“Then I want to ask, is the creature exchanged absolutely loyal to me?” Ye Chen asked.

He didn’t want to spend a lot of money to exchange creatures that were uncontrolled, and there was no point in exchanging them.

He just needs absolutely faithful creatures.

And not out of his control.

“This one is natural, just like the Sky Dragon of Osiris summoned by the host before.”

When Ye Chen heard this, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

The general doubt system has helped Ye Chen solve it, and Ye Chen probably understands the use of the two functions of the system.

The next thing he has to do is a random exchange of creatures.

The number of times it takes to randomly exchange is a devil fruit, which is 1000 energy points.

Specifying creatures also requires 1000 energy points.

Then what he needs now is to exchange items with the system, and now he has ten demon fruits and a chest, a sword, and Osiris at his feet.

It is impossible for Osiris to take it out and exchange, although the words of the sword are not a valuable, but they will be needed later.

Forget about the box, it hurts a little to exchange the box, and finally Ye Chen decided to exchange it at the cost of a devil fruit.

“At the cost of a devil fruit, system, turn on random exchange.”

“Specify the random exchange of creatures to start”

As soon as the voice fell, the three devil fruits in the box disappeared.

Immediately following a bright white light flickering in front of Ye Chen, a blurry figure gradually emerged.

“It turned out to be her.” The light dissipated, and after Ye Chen saw clearly the exchanged creatures, a trace of surprise flashed in the depths of his eyes, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

“If it’s her, this time it’s stable.”


In the waters of the Chambord Islands, several naval warships marched forward and stopped at the pier in a certain area.

“I really don’t know if he’s arrogant or what, he’s swaggering here.” Huang stood on the deck a little speechless, looking at the sky dragon of Osiris, high in the sky.

“Haha, this little ghost is interesting, knowing that his whereabouts have been exposed, he dares to be here, but he does not escape.” Karp wore a dog’s head mask, grabbed the senbei in his hand, bit down fiercely, and made a clicking sound in his mouth.

“It’s really a little faceless, I’ll go to meet him first.” The yellow ape pouted, and after speaking, his body turned into a golden light and flew towards the sky.

“Hahaha, little ones, go and capture all the pirates for me first, and as for that guy, just hand it over to me and the yellow ape.” Karp commanded with a wave of his hand.


“Brother Ye Chen, won’t you be too arrogant like this, so that our navy will have no face.”

The golden light in the air flickered, and the figure of the yellow ape condensed, and the golden light lingered on his right foot, towards Ye Chen’s direction.

“Face has always been earned by yourself.” Ye Chen saw the yellow ape that suddenly appeared with his face as usual, and said softly.

“It’s really troublesome” The yellow ape pouted, but soon the yellow ape’s face suddenly became cold: “But what you said is indeed correct, face is earned by yourself.” ”

“Lightspeed feet.”

As soon as the words fell, the golden light of the yellow ape’s right foot soared, turning into a flash in an instant, and the target kicked towards Ye Chen’s face.


Like the sound of gold and iron colliding, some sparks were shot, and the yellow ape’s right foot was suddenly blocked, unable to move forward a little.

“Armed color domineering.” When he saw the black metallic luster between Ye Chen’s arm and the Tai Dao, the yellow ape’s eyes suddenly shrunk, and he lost his voice: “It’s impossible, last time you didn’t arm the color domineering at all.” ”

“Who told you, I won’t.” A smile appeared on Ye Chen’s face, his hands exerted force, and a huge sword qi with armed color domineering energy burst out.

“Boom.” The sword qi crisscrossed, and suddenly an amazing explosion sounded, and the smoke spread, and a huge wave of qi spread out, spreading all around.

Suddenly, in the smoke, a golden light rushed out and landed on the ground at a very fast speed, the light dispersed, and the yellow ape’s half-squatted on the ground, with a trace of blood hanging from his mouth.

The sword qi at close range just now was mixed with domineering, and it burst out all of a sudden, instantly hurting him.

“It was too dangerous just now.” The yellow ape was shocked, if it hadn’t been for the retreat just now, it is estimated that it would not have been a minor injury at this time.

“What a mess, yellow ape.” Suddenly, a voice sounded, and not far away, Old Man Killer Matt with purple hair in sunglasses slowly walked over, and Ain followed closely beside him.

“Zefa-sensei, why are you here.” After seeing that it was Zefa, the yellow ape pouted.

Zefa glanced at the yellow ape: “If I don’t come, you will probably choke today.” ”

The yellow ape was silent.

“Zefa, why are you here.” Karp suddenly walked out as well, looking at Zefa with some doubt on his face.

“Just passing by here, just come here.” Zefa replied.


“What happened to the former Admiral Zefa, the current Admiral Yellow Ape, the naval hero Karp

The people around gasped when they saw the Zefa Kapu yellow ape, you must know that each of these three is a proper general-level strength, and Kapu almost captured the One Piece King Roger several times, and his combat power is stronger than that of the general.

The few high-end naval combat forces left in the navy gathered three people at this time.

What kind of person can make the three of them move?


Many people speculate in their hearts.

“Zefakapu Yellow Ape, three high-end naval combat forces gathered here, they really look at me!”

Ye Chen descended from the sky, stood on the ground and looked at the three Zefa in front, and said lightly.

“Ye Chen, just grab it, you don’t have any chance of winning anymore.” The yellow ape converged completely indifferently and looked at Ye Chen solemnly.

“Hahaha, what is the so-called odds of victory for the yellow ape general.” Ye Chen smiled and paused: “And do you think the three of you will eat me?” ”

The yellow ape nodded irrefutably.

“It’s really naïve, come out and Esders, meet them.” Ye Chen snorted coldly and said coldly.

As soon as the words fell, Osiriss let out a low roar, and a figure jumped down from Osiris’s head, and stood beside Ye Chen after landing on the ground.

Wearing an imperial sergeant’s uniform, ice blue hair, defiant smile, and awe-inspiring momentum, Ice Queen Esders.

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