Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 57 The greatest work (Happy New Year!!!)

Chapter 57 The greatest work (Happy New Year~!!!)


After hearing what Luffy said, Zhepu's expression was obviously stunned.

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly slapped his palms.

"Ah! The person you are talking about should be named Sanji, right?"

"Ah, yes, yes!!!" Luffy nodded repeatedly, then put the steak into his mouth and said inarticulately:

"That's the name!"

"He is indeed in this restaurant. Uncle, please call him out quickly!"


Zhepu was suddenly silent for a moment.

He never expected that the most terrifying pirate in the East China Sea would come to them and actually want to invite Sanji to become a pirate!

"When did this brat become so famous?"

Zhepu was puzzled, but he still showed a relieved smile.

"So you are here to see Sanji?"

"Although I don't know where you got the information about that brat with a bad temper and a very lustful nature..."

"But you came at the right time~ We have long wanted to drive this troublesome guy out of this store!"

Zhepu said insincerely.

At this time, Chihong also took advantage of the situation and said:

"Then please ask Boss Zhepu to call Sanji here."


Chihong, who knew the relationship between Sanji and Zhepu, smiled lightly and said to Zhepu in a serious tone:

"Boss Zhepu, I know you don't want Sanji to be trapped in a small restaurant."

"But Sanji probably won't want to leave here until he has repaid your kindness."

"So if you think we are qualified to be Sanji's companions, please cooperate with us."

"You..." Zhepu's eyes suddenly widened.

He didn't expect Chi Hong to say this at all, and was stunned for a moment.

But in the end, he only left one sentence: "I'll help you call that kid out."

Immediately turned around and left.

The wooden prosthesis hit the floor, making a "tap" sound, making his footsteps seem unusually heavy.

Chihong's words also successfully made Zhepu feel inexplicably melancholy.

just like……

This time he will really say goodbye to that brat.

"Today's young people are really amazing..."

Thinking back to Chihong's deep eyes that seemed to see through everything, Zhepu felt inexplicably emotional in his heart.

Not long after, a blond man wearing a black suit and curly eyebrows ran out from the kitchen, murmuring continuously:

"Cute girl...cute girl..."

Looking at his anxious and crazy look, you can guess without thinking what method Zhepu used to fish him out.

And maybe Sanji really has special powers like beauty radar...

In just a moment, he spotted the Straw Hats sitting at the door!

To be precise, it was Nami in the group.

The next second, his eyes suddenly turned into peach-colored hearts, his legs rotated at high speed like a whirlwind, and he suddenly came in front of Nami, and then knelt down on one knee like a gentleman.

"Ocean~Thank you for giving me this encounter today~"

A rose suddenly appeared in Sanji's hand out of nowhere.

"God! Is this your punishment for me!? Just let me abandon everything and work hard for love..."

Sanji is about to transform into the "King of Poetry" and perform a greasy poetry recitation performance in front of Nami.

But at this moment, an elongated arm suddenly stretched out and grabbed the rose in Sanji's hand.

"Ah woo~"

Luffy chewed the flower petals, but his brows furrowed slightly:

“This dish tastes terrible, it’s not up to the standard of this restaurant~!”


Seeing that there was only a green flower stalk left in his hand, Sanji blinked and suddenly froze in embarrassment.


Nami couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud.

She reached out and took the flower stem from Sanji's hand, and then said playfully:

"Sir, isn't this a prop you use to court love?"

"Ah, this..." Sanji was speechless for a moment.

But the next moment, he suddenly aimed his gaze at Luffy, and angry flames suddenly burst out from his eyes.

"Hey, boy! How dare you..."

But before he could finish his words, a hand was placed on Sanji's shoulder.

Chihong lowered her voice, showed a mysterious smile, and whispered in his ear:



Just four short words, but it made Sanji's expression suddenly freeze, and the anger in his eyes disappeared instantly.

Instead, there was a look of disbelief and horror deep in his eyes.

But Chi Hong patted his shoulder gently again:

"If you don't want to make it too public, just find a quiet place and let's talk about it in detail."

"Hey~ Luffy, stop eating, it's time to get down to business!"

Red glanced at Zoro and Usopp.

After receiving the instruction, the two men immediately stepped forward, forcibly grabbed Luffy's shoulders and dragged him from the dining table.

"You are……"

The panicked Sanji was about to question, but when he thought of the diners present and what Chihong had just said, he fell silent again.


After a while, he took out his lighter, lit himself a cigarette, and forced himself to calm down.

After exhaling a long breath of smoke, he immediately said to Chihong and others:

"Come with me!"

Although his heart was already in chaos by Chihong's words, as Chihong said, there were some things that he didn't want too many people to know...

Including Boss Zhepu!

Just like that, under Red's signal, the Straw Hats followed Sanji to the second floor of Barati.

