't know whether I should say it's a fruitful experience? Or should I say it's a waste of time?"

Returning to the pirate world and the guest room of Keya's house, Chihong looked at the two additional move learning devices in the package interface and Nami's experience bar, which had not increased much, with a tangled look on her face.

But soon, he forgot all about it.

Anyway, they still have plenty of time and are in no rush.

What's more, today is an important day for them to meet their new partner, the Meili.

Chihong didn't want to meet this special partner with dark circles on his face, but he also wanted to leave a good impression.

A night of silence.

And just when the Straw Hats finished their day's practice and fell into a peaceful sleep...

In the waters of Moonlight Islands, there is an uninhabited island near Xiluobu Village.

A ship flying a cat-faced skull pirate flag is docked secretly at the edge of the coast.

"Captain Zangao, when exactly do we have to wait to go!?"

"It's been three days, why haven't there been any news from Captain Crowe!?"

"That is to say, if we wait any longer, the supplies on the ship will not be enough!"



On the deck of the pirate ship, a group of pirates wearing various cat-related decorations were noisy, surrounding a man wearing heart-shaped glasses.

The man with heart-shaped glasses is none other than the former vice-captain of the Black Cat Pirates—Zango!

Because of Crowe's retirement, as the deputy captain, he temporarily took over the captain's position during these three years.

However, at this time, the acting captain looked helpless.

Facing the fierce inquiries from his subordinates, he had no choice but to push his hands and comfort him:

"Captain Crowe just contacted me secretly three days ago and asked us to wait in the nearby waters. He may still have some preparations to complete."

"Since Captain Crowe has no new instructions, let's just be obedient and not disrupt his plan."

"Otherwise... none of us will end well."

However, just as Zangao's voice fell, a roar suddenly came from the crowd:

"We don't agree!"

The crowd quickly separated on both sides, and a pair of tall, thin and short fat people holding sharp cat claws slowly walked towards Jangao.

Astonishingly, they are the cat-man brother group second only to Jango in the Black Cat Pirates.

The fat Buji in the group said angrily:

"Captain Zangao! That bastard has abandoned us for three years, why should we obey his orders!?"

"Even if we complete the mission he assigned, will we get any benefits?!"

The cat brothers have obviously entered the rebellious stage and have no respect for their old captain Crowe.

And among the entire Black Cat Pirates, there are not a few guys who have the same idea as them.

Who knows that Crowe was cruel to them in the past? Except for Zangao, almost few people in the pirate group were truly loyal to Crowe.

Tall and thin Sam on the other side also answered:

"Captain Zangao, our strength is not weak! Why must we obey that bastard!?"

"Rather than helping that guy complete his ridiculous plan, we might as well go there ourselves, rob the village, and then go to the sea to continue our pirate lives!"

"I've had enough of hiding in Tibet for the past three years!!!"

"Yes! We've had enough!!!"

Sam's words quickly aroused the recognition of all the pirates in the pirate group.

When Buji saw this, he waved his hand directly:

"Fuck Crowe!"

"Brothers, we set out at dawn, plundered the village and the rich man, and then went to live our unrestrained life at sea!!!"


A group of pirates waved their weapons and vibrated in response.

Seeing this scene, Zangao couldn't help but rub his temples.

Knowing that he could no longer suppress the pirates' violent heart, he had no choice but to let nature take its course.

"I hope Captain Crowe won't take his anger out on me."

Zangao sighed in his heart.

Little did he know that Captain Crowe, whom he was waiting for, had already fallen into eternal silence in the underworld.

Thanks for the reward from someone who has been thinking about a p name for a long time! ! !

Many thanks! ! !

Thank you to book friend 20171209163555377 for your monthly ticket support! ! !

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