“Let the world feel pain, Shinra Tianzheng.”

With Ye Chen groaning, with him as the center, a behemoth swept out from his body with an irresistible repulsive force, like a circle visible to the naked eye, bulldozing everything.

Suddenly. The irresistible repulsive force spreads out, pushing everything horizontally.

In half a sound, everything on Sirius Island was pushed away, trees rolled over, buildings collapsed, and under this powerful repulsive force, they were all bulldozed and pushed towards the sea.

Everything on Sirius Island was pushed to shore, and the most affected were the nearby pirate ships.

“What the hell happened.”

“Get out of here.”

“Go quickly, if we don’t go, we will all die.”

The people who were originally resting on the pirate ship saw a roar coming from Sirius Island, followed by a huge wave with trees and buildings tens of meters long in front of them.

Seeing this avalanche-like scene, the surrounding pirates quickly called their navigators to leave here quickly.

Just kidding, if you don’t go anymore, it is estimated that you will not be able to go

“Daddy, what happened over there on Sirius Island.”

Marko stood on the deck and looked confused when he saw the huge waves ahead.

Originally, they were still waiting for the people of Emperor Lin to come and see them fight with the Heavenly Wolf, but they thought that before the war had started, the Heavenly Wolf Island had already collapsed.

953 “Wow haha, it is estimated that the people of Di Lin shot. Whitebeard burst out laughing: “Get ready, we’re ready to land on the island.” “

Between words, Whitebeard raised his big beak knife and swung it in the direction of Sirius Island.


A sound like glass shattering sounded, and I saw that the space in front of Whitebeard and the others shattered, and a crack visible to the naked eye appeared in the air.

Suddenly, the mighty wave was cut apart, and the pirate ship with white beards staggered in half poured into the sea.

Whitebeard struck casually, terrifying.

And on the other side of Whitebeard, the red-haired pirate ship.

“It’s really big.” The redhead looked at the wave in front of him and let out an exclamation, and then continued: “I don’t know who made the move.” ”

“This wave was caused by repulsion, presumably by someone we don’t know,” Beckman said with a calm expression and no fear at all, pointing to the circle visible to the naked eye in the air.

“Since Di Lin has appeared, let’s land on the island and go to see the demeanor of Di Lin.” Shanks laughed.

Between words, Shanks pulled out his Western sword and swung a sword qi towards the wave.

The huge sword qi mixed with Shanks’ tempered armed color domineering, split the wave in half at once, and the wave that split into two halves staggered the red-haired pirate ship into the sea.

“Let’s go, go to the island.” Shanks laughed.

Saying that, the red-haired pirate ship approached Sirius Island.

“The Four Emperors are really powerful, and they can cut this level of mud tide in half with a single blow.”

Some of the pirates who escaped were stunned and shocked when they saw the two Four Emperors make a move.

Such a mudslide wave is a devastating danger for Yan, and even in the face of such a disaster, they cannot rise up the mentality of resistance at all.

As long as the psychology of escape, I can’t wait to fly and escape.

However, the Four Emperors were flattened with one blow.

The gap between the two suddenly made them speechless in shock.

The strength of the four emperors is terrifying.


“Whitebeard and Shanks?”

At this time, Ye Chen, who had just finished casting the Shenluo Heavenly Sign, suddenly felt that there were two powerful auras entering the Heavenly Wolf Island, one of the two auras was very familiar and the other was very strange.

The familiar one is Shanks, and the unfamiliar one is the same as Shanks, only whitebeard.

It’s just that Ye Chen also felt several messy auras from the flattened Celestial Wolf Island below, one of which had the same aura as Whitebeard and the others

“Kaido?” The corner of Ye Chen’s mouth outlined a sneer.

At this time, Ye Chen said to Osiris: “Go down, Osiris.” ”

Osiris let out a low roar (CHBF) when he heard this, and flew towards the bottom of Sirius Island.

In the middle of a sound, Osiris stopped in mid-air three meters from the ground, and Ye Chen and Estes jumped off Osiris when they saw this.


As soon as the two landed, a whistling sound suddenly sounded in their ears, and suddenly a casserole-sized fist wrapped ~ around the armed color domineering towards Ye Chen’s face.


The fist was tightly held by Ye Chen when it was less than a punch away from Ye Chen’s face.

“This meeting ceremony is not good, why wait until I am ready to start fighting.” Ye Chen looked at the figure in front of him with a smile.

Between words, his right hand suddenly threw the figure out with force.


I saw a black line drawn in the air, and the figure suddenly smashed on the ground, smashing out a two-meter giant pit.

The figure stood up and looked at Ye Chen with a look of hatred: “Emperor Lin will not survive in this world after today.” ”


Ye Chen immediately laughed when he heard this, and looked at the figure in front of him with a crazy expression: “Heavenly Wolf, do you think you can survive today?” ”

“Then what about me, Emperor Lin Yechen, do you think he can live today?” Suddenly, a domineering voice sounded.

Suddenly, a tall figure slowly walked out.

“You are a few old Kaido, let me get away if you are more knowledgeable.” Ye Chen looked mocking, and his words were full of contempt for Kaido.

Having said that, in the face of Kaido, Yechen did not dare to despise it, after all, Kaido’s body he had already seen it.

It’s just that Kaido has been making small movements behind his back, which makes Ye Chen quite unhappy, and the Sky Wolf and Bull Demon were made by this guy.

Now that the two have met, how can I say some trash talk to disgust this guy.

“Wow, hahaha, I didn’t expect Kaido that you are also here.”

A voice sounded, and suddenly Whitebeard slowly walked out with Marko and the others.

“Kaido, you’re there too, I thought it was just me and Whitebeard,” the bold voice sounded with Whitebeard’s laughter.

As soon as the words fell, the redhead walked out with a group of centaurs

“You are all here, how can I not come to this level of battle, and Shanks, you don’t go back to your sea area and run here, be careful that your four thrones are not guaranteed.” Kaido knew about the existence of these two guys for a long time, but he didn’t expect these two guys to rush over so quickly.

“Whitebeard, Kaido, redhead, the four emperors are almost an aunt.” Ye Chen glanced at it and secretly said in his heart.

Three of the four emperors of the New World gathered here, and if the world government knew it, it was estimated that they would be scared and could not sleep at night.

PS: The big war is about to begin, here ask for a wave of monthly passes, ask for a wave of tips, ask for a wave of flowers _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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