Johnny and Joseph were left to guard the Merry.

The diners felt relieved when they saw Luffy, who was being dragged by Zoro and Usopp, but still reaching for the food pitifully.

At the very least, this group of pirates is not as evil and terrifying as the rumors on the sea, and their target is not them either.

On the balcony on the second floor of Barati, a restaurant on the sea.

Sanji took the cigarette out of his mouth with one hand and flicked it in the air.

The ash fell, sparks flickered, and there was a shimmer.

But Sanji's expression became darker and darker.

"After so many years, I didn't expect that you would still find me here!"

"Tell me! What on earth do you want to do!?"

He spoke suddenly, but seemed to be trying his best to suppress the resentment in his heart.

But if you look closely, it's not difficult to find the trace of fear hidden deep in his eyes.

Ever since he escaped from the Vinsmoke family with the help of his sister Reiju, Sanji had always thought that he had completely distanced himself from the past.

But when he heard the name of that family again from Chihong's mouth, he realized...

It turns out that my fear has never gone away!

However, at this moment, Luffy tilted his head and showed an innocent look.

"Strange, what are you talking about?"

"But forget it!"

He waved his hand carelessly and instantly acted like a captain. He gave a thumbs up and introduced himself:

"You're Sanji, right!?"

"My name is Monkey D. Luffy! I am currently looking for like-minded companions to become the Pirate King!"

"I heard from Chihong that you are an amazing chef, so come join my pirate team."

There was no fluctuation in Luffy's tone, as if he was explaining an established fact.

There was no room for Sanji to refuse.

But this sudden turn of events made Sanji, who was nervous, suddenly startled.

It wasn't until a while later that he picked up the cigarette and took a long puff, then frowned and said in confusion:


"Aren't you from the Vinsmoke family!?"

"The Vinsmoke family? What is that?"

Luffy tilted his head and said similarly confused.

At this moment, Chihong patted Luffy's shoulder gently from behind, then stepped forward and said with a smile:

"Let me explain the rest, Luffy."

He raised his head, and his dark eyes instantly met Sanji's.

"I think you may have misunderstood, Sanji, we have nothing to do with the Vinsmoke family."

"That was just to create an opportunity to talk to you."

As she said that, Chihong pointed at her eyes:

"The reason why I can name that family is because I can see your past and future!"

Red got straight to the point and didn't hide anything from Sanji.

But Sanji obviously didn't accept it so easily.

"Are you kidding?" He frowned with his unique curly eyebrows, not believing Chi Hong's words.

"Then how can you trust us?" Chihong didn't find it strange, but continued to ask.

But Sanji obviously didn't want to mess around anymore.

He blew out a puff of white smoke.

"Although I don't know where you got this news, my time is limited and I don't have time to play pirate games with you."

With that said, he was about to return to the cabin.

But at this moment, Chihong, who had been prepared for a long time, slowed down her voice and said softly:

"Sanji, you are not a failure."


Sanji suddenly paused.

Obviously, Chihong's words hit the target.

And Chihong also continued:

"Vinsmoke Sora tried his best to protect your feelings, so you are more gentle than anyone else."

"Because you were born with all the blessings of your mother!"

"It is the greatest work that she is proud of in her life!!!"

Pa da~

The unburned cigarette in Sanji's hand suddenly fell to the deck and rolled forward several times.

And on his face, there were already two tears...

Thanks to book friend 20181230124303151, Fan Xing Fan Xin Fan Xin, Duncan5678, Qi Xingping, - A Xiong -, my father's love is like a mountain falling apart, Sanhefeng, book friend 20171117195333760, ghost mentor, assassin fairy, 彼佲のache, open the door and collect Monthly ticket support for blades and fans! ! !

Thanks to the Taixuan Wuji Immortal Supreme Emperor, Shuyi, A Dazai, Book Friends 20230430200_eB, Ordinary.Crazy, - A Xiong -, Book Friends 150710112418430, The randomly named galaxy, I am the only one in heaven and earth 123, An Bai deft, Immortal Bone Demon Body, Naihe Bridge Oath, Orange Dried, Book Friends 20190321082359512, Fengzi No. 1, My Handsomeness No One Discovers, Dusk Falls, Looking Back at the Eternal Smile, You Are So Beautiful, Suifengqingcao, Sanhefeng, Steam Turbine Power Generation, Ah Nia's Smile, Dragon Battle Xuanhuang, The Emperor of the Eternal Moon, Sky 00, Koji Nakano, The Storyteller of Thousand Miles Walking, Book Friends 20220512054500563, Smile and Smile, The Pain of 彼佲の, Counting Ants in the Corner, Book Friends 20190823152923223 , Shuyi, boluohmx, open the door and close the blade, hey, book friend 20180520191201579’s recommendation vote support! ! !

Happy New Year everyone! ! !

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