Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 94 This is the power of love! (510)

Chapter 94 This is the power of love~! (510)

After Red's introduction, the Johnny duo quickly became familiar with Bucky and his gang.

After getting to know each other, Chihong also asked Bucky about the recent situation.

"I didn't expect Bator to have eaten the barrier fruit so early, which is a bit surprising."

After listening to Bucky’s report, Chihong nodded with understanding, and then said with approval:

"Very good. Now that you have made initial contact with the Bator Group, let's continue like this."

"That guy Bator is a young man with good potential, and the Barrier Fruit is also a rare and powerful fruit."

"If we can recruit them, it will be of great help to our future operations."

"I'll leave it to you to take charge of the specific operations!"

Because there is no plot of Luffy smiling at death in the original work, Chihong is not sure that he can successfully let him join the Straw Hat Fleet.

In short, let everything take its course.

"Okay." After learning about Bator's situation, Chihong also changed her subject:

"Put the Bato matter aside."

"Bucky, I called you here this time because I have something very important to tell you..."

"You members of the pirate group should already know about my identity as a trainer, right?"

"Yeah!" Bucky nodded immediately, wagging his red nose and said:

"According to Lord Chihong's previous instructions, I have nothing to hide and have already told my subordinates everything."

"Well, that's good!"

Chihong clicked on the machine page inside her body, and in the refreshed Pokémon column, she saw dozens of new Pokémon quotas!

For a moment, a look of satisfaction flashed in his eyes, and then he smiled mysteriously:


"In that case, it's time for you to see the true power of a trainer!"

"Organize your people and tell them..."

"Get ready for a whole new world!"

"I will let them see the power of a [Trainer]!!!"

Chihong stood up and wrote the words "everyone fucked" on her face.


This time he called the Bucky Pirates alone for a simple purpose...

I just want to give all members of their pirate group Pokémon moves to increase their combat effectiveness.

In the past few days of game time, because there were a large number of "tributes" from Team Rocket's trainers after their defeat, and some excess props were sold...

Chihong has successfully collected enough money to acquire all the remaining 5 trick learning devices in the department store.

In addition, he obtained [Help], [Wall of Light], and [Frolic] by completing tasks in the department store, as well as [Sleep] and [Evil Wave] he picked up in Team Rocket's base...

Chihong’s current number of move learners has reached an astonishing 25! ! !

Although this is just the tip of the iceberg compared to the hundreds of moves in the entire Pokémon world, it is enough for Red to collect 4 skills for each pirate in the Buggy Pirates.

In the next hour, Chihong did nothing but sat in the tent and configured skills for the pirates.

It’s not worthy not to know...

Red originally thought that most of Bucky's subordinates were general-type Pokémon like the Johnny brothers.

The result was unexpected. Among the nearly a hundred people, there were only twenty or thirty people with a single general attribute!

The rest are either single attributes such as fire, grass, water, or electricity, or general + other dual attribute combinations!

Among them, there are several evil, super powers and other attributes that are not found in the Straw Hat Pirates.

It should be said that it is a pirate group based on the circus~

This variety of attribute combinations is eye-opening even for Crimson!

But this also greatly increased the fun of Chihong matching their moves.

He has equipped many of the moves that no one in the Straw Hats can use on these pirates.

Although due to their own abilities, even if they have these moves, they cannot become strong in a short period of time.

But when the four moves work together, the effect they can have is even more abnormal than the average Devil Fruit ability.

It's enough to increase the overall strength of Bucky's pirate group by 3-5 times!

And this is just a conservative estimate.

After all, some Pokémon moves, if used properly, are very likely to... create miracles!

at the same time.

Just when Chi Hong was acting as a "teacher of moves" and enjoying the respectful gazes of Bucky and his gang...

Something he didn't expect happened.

The patter of rain drove all the pedestrians on the street back into the building.

In a certain street in Rogge Town.

"Electric acceleration!!!"


As Nami gave a soft drink, a bright golden thunder flashed under her feet.

However, just when she stepped hard on the wall, trying to use the power of electric acceleration to jump to the roof...

However, a light green barrier suddenly appeared and blocked in front of her, cutting off Nami's path!

"It's useless! You have fallen into my barrier and it is impossible to escape from my grasp!"

Bato, who crossed his hands in front of his chest and made a strange gesture, slowly appeared from around the corner, with a wild laugh on his face and sharp fangs protruding.

And around his body, there was a humanoid barrier that did not affect his movements, completely covering his body.

The rain beat against the barrier, unable to soak into his body at all.

Of course, the barrier on Batuo's body is not used to block rainwater.

If you look carefully...

It is not difficult to find that Bato at this moment is completely different from an hour ago.

The expensive woolen coat was covered with dark scorch marks, and all the down on his neck was burned away.

And his green hair is now standing on end, just like Kebi who was attacked by Nami before.

But even in such a sorry state, he still looked arrogant when he came to Nami.

"Give up resistance!"

"Hand over your devil fruit! Otherwise I will be rude to you!"

With the blessing of a demonic face, what he said was particularly terrifying.

If an ordinary little girl heard this, she would probably have cried into obedience.


Standing in front of him at this moment was Nami, who regarded wealth as life!

"You want me to hand over what I got!? Do you think it's possible!?"

There was no sign of compromise in Nami's eyes.

Instead, the hands holding the weather stick still flashed with lightning from time to time, looking for an opportunity to escape.

Immediately afterwards, Nami taunted Bator again:

"I think it's you who should give up!"

"If you can, please remove that turtle shell for me!"

"See how I deal with you!"

"Do you think I'm really stupid!?" Bator was unmoved.

After trying Nami's thunder power once, it was impossible for him to remove this protective barrier on his body.

If he did it again, he was not sure whether he would be able to stand up again.

However, Bato was not surprised when faced with Nami's rejection.

He immediately showed a disdainful smile and sneered indifferently:

"It doesn't matter! My little brothers will be here soon anyway!"

"They've gone to prepare the insulation!"

"I wonder where you can run to when the time comes!?"

As a gang leader, Bato has no heroic spirit.

Even if the opponent is a young girl, he will not hesitate to use the most convenient, quick and despicable method.


Bato thought Nami would have a panic look on her face after hearing this.

But when he looked at Nami, he saw a sly smile on Nami's face.

"Oh, is it so?"

The corner of Nami's mouth suddenly raised.

The next second, she raised her head, a flash of light that her plan had succeeded.


"You don't think you're the only one with a partner, do you?"

Nami suddenly stretched out her hand and pointed at the sign above Bato's head, reminding her:

"See what's written there?!"


Seeing Nami's reaction, Bato's heart tightened for no reason.

He raised his head in confusion and read the words on the sign:

"Rogge Town - Fresh Farmers Market..."

"What's the meaning!?"

He asked Nami confused.

"It means..."

Nami smiled, then took a deep breath and shouted to the sky at the top of her lungs:


“Come and save me—!!!!!”

A loud and sharp sound suddenly resounded over the entire farmer's market.

Just when Bator was shocked and confused...

From the distant sky, a figure wrapped in flames suddenly flew out!


bake! ! !

Sanji, whose whole body was burning with rage, relied on the power of the flames to achieve short-term air flight.

Like a demon knight from hell, he followed the distant call and quickly came to Nami's street.

Seeing Baator using the fruit's ability to imprison Nami, the flames on his body suddenly became more turbulent, sweeping in all directions.

At this moment, the blazing flames seemed to pierce the clouds in the sky, making all the rain on the streets disappear.

"Damn bastard!!! Are you the one bullying Miss Nami!?"

Sanji's anger seemed to have turned into actual flames.

He immediately dropped a large fish that was tens of meters long behind him and a pile of almost-cooked food, and suddenly jumped into the sky, ready to show Ba Tuo some color.

Seeing this scene, Nami quickly reminded:

"Careful, Sanji!"

"His barrier is very strange and can resist all kinds of attacks! Use that move!"

"As you command, Miss Nami!!!"

Sanji, who understood instantly, responded.

Immediately, his power continued unabated, and he kicked hard at the barrier on Baator with endless blazing flames.

"It's useless! It's useless!"

Although his expression was slightly frightened by Sanji's sudden momentum, Bator still laughed wildly and said:

"My barrier! It cannot be penetrated!!!"

Peng! ! !

Sanji's kick suddenly hit the barrier.

But just when Bator thought he would be injured due to the reaction force, he only heard Sanji moan softly:

“Crack tiles, roast meat, SHOOT!!!”

Click... click!

There was a crisp cracking sound.

Under Ba Tuo's horrified gaze, the omnipotent barrier suddenly had several cracks at this moment!

The next second...

bake! ! !

Under the force of the splitting tiles, Bator's barrier instantly shattered.

The blazing flames mixed with the hot breath descended on Baator's demonic face, and suddenly kicked his head into the marble floor.

boom! ! !

A violent roar sounded in the quiet alley.

A huge pothole appeared on the flat ground.

Bator, who was lying in the pothole with his face deformed, used his last bit of strength to turn his head to look at Sanji in disbelief, and asked stammeringly:

"Why... why... you... can break through... my barrier..."


A small flame emerged from Sanji's fingertips, lighting the cigarette in his mouth.

"You won't understand~!"

Sanji, who had returned to his normal state, glanced at Bator contemptuously, and then replied decisively:

"Because this is the power of love~!"

Of course, Piwa, who has the ability to destroy barriers, also contributed a little bit.

Sanji whispered in his mind.

The next moment, his eyes suddenly turned into the shape of peach hearts, and his legs spun like tops and ran towards Nami.

"Nami-san~ You're not hurt, are you!?"

Thanks to Beast Face Man Liver, White Clothes~Darkness, Why Trouble with the Pig, Bu Lin, Sanhe Feng, Blackcrow, Suo Qingqiu since the King Farewell, Van Fa Faq, Book Friends 20220221151822280, Lu Chuanfeng, Book Friends 160516163251546, Yacp Tiger, The monthly votes for Young Master Tiger Head, Randomly Named Galaxy, and Book Friends 20201006005923309 and 5498984116 are supported! ! !

Thank you all for your recommendation votes! ! !

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